Monday, July 22, 2013


I haven't done a confessions post lately so thought I thought it would be a good way to share some of what's on my mind lately...

These are my confessions:

- I had a wonderful weekend in Asheville, hopefully I'll get my act together sometime this week and do a post. Suffice it to say it was a wonderful weekend and I look forward to returning there in August. 

- I have no idea what Candy Crush is and I don't care to find out as it seems to suck people into a vortex from what I've heard.

- I think that among the expenses that a relocation package covers, a series of counseling sessions should be included.

- I think the phrase "I know how you feel" is over used.  I think we should think twice before using it and make sure we really do know how the person feels.  For instance, unless you moved across the country alone (to a city you don't exactly love), you don't know how I feel. I could go on, but I'll stop there. I think the phrase is used to convey feelings of empathy, but I think it often backfires.  I personally think it's better to say something like "I'm sorry you feel this way" or "I can relate to how you feel."  This is not directed at anyone - it's just an observation I have.

- I can move across the country alone or go to Paris alone, but I hate the idea of attending a wedding alone.

- I sometimes think that if Ted Moseby's character on HIMYM met me in real life, we might just fall in love.  I know he annoys some people, but his passionate + nerdy + heart-on-his-sleeve personality is just what I'm looking for.

- I had a doctor's appointment with a dermatologist last week.  She asked me if I was a runner (she needed to know as it may impact the way my body processes a drug she was prescribing) and I started CRYING.  Mostly because I used to be able to say I was a runner, but now I can't, and I don't know when I will be able to.  And that makes me sad.  So I cried.  She was extremely nice about it and said she understood how hard it would be to not be able to run for so long, so I felt a little less bad, but sheesh.  I felt like such a head case.  In my defense, I had gotten lost (again) on the way to the doctor's office, so much so that I ended up just parking my car and trying to find the place on foot, so I was already really frustrated (and I was late, which makes me anxious).

- I still have my MN license plates and driver's license and have no intent to change them.

- I love cheesy Hallmark channel movies (especially their Christmas movies) and am bummed that channel isn't part of my cable package here in Charlotte. I think I'm doing to need my parents to DVR all the cheesy Christmas movies this winter so I can watch them when I am home for Christmas.

- I am really excited about my trip home in August, but at the same time, I'm almost stressed out over how I am going to see everyone I want to see/do everything I want to do.  I'm working 3 of the 6 days I'll be home so I won't have a ton of free time.  I know I just need to accept that I won't be able to see everyone.  I will be home for weddings in September and October, so at least I know I'll be back soon and can see more friends/family on those trips.

Is there anything you'd like to confess?


  1. Okay, so I'm going to be That Person. You know, That Person who, knowing you hate a certain phrase, chooses to bring it up anyways. Four years ago, when I moved from Illinois to Southern Florida, I drove into town and was overcome by the feeling of "I immediately regret this decision". No one could understand how in the world I could hate living there, but I detested pretty much every minute of it. However, the work experience I had enabled me to land a pretty sweet job out of the military. And back in Illinois.
    So you never really know how things are ultimately going to work out. But that being said: I feel your pain, girl. You can do it!

  2. Confession: my anxiety has been really bad lately. I think it has to do with planning a wedding (duh) but also the fact that I'm trapped in Pittsburgh and still have at least three years here. That thought alone makes me want to cry.

  3. I don't get the Hallmark channel either. I love UVerse but don't like that they don't carry the Hallmark Channel. I really missed it during the holiday season last year. Thankfully I get ABC Family and Lifetime ran a good series of holiday movies.

    I can totally see you with a Ted. I really like him, too!

    Confession: If I go too long without getting my hair cut it winds up in a ponytail almost Like today. Booked an appointment for Saturday morning thankfully!

  4. I love Ted!!! So of you find him and marry him I'll be 100% on board haha :) not that I wouldn't be with anyone you chose to be with ha.
    My confession is that although I have loved this trip I am ready to come home Wednesday. I am so over cigarette smoke, standing/walking in the heat and paying to use public bathrooms haha.

  5. I love cheesy Hallmark channel Christmas movies and I'm always so mad at myself when I cry in the same spots -- it's like they are a formula and you can almost write one and yet I get sucked in every time.

    Glad Asheville was wonderful and can't wait to hear more about it!

