Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Music, Books, Miles and Looks of June

Whoa - the year is half over!!



Springsteen by Eric Church - A former co-worker (Hi Pat!) suggested that I check out this song as he thought I'd like it - and he was spot on.  I love this song!  I'm not usually a big country person, but as we shift into the season of summer, I tend to listen to more country.  I think this song is great because so many of my memories are linked to music, so I agree with Eric Church that "sometimes a melody sounds like a memory."


100 by Brandi Carlile - I was thrilled that Brandi Carlile released another album last month.  This album has a bit more of a country/bluegrass feel to it, but I love it.  This is one of my favorite songs.  Brandi is so so talented - I really hope I can see her sometime this year!  Seriously, if you get a chance to see her - take advantage of it.  Her and the twins in her band are AMAZING.  Especially in a small venue when they can perform a capella. 


This was my first study free month!  Woo hoo!  I studied about 4 hours on June 1st, but that was the extent as I took my exam on June 2nd.  Words can not express how happy I am to not have any study hours to add up this month!  With the increase in free time, I read 6 books!!!

The Voluntourist by Ken Budd - You can read my review here.

One Summer by David Baldacchi - This is the first book I have read by this author. It's a fast, mindless read, so makes for a good vacation or beach read. It's a bit predictable, and a little bit unrealistic, but that seems to be the trend for books in this genre.

Saving Ruth by Zoe Fishman - You can read my reviewe here.

The Vow by Kim Carpenter - I wanted to read this before seeing the movies as I prefer to read the book first.  It's a very fast read and can be read in one sitting most likely.  I am sure you've all seen the trailer for the movie, so understand the premise of the book.  It does have a strong Christian message, which makes sense given what this couple went through, but if those sort of books make you uncomfortable/aren't enjoyable, this is not the book for you.

The Bungalow by Sarah Jio - I was excited to read this as I read and loved her first book, Violets of March.  This book did not disappoint.  It's set on the island of Bora Bora during WWII where the main character is serving as a nurse.  If you are looking for a good, fast read, check this out.  She has another book coming out this fall and I've already requested it from my library!

The House I Loved by Tatiana de Rosnay - This was an extremely disappointing book.  Despite the fac that it was set in Paris, I did NOT like it at all and actually gave it 1 star on goodreads.  I can't believe this was written by the same author that wrote the captivating book, Sarah's Key.  The book is set in the 1860s during a time when Baron Haussman and Napoleon III were making huge changes to Paris to make it more accomodating to its growing population.  So, for example, they were widening the street, which required some houses to be torn down.  This book is about a widow whose house is being torn down.  I understand one's attachment to their home, but feel she took it to the extreme.  And besides that, she came off as an incredibly selfish, self-absorbed person.


Another strong month for me!  Marathon training kicked off, but my run club was on a 2 week hiatus as they take a break between the spring and summer sessions, but I still got a decent number of miles in.  I ran 96.75 - I was so close to 100!!  Had I known that, I would have fit another run in.  Oh well, I know I will break 100 next month now that I am training hard!


This is by far my favorite outfit of the month.  I finally joined the 'bright colored pants' trend, and got some magenta pants!  I got them on sale at Ann Taylor. I have worn bright pants to work in the past and got a lot of snide comments from male co-workers, but no one made fun of them this time - and one random quiet guy even told me he liked the color!



  1. Great mileage in June! I was so close to 100 too and had I realized it I would have gone for just one more run :)

  2. Great mileage and I love those pants, too! The color is rich and would be great with neutrals or color blocking.

  3. Love those pants! Super cute and summery :)

  4. I tend to listen to more country music in the summertime than any other time of the year. It just seems to fit more. And I love Eric Church. He's actually one of my fraternity brothers, but pledged 2 years after I graduated.

  5. I, too, like those pants! I keep admiring the bright colors I see these days and keep thinking I should get some, but I am not a lover of clothes shopping so haven't done it yet!
    I continue to be amazed at how many books you can read in one month! See you later today!

  6. I love the colored pants! I have been on a quest for floral or printed crops that have a flattering fit on me. I'm hoping I might score a pair in New York while I'm there.

    I'm so impressed by all your reading and running.

  7. Bright pants are totally cool. I have some green ones, but need more colours!!!! I like yours.

  8. Way to rock the reading this past month! That's awesome. I am SO BEHIND on my reading. It's really rather sad. I'm working on it, though.

    And the Springsteen song? Love it as well. i'm starting to listen to more country. My latest favorite is Pontoon by Little Big Town. I think you'd like it :)

  9. Until guys stop wearing pants with pleats in the front, they need to stop commenting on the color of yours. Wait, let me rephrase that, the guys in your office need to shut the eff up about your style, which is fab, by the way!

  10. Those pants are really cute! I like the deep pink color, it's a great color. And you look FAB in them!!

  11. The last line of this post made me giggle "one random quiet guy told me he liked the colour" teehee. I just bought a pair of purple jeans this weekend so I'm excited to get on the coloured pant bandwagon :)

  12. I read another book by the same author of Sarah's Key (I think it was a Secret Kept) and I was so disappointed with it. I hate when that happens! Love your pants

  13. I love those magenta pants!! I haven't jumped on that bandwagon yet either, as I'm almost always in a dress or skirt in the summer, so I probably won't.

    I was surprised by the country choice! That song is really good though, perfect summer tune :)

  14. Hi, I have been MIA, but Im glad this is the post I came back on! Don't you just love Brandi's new album? I really really like the new sound. We just saw her at the zoo last weekend and it was amazing :)

    Also, I love the pants! I hesitantly got some colored ones too and now I want to live in them. I think I need some in this magenta though...

  15. I like those pants! I think they look good and if the guys at work don't know fashion if it bit them in the --- , too bad. Personally, I hate shopping and am not much of a bright color person, so I am not sure I would feel comfortable trying to pull them off, but you have done it!

    Great mileage. I wouldn't try to rush the 100. You will be well over it soon enough!

  16. Love Springsteen by Eric Church! I so wish he was coming to play near us cause I would love to see him in concert but he is not :(

  17. You look so pretty in that picture- loove the magenta pants!! Good job on the six books, looks like you're using your free time well :)

  18. I am also amazed by the number of books you can read in one month! I love that Eric Church song also, and have so many songs that remind me of things. :)

  19. I love colored pants, but only have a pinkish pear of cords - no jeans or khakis. Someday...

    Oh I wanted to ask you to recommend some good beach/summertime reads for me. I tend to enjoy easy reads that aren't too heart wrenching. Lately, I've just been reading wedding planning related books and those aren't too exciting - not much of a story.

  20. Wow -- you HAVE been busy! Many of those books sound good. How I'd love to just crash and read for awhile! (You look great -- congrats on such terrific mileage!
