Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Looking Forward

While I am trying to really 'live in the moment' during this final month of the year, as I mentioned in my post yesterday, I have a lot of exciting things to look forward to these days so I figured it was time for another Looking Forward post!

Today I am looking forward to hosting my annual Gingerbread House Decorating Party!  This year both of my friends will be bringing their kids, which I am excited about!  This is one of my favorite holiday events each year.  I think this is the 6th annual decorating party, so it is quite a long-lasting tradition!

This week I am looking forward to attending my boyfriend's work holiday party!  It's a pretty formal event, so gives us an excuse to get all dressed up (it's not really our style to get dressed up for our dates typically).  I am excited to get a photo of us together - so far our only photo together is from a Halloween Party and he is dressed as the performing artist Prince so looks a little different than usual.  ;)

This month I am looking forward to an early Christmas celebration with my boyfriend, and then spending the actual holiday with my parents and 2 of my siblings and their families at my parents' lake home!  I'm looking forward to the yummy seafood feast we have on Christmas Eve and watching my nephews tear into their gifts!

This year (meaning within the next 365 days) I am looking forward to planning a trip to the Bend, Oregon area.  I am heading out there for the wedding of a very special couple and will be making this trip my vacation for 2013.  I haven't been to this part of Oregon so am excited to check out another area of the Pacific Northwest!

What are you looking forward to these days?


  1. I love how hard it is to get a picture at the beginning of a relationship. Obviously Eric and I have literally thousands now, but I remember still the ONE picture we had the first like 4-5 months of our relationship.

    I bet the gingerbread party will be even more fun with kids! I need to do a looking forward post. I love Christmastime and all but I definitely look forward to a lot this time of year... like a time when my students will not be insane :)

  2. You have lots of fabulous things to look forward to!

    This weekend I'm looking forward to going to Mount Vernon with my Dad. I bought him tickets for his birthday - they do night tours of "Mount Vernon by candlelight" near the holidays and it's supposed to be beautiful and amazing. I've always said I wanted to go but never have!

  3. Have a fun gingerbread party and an even more exciting dressy Christmas party with your "someone special"! Looking forward to pictures!

  4. To add to Kelly's remark, there is also something really special about photos from the first six (+/-) months of dating. There is an energy and a spirit to those photos that cannot be replicated later in the relationship. Go get that photo (and be sure to share it once you do!).

    Today, I'm looking forward to a holiday party with the teen parenting program. This week, I'm looking forward to Sweets' holiday party (fancy, too!) and going to see holiday lights at the zoo with Gavin. This month, I'm looking forward to a few days off from work. And this year, I'm looking forward to our (hopeful) trip to Italy!

  5. One of my favorite photos to this day is of me and Knight at the frozen lake in our old town in WI. It was taken the weekend I convinced him to put up a Christmas tree at his house (before I lived there) and we are just so exuberant. Point: I love photos from the beginning! They are so fun and special, even if few and far between.

    I have never been to Oregon; look forward to seeing your photos from the trip!

  6. I love these posts! I never remember to do them for my own blog. You have LOTS to look forward to! Yay!

    Today, I am looking forward to finishing up my Christmas cards. (Maybe looking forward is a strong word... more like looking forward to having them DONE!) This week, I am looking forward to my Christmas bonus and finishing up my shopping AND a special Christmas celebration at a theme park. This month, I am looking forward to having 6 days off work for Christmas and Christmas itself! And this year, I am looking forward to another cruise! Yay! :)

  7. AH, your gingerbread house party always sounds fun. I LOVE the idea of going to one of those fancy holiday parties, although they are completely nonexistent in Eugene. I told the manfriend recently that I'd like us to start dressing up a bit when we decide to go out for dinner/date night even if Eugene is super casual. It just makes the night feel that much more special.

    I'm looking forward to girls night tonight and all of the Christmas festivities.

  8. You have so much to look forward to! I'm so glad December is so fun filled for you considering you and Phil both have the CFA to study for coming up.

    I am looking forward to our Christmas Eve tradition with my family (and fingers are crossed that Bill can come too...) and I'm looking forward to break in general to get a lot of relaxing, reading and running in!

  9. Definitely lots to look forward to! This week I'm looking forward to our touchdown event (tomorrow night!), this month I'm looking forward to Christmas and this year I'm looking forward to a tropical vacation and my Jen's wedding next summer!

  10. I think you should add a trip to NYC in 2013 to things you're looking forward too ;)

  11. So much good stuff to look forward to, Lisa! I can't wait to see pictures of the gingerbread decorating and I hope that you'll at least share a picture of yourself all gussied up for the work holiday party!

    I'm looking forward to being done with grading finals, to going to a cookie exchange party this weekend, an to seeing my family soon!

  12. I am looking forward to a Christmas party that I'm hosting this weekend, my boyfriend's work Christmas party next weekend, and a couple trips in a few months!

  13. Oooh let me know when you come--I'd love to try to meet up with you! So many great things to be looking forward to over there :)

  14. Yay for holiday parties! This is the first year I won't have one to go to and I'm a little sad :( I loved getting a new dress to wear! Enjoy your party for me!!!

  15. I'm looking forward to some freedom today! The kids are getting dropped off at Grandma's for a week. Hooray!

  16. I am SO excited that you and Phil are together, happy, celebrating and doing all those fun things. I want to see a photo of the semi-formal dress -- I bet you looked SMASHING!

  17. You have a lot to look forward to! I hope that the holiday party went well and that you had fun in your pretty dress and got a smashing photo of the dress, the boy and yourself!
