Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Here We Go Again

As I mentioned at the end of my last post, Heidi's visit was impeccable as I really needed a big hug and cheering up after my doctor's appointment on Friday morning.

So why was I at the doctor?  Well after being out of the boot for about 1-2 weeks, my "good" foot started to hurt.  At first I just brushed it off as pain from overcompensating for my weak foot.  I had taken 2 longish walks at this point, so stopped the long walks and decided to take it easy in the hopes my foot would start to feel better.  But it didn't, and it started to swell, and I was limping from the pain so I decided to go back to the podiatrist just to make sure it wasn't anything else.  I was fully expecting him to tell me it was a case of tendinitis or something.

Well, I was wrong.  He did a series of x-rays and said it looks as though I have a hairline fracture in the 3rd metatarsal of my foot.  He said he is very befuddled by what is going on and asked if I eat a healthy diet.  I eat healthy and take supplements so I don't think I am calcium deficient. He said it could have been brought on my overcompensating for my weaker foot, but that a fracture of any sort is an extreme reaction to overcompensating and very odd for someone my age.

To say I am frustrated and upset is an understatement.  I cried on the drive home so it was nice to walk into my apartment and get a big hug from Heidi.

I can't believe I am back in the boot again.  I just don't understand what I have done to deserve the God awful year I have had.  Yes, I know I passed the CFA and for that, I am happy and thankful, but this year STILL ROYALLY SUCKS.  I honestly want to go to bed and wake up on January 1, 2014.

I was not aware of the fact that podiatrists are typically not MDs, but my cousin who is a doctor pointed this out to me, so tomorrow I am going to see a doctor and try to get a bone density scan and some other tests done.  It just seems like somethings is not quite right.  I haven't felt 'right' for 4 months but I chocked it up to stress from the move, but I think it's time to make sure it's nothing more than stress.

The last thing I will say is that I do not want to hear another person tell me how unhealthy running is or how I brought this on myself by running so much.  I know many many people who have ran countless marathons, run higher mileage weeks than I do, and they have not had any injuries.  I just want to tell people that if they think running is unhealthy, they should just keep those thoughts to themselves as getting comments like that DO NOT HELP. /end rant

So we will see what this next round of doctors visits brings.  I hope it includes some answers and a clear path to health.  After 4 months away from running, I am beginning to think that I will never run again.  At this point, I would settle for being able to walk pain free.


  1. Ugh, dude I can't even believe this. Keep me posted about how the scan goes and here's hoping you are on the road to recovery VERY soon! xoxo

  2. That stinks! I would be so frustrated as well, you just can't seem to catch a break with this injury! Hopefully it will turn around soon!

  3. That really is miserable, I'm so sorry! Are you doing labwork/bone density tests?

  4. I'm with Becky, I still feel like you told me this in one of my crazy dreams and it's not actually real. I am glad you are going to the doctor's get it checked out further because even not as a doctor, I feel like it's really strange!

    In other comments, are people ACTUALLY SAYING THAT YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF? Seriously... what is wrong with people? First of all that is absurd, you haven't run in... I don't even know how long. That might be true if you continued to run and run during all of this or something ridiculous but even then, who ACTUALLY SAYS THAT. As you said, people have run further with no injuries. I'm a type who gets injuries easily from running so I know doing more than just very moderate running is not okay for my body, but your body has tolerated well for years and then suddenly had trouble, when your mileage wasn't even up- so I really don't think this is running related at all! End rant.
    But I will fight people for you. Just let me know who makes these absurd comments and I am there.

  5. Having these fractures in your leg doesn't seem right - you seem like a very healthy person. I really hope you can get this figured out and hopefully the DR will help. I hate when ppl say running causes injuries and bad stuff. It doesn't. Sometimes there are underlying things that come out due to running - it happens with all types of things (Ex, Giuliana rancic found breast cancer while on fertility). I am just saying that there is usually a reason for all this happening! Don't give up! I hope you can find the answers you need!

  6. Okay, who ever is telling you this is brought on by running are idiots. Because running and exercise actually builds bone density. People who just happen to get a lot of fractures are typically inactive (which you are not)

    That's why I'm really glad you're going in to figure out what's going on. It could be a simple fix - but you just want to know what's causing this so you can return to your normal lifestyle.

    You are allowed to dislike 2013. I fully support you in this! I wish we lived closer so I could be there for you during this awful year. I love you and you are frequently in my (and Ryan's) thoughts these days!

  7. I agree with what the others are saying, and "running" did not cause this problems! I know you have other symptoms along with your stress fractures, so am very worried and pray you will get to the bottom of it! I wish I could be there for you, as it hurts my heart that you are so alone and far from home! I'm storming Heaven for you!