    And you keep those license plates! No reason to change! (I think your dermatologist sounds wonderful.)

  6. You ARE a runner. It is in your soul (as evidenced by the crying). It must be so frustrating, but don't forget running is very much part of you.

    You know I'm with you on the Christmas films!

    I also hate 'I know how you feel'ers. People quite often DO NOT.

  7. Hmmm, no real confessions for me today other than I just don't want to be at work because it is SO beautiful and hot out here!! Counting down until I have a week off in August!

  8. I think your easy tears are a sign of your fragility, and that has been caused by this unwanted move! It takes time to adjust to it and I think you have done an awesome job doing exactly that! It will be good to see you in 11 days! I wish things around here were more positive, but we will all get through this together! I don't know who Ted is but he sounds unique! Hang in there!

  9. The thing I hate most about the "I know how you feel" sentiment is when they try to explain how they know how you feel and their experience is in no way related to yours. Example: My cousin suffers - well, suffered - from depression (serious enough she was institutionalized twice). After eight years of doing really well on medication, she left family dinner about a year ago and has not been seen or heard from since. Not being able to help with the search because we live in Canada was really difficult on my immediate family. When explaining to my coworker when I was stressed one day, her response was "I know how you feel, my dog is really sick right now." o.O My missing cousin made the national news in Ireland, the Garda had a helicopter out to look for her, and you're comparing it to your &#$%ing dog being sick?!? Gah!!!!

    Confession: I think the above coworker is dumb as mud and wonder on a daily basis how she got her job. We work in a communications type area and she doesn't know how to use Word. ::eye roll::

  10. I forgot something on my list.. I'm so tone deaf it took me until this year to realize twinkle twinkle, abc and bah bah black sheep had the same tune. And I sing those daily. ;P

  11. I didn't get a Louisiana driver's license until earlier this year. Basically almost 7 years after I moved to this state. So I'd be in no rush to change them if I were you.

  12. I was wondering about your MN plates when you were talking about your run in with the lady at church the other day.

    My confession is that I am feeling overwhelmed with running/training, life, work and summer fun. I know it's such a third world problem and I also see friends of mine with 5 kids (true story) who do it all and seem to do just fine, so it feels like I am just being a wimp, but sometimes I just feel like I wish I had more time in a day!

  13. Ugh, I just complained today that someone invited me to play stupid "Candy Crush". I don't know what it is either, and I am so sick of people inviting me to play those crappy games on FB, etc..

  14. I definitely agree mental health services should be included in a relocation package! It’s such a huge change for most people and it helps to have a listening ear who can help sort through the emotions. Sigh. I hope you can move back to MN next year!

    One of my confessions… I haven’t blogged in almost a week and really have nothing to blog about! I sat at my computer for 2 hours this weekend, trying to find something to talk about but my mind is blank. It doesn’t help that the things I WANT to talk about, I don’t feel like making public yet. Hopefully soon. :)

  15. I always feel that people who say "I know how you feel" often follow that comment with something that happened to them that equals or even trumps what you're going through. I think it's really hard for people to separate themselves from their own lives in order to listen to a friend. And, while people mostly say "I know how you feel" with good intentions, they can so easily come across as not really knowing at all how you feel.

    Confession: I love my hair stylist. He knows exactly what to do with my crazy, frizzy, curly, strong-willed hair AND does so while discussing with me which 90s bands deserve a place in history.

  16. Visits home can be so bitter sweet when you move away from family. For the 1st few years, I would get kind of stressed out about it -- and then I'd get bummed because we didn't get to see everyone we wanted to. Now, I've put that notion aside -- and go there to just enjoy myself and get quality time with those that I am able to see.

    Hope you can squeeze as much as possible though!

    I'm sorry about your appointment. This is a time in your life where running would make things so much better -- you will be running again though, and you will just appreciate it so much more. Sending hugs.

    I don't understand what Candy Crush Saga is either....

    I'm confessing that I don't think San Antonio is that cool. I'm not sure if it's because it's so miserably humid that one cannot enjoy the outdoors -- or if I just don't "mend" with Texans. Either way, this isn't my place.

  17. I'm 100% certain that if I was a few years older and Ted Mosby was real, I would also fall in love with him. The fact that he goes so long as single while everyone else in that show gets married MYSTIFIES ME. He's one of my all time favorite TV characters!
