Thursday, May 23, 2013

3 Things Thursday

Happy almost Friday, everyone!  After a heavy, long-winded post yesterday (thanks for all the thoughtful, encouraging comments by the way!), I figured today was a day for a 3-bullet point post!  So here's what's on my mind!

1.  It's "Speed Week" here in Charlotte, which is a celebration in uptown Charlotte in the days leading up to the Coca Cola 600 (a NASCAR race).  From what I've heard, it's like a miniature State Fair (i.e. good people watching).  Some have asked if I will ever go to a NASCAR race.  My answer is HELL NO.  It is just not an experience that I need to have.  I still can't believe that my company's relocation department put "Charlotte = NASCAR" on the fact sheet about the city.  Was that supposed to be a selling point for this city?  #fail

2.  I haven't bought a single article of clothing since I moved to Charlotte, so I think I am due for a little shopping this weekend.  I'm thinking that another pair of cropped colored pants is in my future - perhaps in a mint green color.  We'll see what I find.

3.  I had another follow-up appointment with my doctor yesterday. I have one more week in the boot, bringing the total to 6 weeks. After that, I can transition to solely wearing tennis shoes.  When he told me this I stopped him and said, "wait, do you mean to say I have to wear tennis shoes at work with work clothes?"  The answer was yes.  No, the boot hasn't been fashionable, but at least it's obvious that I am injured.  It won't be when I wear tennis shoes 24/7.  So I will be fashion road kill for a week as I rock the work clothes + tennis shoes look.  I'm going to get a lot of "the 80s called and they want that look back" comments, I think.  But whatever, I'll do what it takes to get back to running.  When I transition into tennis shoes, I can start taking walks, and then slowly transition back to a run/walk combo, and then running.  It's going to be a process, but hopefully in 3-4 weeks, I'll be back to running.  God knows I NEED the endorphins.  Badly.


  1. Lots of pharmacists wear work clothes and tennis shoes (since we stand all day) and I remember fondly my best boss wearing smart slacks, a tie, and New Balance. So rock it!
    Or try those mint green crops with some chucks - now that could be cute ;-)
    NASCAR is gross. But I bet it makes great people watching.

  2. I've been to a couple NASCAR races and I can assure you (what you always know) you're by missing much. Unless you have some really fun friends to hang out with you, save your time for something else.

    I'm so glad you'll be out of the boot! Hopefully you figure out a way to rock the tennis shoes look... Do you have a dark pair that you could wear? Either way, your foot will be healed soon and you'll be back to training!

  3. Have you seen the movie "Working Girl," from the 80s? When you mentioned the 80s wanting their tennis shoes + work clothes outfit back that's what I thought of, because every day she commutes in her outfit + tennis shoes and she totally owns it. Also, if you want to see true fashion road kill just take a look at the men in the IT world. Some of the things they wear, my goodness. You'll be beautiful in your tennis shoes, I promise!

    So glad to hear that it's only one more week in the boot!

  4. A weekend of shopping sounds like a great idea!I can't wait to do some shopping when I come and visit. I have read Charlotte has a lot of cute boutiques.
    Hope the last week of rocking the boot goes by quickly for you.

  5. Yesterday morning I was watching the news and they were in Charlotte preparing for the big event this weekend! Let me tell you, they were pumped, but I knew that would not be your "cup of tea", nor mine! I think the part I would hate the most is the noise!
    As far as the tennis shoes go, you may start a fashion trend! There are lots of colorful tennis shoes out there now - saw some in lime green and orange the other day! Have fun shopping!

  6. During the four years I lived in NC, I went to a total of ZERO car races. It is possible.

    I think you should use the tennis shoes + work attire look to actually bring back the 80s. Pull out the claw bangs, neon socks and blue eye shadow while you're at it!

  7. I had to wear running shoes to work too when I tore the tendon in my foot and while it wasn't fashionable it definitely helped me get back on the NON-injured list!! I hope it does the same for you and I also hope one more week in the boot goes FAST!

  8. Hey, tennies aren't at all bad all day--maybe your shopping expedition will also yield new tennies in fashion colors!

    And we have the Michigan speedway or whatever they call it about an hour away with NASCAR stuff and more -- and you couldn't drag me to it for any amount of money. Definitely NOT my thing!

    One more week, Lisa. You are almost there!

  9. I mean it's Charlotte, how fashionable can people really be? I'm sure you'll fit right in?

  10. I've never been to a NASCAR race and can't really ever see myself going. But I had a friend whose boyfriend was into it, and she went to a race or two and had a lot of fun. And while it's not something I necessarily want to do, I think it could be fun to go to at least one race just to see what it's all about.

  11. Question....maybe you've covered this and I'm spacing it...but is swimming an option? Don't sweat the tennis shoes....go buy a cute pair that will go with some work outfits ;)

  12. We have a big car race down here that everyone gets pumped for. And I also went to an elementary school that was right next to a race track so we would sometimes take a "field trip" to watch the races when they were there. NOT A FAN. I totally feel you on this. I just don't get NASCAR.

    The whole tennis shoes with work clothes makes me laugh. Oh, Charlotte is really trying hard to win you over, eh? Man. This too shall pass!

  13. ha. i wear tennis shoes with dress clothes a lot. but i do chase 4 year olds. heels would be stupid.

  14. Ooooh, I like the idea of mint green pants!

  15. This injury is seriously intense! I can't wait for you to be all better. You deserve to get your running mojo back!

  16. Woohoo! One step at a time. Hopefully, the transition out of that boot goes well for you!

  17. Get some of those European looking leather sneakers that have form and a bit more fashion than a white pair of running shoes! Like these:
