Monday, April 22, 2013

Taking a Little Break

Greetings and Happy Monday, everyone.  I hope you had a great weekend.  Mine was pretty good.  Lots of studying (what's new) but I had a wedding to attend on Saturday afternoon which was a lot of fun.  I left Charlotte proper for the first time since I arrived here as the wedding was about 35 miles north of Charlotte on a lake.  The area was beautiful and it was nice to see water again (there is no water within the bounds of Charlotte).  I will say that driving back into Charlotte made this whole move here feel a little more real.  While moving into an apartment and settling in obviously made the move real, driving around in my own car in the surrounding area was another dose of reality that makes this feel a bit less like a really long business trip. 

I'm feeling a bit better that I did last week, but I can't say I am the picture of positivity.  The foot thing really sucks and the lack of exercise is not helping as I always have relied on endorphins to offset some of the stress of CFA studying.  I don't want this space to become a pit of negativity or a stream of 'woe is me' posts, so I think it's best if I take a step back from living out loud.  I will probably be back in early May, so it won't be a long absence. 

I hope the rest of the month of April is great for all of you, and I especially hope that it warms up for those of you in the Midwest!  I will say that hearing about the 8+" of snow that Minneapolis got last week made me miss that city just a little bit less!


  1. I'm glad the wedding went well and you saw some water! I'm the same way that I need water. The only exception is Sedona, it's beautiful enough to make up for the lack of ocean or big lake :) do you think you could do yoga or at least push ups with the foot brace? I think yoga would definitely help! I agree that exercise is essential especially during studying! I hope you have a good few weeks I'll be checking in on what's app :)

  2. (((((()))) email me if you need an ear! i dont want to miss out on lisa stories!

  3. My theory is break if you need to, post if you want to -- and don't forget to come back when you can! You know we're here for you -- blog or email -- if you need us!

  4. And we're getting another 6-9" tonight! Bet you really don't miss that! I'm glad you had a fun weekend, I know how down an injury can make you feel. Hopefully everything goes well and you heal up quickly!

  5. We ALL need blog breaks, no matter how big or small, to re-evaluate sometimes. Take some time for yourself and come back when you're feeling ready :)

    Best of luck with your studying! I'm in finals these days so my life greatly revolves around that too. Thinking of you!

  6. You are in my thoughts and prayers, many times during the day! We will be waiting for you return and hope the foot heals soon!

  7. I will definitely miss your posts, but I can relate to feeling like you need a break from blogging when you're feeling a bit down and dealing with injury and studying too! I'll be thinking of you and hope you're back here soon!

  8. Oh, Lisa. I was thinking about you on my long run on Saturday! Believe me, I know how it feels to be kind of forced to move somewhere you're not crazy about, especially when you were previously very happy about where you DID live. If you ever need someone to talk to/email with, I'm a sympathetic ear.

  9. Ahhhh, Lake Norman. I feel like a lot of my Charlotte friends actually live up that way now and commute into Charlotte for work. Even though you can't yet run, you can take some lovely drives with the windows down to soak in the sun and warmth. Maybe that can be your temporary form of exploring until you're back on your feet?!?

  10. Breaks can be good for us, especially when things are tough! I hope you take lots of time for you and I'm always around for an email or text if you need a listening ear - or just someone to chat with! :)

  11. Thinking of you lots!! I'm sure stepping back a little bit will be good - you have so much going on right now. XO

  12. I'll miss you, but I hope this time away helps you clear your head!

  13. I hope your week (month) gets better soon! I know that sometimes it does help to just take a step back from yourself and just live your life. I found that this is true in photography as well. Sometimes you need to just experience things instead of taking photos of them. Maybe this blog break will give you a chance to like your new home rather than constantly thinking of / writing down things that are troubling.

    I am here if you need me! PS, it was 82 in San Francisco yesterday. Unheard of.

  14. I think I'm taking an accidental hiatus from blogging. I haven't touched it over in 2 weeks... oops!

  15. Thinking of you during this time. You will be missed during this time, but I understand the need for a break! I am just praying for the turning point when things finally start looking up again!

    Like Kelly said, I was going to send you a sample work out that I did when my foot was broken last summer - where I used resistance bands and did boxing. It involved no foot action whatsoever -- and it still got my heart rate up, and toned my arms. Just a thought -- it's not running, but it's somewhat of a release.

    I love you, and know that I'm here for you!

  16. hahaha, yea we are certainly enjoying springtime here in NC. This week is going to be a bit colder than normal but that's ok. it's still not snowing.

    when is the cfa again? this whole studying thing.... geez. it's insane.

  17. Yes, and more snow last night! I think Hudson (my house) got about 5 or 6 inches. Take care!! See you back in May then. xoxo :-)

  18. Wishing you the best of luck studying! I'll definitely miss your posting, but completely understand. I think we all wind up needing blog breaks, and hopefully once you're posting again things will be looking up!

  19. That's where we always go. My inlaws and sister and mom all live on the south side of that lake (at exit 25/28).

    It's HUGE. And there's lots and lots of activity on it in the summer.

  20. Hi Lisa - I haven't commented on your blog in ages, but I've been following you as I really look forward to your posts!! You have certainly had your share of challenges these past few months. I hope things begin looking up! Best wishes during your hiatus!

  21. I'll miss you!

    I'm glad you had a semi-decent/decent weekend and I'm hoping you find something you can do with your foot!

