Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Things Friday

Wow.  It's Friday.  Where did this week go?  I know I feel that way about most weeks, but this week was an especially busy one with evening commitments, packed days at work, and what felt like a never-ending to-do list.

So I'll close out the week with a 5 Things Friday post.

1.  French!  I registered for French classes this week and I am SO excited.  I promised myself that I would try to learn French once the CFA is behind me, so researched some local options and found a class that worked with my work schedule.  They cap the class at 8 people so I think it's going to be a great environment for me to learn.  I'll have class one night a week for 8 weeks, and the class wraps up 2 weeks before I leave for Paris!  If I like this class, I will continue onto level 2.  I'm just so excited to learn the language of my most favorite country!

2.  Sleep.  So I am not getting any better at sleeping in Charlotte.  Actually this has probably been about one of the worst weeks of sleep, maybe ever as I've been waking up around 3:30-4:30 am.  I am on steroids to help manage my RA right now so that is not helping.  My doctor put me on a prescription sleep aid which helps me fall asleep but doesn't help me sleep for as many hours as I would like/need. I'm not sure when this is going to improve or what I can/should do differently so I am super duper frustrated.

3.  Home.  I am happy to say that I am heading home to Minneapolis today after work.  I.  Can't.  Wait.  It is going to be a whirlwind trip as I'll be there about 48 hours, but I will be back in 2 weeks for my cousin's wedding so at least I know I have another trip home soon.  My travel schedule is a little nutty right now, but it works for me.  One of my best friends had her baby yesterday so I get to meet him on this trip!  I am so excited for some baby snuggles!!!!

4.  RA.  So I won't bore you all with the ins and outs of managing my RA, but I am happy to say that I was able to get in with a different rheumatologist who was recommended to me by 2 different people.  She's so great - same treatment plan as my last doctor, but she was compassionate and kind and I thought we might hug it out when the appointment ended, honestly.  I have been on my RA med for 2 weeks and it's going ok so far.  It won't be effective for another 4-6 weeks, so I still have pain and swelling but I am trying to be patient.  I look forward to a day when I walk pain free.  The doctor said that WILL happen by my Paris trip which is in ~10 weeks.  I sure hope so because I want to walk and walk and walk on that trip.

5. Running.?  As of Tuesday, it has been 5 months since I last ran.  After 5 months away from something that I felt used to define me, it feels like I'm never going to run again.  My doctor has assured me I will eventually heal and be able to run again but said I need to realize that long distance running is unlikely.  :(  That said, I have been able to return to swimming (with a kick board, my arm can't handle swim strokes yet due to joint pain) and biking, which I am really enjoying after months of very little exercise!

What are 5 things that are on your mind?


  1. Have you ever heard of Life According to Kenz? She's young, much younger than bloggers I normally read, but she writes about her journey and struggles with Junvenile RA. And she's a runner. :)

    I'm glad you're going home. Home is a good place to be sometimes.

  2. Yay have a wonderful time with your family this weekend! You deserve it! And I'm so jealous of your French classes. Maybe I should do something similar before our honeymoon to Morocco in December...

  3. Echoing what Jess said about Life According to Kenz; I should have thought to recommend her sooner.

    So excited that you'll be able to walk pain free by your Paris trip. And French lessons! And a trip home! Have a great weekend!!!

  4. I'm so excited that you are finally going to take French classes as I know you have dreamed of that for quite some time! I wish there was a magic potion you could take to sleep better but I'm sure once you are off the steroids it will help! Life is slowly getting back to normal with your exercise regime so am happy to hear that! If you can run short distances or even 5 or 10Ks that will be good! I'm sure it feels so much better to be doing some exercising again! Have a great trip to MN and give baby Wyatt a kiss from me!

  5. I am beginning to realize something about this year in Charlotte. As much as you want to put it behind you and can't wait until the day you can call it ancient history, it is also one of the most defining years of your life. It's the year you passed all levels of the CFA. It's the year you stopped long distance running. It's the year you were diagnosed with RA. And, it may just be a year in which you redefine your career, depending on which direction you head next. I know you are eager for the next stage, when your RA is under control and you are living someplace that feels more like home, but there's no doubt you will look back on this year as a really important time in your life.

    Have a brilliant trip to Minneapolis this weekend! BTW, we were watching The Great Food Truck Race the other night and they were in Minneapolis. The show's host referred to it as the Mini (Minni?) Apple; was that just TV marketing or do people really refer to it as the Minniapple?

  6. Have a GREAT trip home and soak up as much time with friends and family as you can!

    My five things for this Friday would be work work work work work. This week was just so crazy busy and jam packed with work stuff that I'm definitely ready for a cozy weekend at home! Our house is still a disaster after camping last weekend as we just threw everything inside and didn't put anything away so it'll be good to get stuff put away and clear away some clutter!

  7. Yay French class! I'm so excited ours starts Tuesday. We definitely need to practice chat! Enjoy your weekend home in the cities, the weather is going to be perfect!

  8. Yay, I didn't know you switched your doctor! SO glad you like the new one better. This is a big transition for you and you really need a "hug it out" type with you! :)

    Also, reading the last one I think perhaps I might be able to convert you over to triathlons? YAYY. I am going to try haha. I promise you will love them.

    Have fun at home and send me some pics of you and Wyatt!

  9. So glad you are swimming AND heading to MPLS and so much more. Have a glorious time!

  10. I am SO glad you get to be in Minneapolis this weekend. It will be so good for you. Soak it all in!

    Not being able to sleep is the WORST. I was having real bad anxiety in August where I could not shut off my mind to get to sleep (even taking melatonin didn't help!) and it just makes sleeping something I dreaded. And I love sleeping! I hope once the RA meds starting kicking it, it will smooth everything out? Man, I hope so for your sake! It's no fun to not be able to sleep.

  11. Hope you're enjoying MN! Those French classes sound fun! Of course it's a bonus knowing you actually get to put those lessons to use real soon

  12. Let me know if you ever want to work on your French! I was a French minor in college and taught/tutored first & second year French for two years :)

  13. I hope your trip home was fabulous and I'm so glad you've at least been able to fit in a little exercise with swimming.

    So excited for your French classes - and SO SO SO happy your have a better doctor now!

  14. I am so glad that biking is back in the picture for you! Do you have a bike in Charlotte? Maybe you will become one of those crazy spandex wearing cyclists! Also, in Paris, after you walk and walk and walk, maybe you can grab a baguette, a bike and a beret (I know, cheesy) and start a new tradition! Who knows!

    I hope you had a great weekend at home and you come back to Charlotte nice a tired so you can have a good night's sleep! Fingers crossed!

  15. I love the 5 things types of posts :-)

    Five things on my mind ...

    (1) We're going to Vancouver in a couple weeks and I'm excited! (2) I need to do some fall cleaning/purging around the house. (3) I hope to defend my masters thesis within the next month - it's such a slow process (4) I'm excited for the finale of Breaking Bad (5) I'm thirsty, lol

  16. I'll be praying for your health while you deal with the emotional and physical pain of RA.
    Also- I've heard from other co-workers that Charlotte is actually a pretty cool I hope that you'll be able to find things to appreciate it about it even if it's not 'home.' :)
