Monday, July 29, 2013

The Craziness of August

Wow, I can not believe it is almost August!  Usually I want to time to slow down, but I've been so excited for all that August holds, I am ok with the fact that July really went by fast!

I will admit, I might have over-scheduled myself for August, but I am ok with that.  Right now, scheduling things to look forward to is my coping technique for living in Charlotte.  I know I can't keep up at this pace, but will enjoy it while it lasts, I guess!  Here are some of the things I'll be doing during the month of August!

- The month starts off with a 6-day trip home.  I'll be working in the Minneapolis office for most of that week, but I will get to spend a weekend at my parents' lake home.  Cannot.  Wait.  This trip will have an element of sadness as I will be visiting an aunt that I am very close to that is nearing the end in her battle against cancer... It's really hard to face things like this, but I feel fortunate that I will get to see her one last time (I hope). I tried to write a post about this, but I just couldn't find the words.  I am greatly saddened that the world is losing this amazing, positive, beautiful woman at far too young of an age, but I know my aunt is at peace and that is a blessing.  And, this is case and point why I do not want to live far from home.  I hate being so far away when her health is declining, and I just might not get an opportunity to say my goodbye in person as one never know how fast things will go when someone is on hospice.

- While I am home, I get my CFA results.  Cue nerves.  I am going to be a total MESS that day so I am glad I'll be around my Minneapolis co-workers who know me well and understand how big of a deal this is to me (and won't judge me if I cry as I likely will).  One of my good friends will be taking my phone for the day (they email the results out but you don't know exactly when, so I give up my phone so I don't check it non-stop and drive myself crazy).  I know life will go on if I don't pass, but it's going to be a REALLY bad day if I didn't...

- I come back from Minneapolis, work in the Charlotte office for one day, and then fly to Boston for the weekend to visit Kelly and her husband, Eric.  I have known Kelly through blogging for years and I had THE BEST time with them when I hung out with them at Amber's wedding last summer so I can't wait to spend a whole weekend with them.  Plus it's my first visit to the Boston area so I am excited to check that area out!

- I come back from the Boston trip, and the next day I fly to New Mexico for a work trip as I am speaking at a conference there.

- I get back from New Mexico the day before my friend Heidi arrives from Austin for our girls weekend in Charlotte.  I will have spent 4 nights in my apartment in the 2 weeks leading up to her trip so at least I will know it's clean!  She's already told me not to worry about the fact that I won't have groceries.  Phew.

- The following weekend, I fly to NYC to visit Alli.  The trip is mostly about seeing Alli; being in one of my favorite cities is just an added bonus.

So there you have it.  I know it's a lot of travel, but I'm looking forward to it.  And the plane tickets for all of these trips were purchased over several months, so that helps with the expense part of doing all of this travel.

I do not have plans for Labor Day weekend, which I am thankful for as I think I am going to need that long weekend to recoup from the busy, but awesome, month of August!!

Do you have any fun plans for the month of August? 


  1. Your August sounds a lot like my July, I was gone the vast majority of the month but it was all a lot of fun and it made the time go by SUPER fast. I usually don't want summer to go by fast, but when time is flying because you are having fun it's not so bad :)

    I am now really starting to work on our plans for when you come, and I plan to make sure we don't do too much because I know that you are having a busy month and I just had a busy month haha. We will still see Boston though!

  2. Wow! That is an amazing month. Good for you ! I bet it will fly!

    Glad you get to go home this weekend. I am a little envious, I have to say. I am really sad we didn't get a trip home to the lakes. But it is just hard to make travel plans right now!

    I look forward to August because at the end of the month, Ryan's school chills out a little! I feel like we are putting fun on hold right now. And thats is really hard for me when there are lakes nearby, Austin 1 hr away, the gulf 2 hours away.

  3. So much awesomeness. And speaking at a conference? That's so great!

    Will keep all of my fingers and toes crossed for positive CFA results for you.

