Thursday, October 4, 2012

St. Louis Bound!!

Greetings and Happy Thursday, everyone!  I am working a half day today and then head to the airport and fly to St. Louis for Nora & Knight's wedding weekend!  I am so excited and have been looking forward to this for quite awhile!  It will be a fun and full weekend, but I know it will be a blast!  I'll get to see...

The bride of course! (photo from her wedding show)
Mandy! (photo from our Wild Rumpus weekend in August of 2010)

Becky!  (photo from our Chicago trip in January)
As well as Nilsa and Alli!  I am SO excited!  I am sure I will have pictures to share when I get back, I just don't know how soon I will be able to share them as I have ANOTHER business trip next week (this time a Wed-Fri trip to Philadelphia).  I am hoping to get time to do a post when I get back on Sunday, but I also need to fit in a 16 mile run when I get back, so we'll see.  So this space might be quiet next week - we will see what I find time for!!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. Yayyy! I can't wait to see pictures of this weekend! Hope you girls have a blast :) And who is going to be my live tweeter for this wedding? haha

  2. I am so excited for you, and REALLY excited for Nora and all this weekend will bring for her. Take lots of pictures and keep us updated on Twitter, pretty please! :)

  3. Have so much fun! Give Nora a hug for me!!

  4. Bon voyage and enjoy the festivities! Looking forward to pictures & a re-cap!

  5. Hope you have a fabulous weekend and congratulations to Nora! :)

  6. Have a great time this weekend!! I know you girls will! XO

  7. Ah, what a fun blogger weekend! Have a great time at Nora's wedding!!

  8. have a great trip! that should be a fun one.

  9. Have fun!!! I look forward to hearing about your weekend :-)

  10. OK, that's that. I'm bringing my good camera (I was on the fence) and promise to post photos Mon or Tues next week. IF you can't post before then, just send your friends to my blog. =)

    More importantly? ONE MORE SLEEP until we get to hang out again. Hooray!

  11. Awwww THIS WILL BE SO FUN!! Have a great time with all the bloggers, and the bride of course! YAY for fun travels :)

  12. I hope you have a fabulous weekend! And I can't wait to hear all about Nora's wedding!

  13. Have a blast! I look forward to the pictures whenever you have time to post them.

  14. Ah, look at those beautiful photos with friends! LOVE <3

  15. I'm so sad that I can't make it to Nora's wedding this weekend. I hope y'all have an amazing time!

  16. Yes yes yes! It will literally be a matter of hours until I see you!

  17. I hope you had/are having a great time this weekend! What fun that you get to see some many bloggy friends!
