Monday, August 13, 2012

Marathon Madness Monday: Week 8

Mother nature gifted me with cooler temps this week - thank God!  Cooler weather makes a world of difference!

I have firmly believed for a long time that I am built for distance - not speed. I was reminded of this last week when we did a 2 mile time trial at run club.  The 2 mile time trial is supposed to determine our VO2 Max, which in turn predicts our marathon time, and tells us what pace we should run speed work, tempos, and long runs.  I did this time trial last year and was so disappointed with the results as it predicted a half marathon time that was over 10 minutes slower than my previous PR - and 20+ minutes slower than the PR I set last fall.  So after that experience I knew the time trial wasn't necessary an accurate predictor for me.

But I decided to give it another shot this year as I am in better shape this year than I was at this point last year due to my strong spring running.  I thought maybe it would go better this year.

Wrongo batman.

My time for the 2 mile time trial was a 16:47, so a pace of 8:19.  Which predicts a marathon time of 4:27 - 5 minutes slower than my previous PR.  I was NOT happy with these results.  But I had to just let it go.  Instead of using these results, I plugged my half marathon time from last year into the predictor my club uses (Oregon Pace Wizard) and it predicted a 4:02:32 finish.  Now that is more like it!  To get a prediction of a 4:02 marathon, I would have had to run a 7:32 pace for those 2 miles.  And I really do not see that happening regardless of how in shape I am.

So I will just keep training for a 4 hour marathon and hope that the pace wizard is totally wrong.  I really think a PR is very likely for me as I am such a stronger runner than I was in 2010. 

Despite that disappointing run, the week ended on a high note with an awesome 18 miler!  My average pace was 9:26 and I felt AWESOME.  Cooler temps helped!  Everyone had a great run so we snapped a photo at the finish!

Here is how the training broke out last week:

Monday:  5 miles total, 2 of which were the 2 mile time trial.

Tuesday:  Biked 8.8 miles of a hill course on the stationary bike in 30 minutes.

Wednesday:  Hill work - finally NOT in the heat. We did 7 miles, and my overall pace was 9:45.  I did 5 hill repeats and actually felt really strong on this workout for a change!

Thursday:  4 mile run at 5 am when it was a blissful 65 degrees!  Pace was 9:07 and I ran negative splits, which I feel really good about!

Friday:  Rest

Saturday: 18.25 miles @ 9:26 pace.  Awesome, awesome run! 

Sunday:  Rest

Training Tally:

Week 8:  34.25 miles
Training to date:  233.50 miles

Would you say that you are built for distance or speed?  Or both?  As I said, I'm built for distance.  My optimal race distance is 10 miles or greater!  I think 5k's are harder than a half marathon (if you are trying to get a good time for a 5k).


  1. I think I'm built for distance as well but sometimes I can surprise myself at shorter distances. I just have never focused on them because I do not enjoy running fast!

  2. I am built for...reading. (Not running). However, I'm proud of you - don't worry about your time for your marathon just yet - it'll come together the day of the race because you ARE such a strong runner!

  3. Because I do distance better as well these predictors rarely work for me. My current marathon time predicts me running something like a 11:25 two-miler. Heck!!! No!!!

  4. i can't see how that would be an accurate predictor for everyone since some people are better at long distance running, like you said! I am not built for distance OR speed haha, so there is that too :)

  5. I am definitely built for distance! While we were watching the olympic distance runners, D said "they're built like you: long legs, short little torso, and overall very short." Then a few days later I read an article about how that's the best build for distance running for several factors, including heat dissipation. I think I would have the same problem as you did with the speed predictor, and you're such a strong runner you should just take it with a grain of salt!

  6. Definitely distance, and I agree, these cooler temps have made running so much better!!

  7. Ugh, my original comment didn't go thru and I had typed a lot. Booooo. :(

    Basically, I said I'm not built for either but if I had to choose it is definitely distance, not speed. I'm a slowpoke!

  8. It was great to see a photo of your running club! I've never been a runner, but admire those who do! It was fun watching the Olympic runners and I am amazed at how fast the short distance runners go!

  9. I am built for watching races. And walking. :)

  10. I think I'm definitely built for distance. When I try to run fast all my injuries come back, but slow and long and I feel great!

  11. 5k's are the best indicator for half marathon time, and 10k's are one of the best indicators for predicting full marathon time. Basing it on a 2 miler is not going to give you the optimal results. Don't sweat that, keep knocking down those 9 minute miles, and you'll be well on track for a nice PR.

  12. Ahh you are just rocking your training this cycle. So excited for you to run your marathon, I know you're going to kill it.

    I would say I am overall built for distance. Speed is hard. Like I swear running that half in under 2 hours was harder than my marathon this spring. I was also more sore after it.

  13. I think I am the opposite of you - built for speed for sure, not distance! I am a sprinter type of runner. I used to do well in the 50-200 metre races in school, and was terrible at even the 800 m. I am not really a runner at all, but I have tried in the past!

    I also love running in cooler weather waaaaay more than heat.

  14. I think you're on target to race well and PR. Plus, if you feel stronger now than ever before, that's probably more accurate than a calculator as we know our bodies best. Sounds like your training has gone really well. PS - What does your shirt say from the 18 miler?

  15. I would say smaller distances, like 5ks and 10ks. I did do a few 10 milers and I really enjoyed them but my body did not... swollen knees are no bueno :) I have a 3.75 mile race coming up in a little over a month and I've been training but not as well as I'd like to, so I'm going to focus on that a bit more with my exercise in the coming 60+ days!

    Also, love how happy you look in the picture. Your run club looks like a ton of fun :)

  16. Hm, that's a good question. I struggle at times with half marathons and have never trained for a full, so I am not sure if my body could handle it or not. But, with only doing speed runs every two weeks during my last ten week training plan, it helped me take almost 2 minutes off my half marathon PR!

    Another strong training week for you :)

  17. Lady, you rocked that 18 miler! I have had similar frustrations with these predictors being off in the past. Right now my mileage is still so low that they might actually be a bit more accurate for me.

  18. Well, I totally admire the fact that you do it, whether it is for distance or speed. You are there, you make it a priority and you look it! I say three cheers to you!

  19. I am so glad that (a) it's not as hot there (ps it's been in the triple digits in the San Joaquin valley -- you must have sent it our way) and (b) that you had a good 18 miler! It's so nice when your long runs go well. According to Hal, you should run your long runs around 45 seconds to a minute faster than your Marathon Pace, which would mean you could easily pull out a 9 minute mile or faster for your marathon!

    I am not sure what I am built for. I am still in the experimental stage :) I think I am built for soccer. I was a midfielder, which means you run back and forth a lot (the most of all the players). But it's in short bursts.