    My August is low key but after the insanity that was july, I'm ok with it. I have a three-day weekend this weekend and then I took off the Friday and Tuesday after Labor Day to get a 5-day stretch in since I'm incredibly burnt out in regards to all things!

    We are hosting some friends for dinner on Saturday, Knight has a boy trip next week so that means lots of girl time, my dad's band is playing and I have Yoga at Busch Stadium this Thursday as well (assuming the weather holds). Definitely lots to look forward to even though it's more low-key than the last 5.5 weeks :)

  4. "Right now, scheduling things to look forward to is my coping technique for living in Charlotte." Yep, this is pretty much my technique for living in Pittsburgh! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your CFA results, and I hope you have a wonderful time with your family!

  5. Oooh your blog looks different!

    August is pretty nuts for me too. This upcoming weekend is a long weekend for us and the plans are to go camping with some of Eric's family. Then Tuesday afternoon we leave for our holiday in Whistler for 3 nights, then there's my 50 K the August 10 weekend. The weekend after that has no plans as of yet but considering it's the weekend after my 50 k and the weekend before Jen's wedding I feel like something might come up! Then the weekend after that is Jen's wedding and then it's labour day and I have a big trail race in Kamloops the labour day weekend! I am excited for all the stuff I have coming up in August though and I've had such an awesome summer that I know I'm going to feel really sad when this summer comes to an end so I'm just going to try and embrace it all as much as possible!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your August sounds exhausting, but oh so worth it. You'll get to focus on your family (something you haven't really been able to do since moving to Charlotte), will have a blast in Boston and NYC (jealous!), will get to catch up with good friends and will most importantly, be good to yourself. Already have your results date penned into my calendar and will be checking in to offer support. My August is all about the dirt, camping dirt, that is. We are escaping Chicago this weekend to go camping (just the three of us) and will head up to Door County for the last couple days of August and into Labor Day weekend for our annual camping trip with friends. I'm excited to be checking out of the real world for those two weekends! (PS - playing around with your blog design settings, I see?!)

  8. You are going to have a busy but awesome month of August! Lots of exciting things to look forward to. We leave Saturday for three weeks of vacation and I can't wait!

  9. You ARE overscheduled, although it is only overscheduled if you can't handle it and I think you can!

    I know the trip home will be so welcome -- and also hard. I'll be thinking of you.

    The rest? Well, it sounds pretty darned terrific to me! You do what you need to do to get it on track and make your life happy -- and it's working for you! Smiles!

  10. Sounds like you are going to have one helluva August! Have the best time and fingers crossed on test results!!!!

  11. I am thinking all of the good thoughts for your CFA results. I can't imagine how nerve-wracked you must be!!

    You have such a jam-packed August. WOW. A lot of good, good things, though and I'm so excited for you. :) You deserve a really fun month of lots of social plans!

    My August will be pretty low-key. Some trips to the beach are planned but not really a whole lot going on!

  12. Your August sound like my June and July; my August is only half full and I had to do that on purpose, since I have a habit of over booking myself in the summer time as well. I am really looking forward to a couple of downtime weekends! However, my weeks are getting more and more full, so it's important to have the weekends to rest!

    Have fun at home! I know you have been looking forward to this for a long time and hope that your CFA wait is not too long and that you had a great time with your friends/family!

  13. Holy mother of August! Haha I just texted you about your CFA results and then saw this post! So glad you got to take the test in Minneapolis and can continue the tradition of your co-worker taking your phone!!!

    I think all your plans mean August will fly by and then it will be September and fall which is never a bad thing - wahoo!

  14. You are going to love Boston it is SUCH an awesome city!!! So excited for all the good things you have to look forward to!!!

  15. Talk about a whirlwind but probably just what the doctor ordered :) Hope you have wonderful times and travels!

  16. I don't have too much planned for the month of August other than some live music events (a music festival, a concert, and Christopher's band playing a few times).
