Friday, October 26, 2012


This post was floating around the interwebs last week, so I thought I'd close out this week by playing along!

feeling relieved that my crazy stretch of travel is over.

reading "Yes Chef" by Marcus Samuelsson.  I developed a crush on him when he was on Top Chef Masters. The book is super fascinating and I'd recommend it if you like shows like Top Chef.

longing for a relaxing vacation.

laughing at this shirt I bought in Des Moines that says:  "Des Moines:  French for The Moines."  I am sure it's not that funny to most people but I think it's hilarious!

crying at most episodes of Parenthood this season.  Cancer sucks.

looking forward to turning a work trip into a fun trip next month - I'll be spending the weekend in Austin with a best friend from college!

journaling never.  Unless blogging counts.  I do write down thoughts in the notes ap of my iPhone on plane rides, though.

celebrating a successful marathon!

eating apples, especially my favorite - honeycrisp!

running zero miles this week (I think).  My legs need a break.  I will get back into it next week (at a lower mileage level).

hoping I can catch up on sleep this weekend.  I feel really exhausted this week!

anticipating the fun weekend that is ahead of me! 

planning a trip to California at the end of November for work, which I will parlay into a fun trip!

drinking pumpkin spice lattes like they are going out of style.  And loving every sip!

missing friends and family.

listening to artists whose albums I own, but sort of forgot about - like James Blunt.

making beef stew and butternut squash risotto this weekend.  It's lovely to not be traveling!

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!  Mine will be pretty low key.  I have a going away happy hour for a co-worker tonight and a Halloween party tomorrow night.  I have not been to a Halloween party in 10 years - not kidding...  It's my first post-collegiate Halloween party.  I am really looking forward to it as I never go to parties anymore!


  1. That's so funny because every year I juggle multiple Halloween parties. I think it comes from being friends with teachers who love the dress up thing! This year I somehow am avoiding ALL halloween parties and could not be more psyched about it haha. What are you dressing up as?

  2. I can't remember the last time I went to a Halloween party - have fun at yours! :)

  3. Austin!? I'm so jealous! And have fun at your Halloween party. I have zero Halloween plans :)

  4. Does this mean you're dressing up in costume for the Halloween party? If so, I expect photos, ahem! Also, that shirt is hilarious ... for the shirt itself and also I'd never expect to see something like that for sale in Iowa!

  5. You have a busy traveling schedule again, but sounds like some fun mixed in so that will make it more enjoyable! Your weekend sounds like fun and the stew & risotto sounds so delicious! Can't wait to see you next weekend!

  6. Bwahaha! I love that shirt!!!!!!

    What are you dressing up as??? Hope you have fun and I want a picture!

    I hear you in missing family! And wondering when I will ever see them again.

  7. Yes, I, too, want to know what you're dressing up as! I can't remember the last time I went to a Halloween party which I'm perfectly okay with since I'm not a huge fan of the holiday anyway.

    Have a great (relaxing! travel-free!) weekend.

  8. It would be a fun blog to perhaps share some of the thoughts that are notes in your iPhone, assuming you want to share!

    The last time I went to a Halloween party was probably... four years ago? With my friend Tricia (I think you met her at the wedding). That's where I got my go-go dress and I've kept it ever since as it was a small fortune. I even have the pink boots + wig to go with it. We had so much fun that year! Hope you enjoy the party this weekend!

    (And yes, the shirt you bought made me laugh!)

  9. I'm hoping I can find a decent halloween party this year, but we'll likely just take the kids out and that will be it. Have a great weekend!

  10. Parenthood gets me every time!!! I cry. Cancer does suck. :(

  11. Yes, yes, yes, so happy you're coming to California!! ;) I also hope you get some rest this weekend! You deserve it!

    I have yet to have my first pumpkin spice latte of the season ;)

  12. Oh you're going to a Halloween party, how lovely ;)

    Did I ever tell you that Marcu Samuelsson once said hi to me on the subway... swoon!!

  13. have fun this weekend! we are hoping to get in a pumpkin patch visit,go to lunch at our favorite bar in my husband's hometown, hosting a 30th bday party tomorrow night and dying/recuperating on Sunday!

  14. This week's episode of Parenthood had me in a heaping mess of tears. SUCH a tough season.

  15. I like this meme. I think I need to do this one on my blog one of these days ...

  16. Also, I too am longing for a relaxing vacation.

  17. I wanted to get some honeycrisps but they are still almost 3 dollars a pound! What is going on!? I can't wait until your "parlay" to CA!!

    I am currently loving the World Series, annoyed because I drove 3 hours for a race this weekend and my they did not have my info, so I did not race, and looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow (and maybe some baking!)

  18. I think your blogging definitely counts as journalling!

    When can you take a holiday? At least you get a little weekend one in your trip!

  19. You must share your butternut squash risotto recipe! We would always buy the Trader Joes version and it's Elles favorite. Now, with no TJ's I missing it like crazy. Though, we are taking a road trip to San Antonio next weekend and packing our coolers so we can hit up the opening of their TJ's!
    So excited for your visit!

  20. I have also been drinking PSL's like they're going out of style. Hmmm! Pretty sure the two Starbucks gift cards I got for my birthday were completely used up on PSL!