  8. Oh wow this really sucks! You poor thing! I hope you get answers very soon and are back to running before long!

  9. First of all, who says to someone who loves to run and is suffering from injury, "you brought this on yourself"!?!?

    Second of all, as you said, some people run marathons all the time with no injury. It's like in baseball you can have an incredibly talented guy who plays until he's 40 (that's like 80 in baseball) with little problem and then a talented rookie can come in and have 3 good season before he needs to retire because he was so plagued with injury. Yes, of course there are risks involved with running, but there are also lots of benefits!

    Rant over!

  10. Ick. This is awful. I'm so sorry.

    Had no idea that podiatrists aren't MDs. never would have known that. I hope that the MD can give you some clarity and closure and a path to healing so there are no more fractures in your future! Will be thinking of you; keep me posted (if you don't mind). xo

    (p.s. ditto what Kelly said re: those comments people are making!)

  11. People suck.

    I'm glad you're going for a second opinion and tests; get a whole blood work done as well, make sure they test everything.

    I just do not understand this. I am so very sorry. :(

  12. Oh, Lisa -- what a mess. I can't believe it. I'm glad you are going to a more thoroughly trained doctor -- I didn't quite realize that either, but yes -- perhaps an orthopedist or someone skilled in that area can offer a different opinion and something (other than the boot) that can make a difference.

    You run too much? I don't think so. I know you can get injuries in a lot of sports and I know squat about running, but my sense was always if you wore the right shoes, listened to your body and took a time out if needed and didn't run on craggy roads where you could hurt yourself by falling into a pothole, then you could run forever. Do not listen to these people. They don't know. I don't know a lot about running -- but that's ridiculous! I can't even remember the last time you ran...

    No. Seek another opinion. Hate 2013. Anticipate 2014. And hang in there. You have friends and you have support. Lots of it.

  13. I'm glad you are getting another opinion. Keep me posted!

  14. A friend's husband (who was an MD) used to tell me how bad running is for me and how I'd have serious joint issues by the time I'm old. And, I get it - I mean, if he's right (to be determined), I get it. On the other hand, pretty much everything we do, healthy or not, has associated risks. It's one thing to tell someone they brought *it* on themselves if they do drugs, drink to alcoholic levels, drive fast cars, etc. ... it's entirely something else if that is the response when we aim to be healthy and our bodies resist. I mean, if I walked across the street in a crosswalk with the walk signal in my favor after having looked both ways to make sure the intersection was clear ... and was still hit by a speeding car ... technically, sure I brought it on myself, because I chose to step out into the street at that exact moment ... but no one in their freaking right mind would ever say that to me!

  15. Prayers that everything will check out okay and that you will soon be pain free. I know these last few months have been frustrating for you and hopefully this is the last of having foot issues.

  16. Bah! What terrible news! Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you!

  17. Yes I definitely think visiting the doctor is your best bet. I mean hopefully all this weird stuff IS stress and nothing more serious, but better safe than sorry.

    This sucks so bad. I'm so upset for you. Big hugs and love to you my friend. I'm really hoping with your favourite season coming up (which maybe will equal some better weather for you) and your Paris trip that *maybe* the last quarter of 2013 will be better than the first 3/4. Fingers crossed!

  18. I'm still in so much disbelief that now your OTHER foot is acting up. Like, what in the actual HELL?! I am so FRUSTRATED for you! I don't what is UP with 2013 for you, but I don't blame you one bit for wanting the year to be over.

    I am glad you're taking further actions to see what is really going on. There has to be an answer for this! (And no, the whole running thing makes me want to slap someone. People don't realize how idiotic they sound when they say stuff like that. UGH.)

  19. Big Hugs!!!! Please keep me posted on what the doctor says!!!

  20. Gosh, this is just crummy. I do not understand and I am really curious what the doctor will say...
    I agree with your mentality about running. SO many people run and are completely healthy. In fact, I think they are probably healthier than most people! I cannot believe someone said to you that you brought it upon yourself. That's absurd and extremely insensitive.

  21. This sucks. I am sorry to hear it. Hopefully a trip to the doctor will give you some answers. I agree with Redhead, maybe you need to do all the tests, blood work, bone, everything! Maybe you are just low on some vitamin that you don't even realize, and it's an easier fix than you think.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well and you are back to normal in no time! I know you have a lot to look forward to this year and hope that you can put the bad half of the year behind you soon!

  22. Ugh, I'm so sorry Lisa. I definitely think you're doing the right thing to get a second opinion and bone density tests. Something just doesn't seem to be adding up. Especially because you're such a strong runner.

  23. Oh my gosh girl, I am so sorry to hear this news :-( That is awful! I'm sending virtual hugs to you and praying you have a speedy recovery.
