Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Looking Forward

Happy Wednesday, everyone.  It's been awhile since I did a looking forward post, so I figured I was about due.  Here are some things I'm looking forward to!

- Today I am looking forward to heading to Omaha, NE for a business trip.  I haven't traveled for a couple of weeks so feel ready to hit the road again.  This is a quick trip as I am just speaking at a conference tomorrow and then flying back.  I will not even be in Omaha for 24 hours.  Work travel is exhausting, but I need a little break from my office environment.

- This week I am looking forward to flying to Pittsburgh to visit Mandy!  I will also get to see Erin and Marisa while I am there, which are 2 bloggers I have yet to meet.  Erin and I share a love for Paris, and Marisa and I share a love for Chicago, so we have lots to talk about!  Most of the weekend will be spent in Mandy's home town.  I have heard so much about the Ohio Valley where Mandy lives, I can't wait to see it with my own eyes.  The weekend will be fairly low key as I am trying to listen to my body and not overdo it.  After spending two weekends in Charlotte, I have been feeling a little bit lonely so I am really glad that I get to spend a weekend with Mandy, who is basically one of my most favorite people.

- This month I am looking forward to going home for a good friend's wedding.  I got to watch this relationship develop from the first date to the engagement to the wedding preparations.  They are such a wonderful match; I'm so glad I am able to go back for their wedding!  While I am home for their wedding, I will also be fitting in as much time with family and friends as I can.  One of my best local friends is hosting me for the weekend so I'll get some quality time with her kids, which I'm excited about.  I'm trying to not stress about how I will fit in everything I want to do/everyone I want to see.  I know that I will inevitably disappoint someone who was hoping to see me, but there's one me and only 48 hours.  I'll fit in what I can.

- This fall I am looking forward to my girls trip to Myrtle Beach with my mom, 2 sisters, and 2 sisters-in-law.  The boys in our family have taken many, many hunting/fishing trips, so us girls are so overdue for some time away together.  We have a ocean-front condo so I am looking forward to lots of walks on the beach.  It will be my first trip to the beach since moving to Charlotte actually!

- This year I am looking forward to our 5th annual Julia Child Night!  I just bought my plane ticket home for this last week and just can't wait for our foodie weekend.  It's hard to believe we've been going strong for 5 years.  This will serve as my "French Thanksgiving" as I won't be home for Thanksgiving since I'll be in Paris (eeks!  Another thing I am excited about)!

I actually had a hard time choosing which things to feature in this post as I have A LOT to look forward to over the next 4 months.  I think the end of the year is going to come fast - which I am very happy about.

What are you looking forward to?


  1. That's great that you have so much to look forward to! :) I actually have quite a bit too but right now the days feel like they are going SOOO slowly. Hopefully it's just getting back in the work routine!

    Give Mandy and Erin a BIG hug for me this weekend! I wish I could just move all of our houses CLOSE. Is that possible? Or teleportation, we've discussed that before. Moving houses might be easier? lol.

  2. Read that last sentence....I have a lot to look forward to...amen to that my friend!

    I'm excited for all your trips, and give Mandy a HUGE hug for me! Also, since I know you're sometimes an early bird - if you're up for the sunrise (even if only for a minute), step outside and look, because the sun rising over those mountains, peeping light into that valley, is like nothing I've ever seen!

  3. A lot to look forward to is always a very good thing! I would be exhausted by all that traveling!

  4. That's a lot of traveling, but a lot of fun to look forward to. Especially the girl's night - great idea for family togetherness.

  5. You have so much good stuff going on in the near future! I'm excited for you. =) Julia Child night is on its 5th year already? Is it possible that we have been reading each other's blogs that long? I think maybe so.

    Enjoy speaking at the conference & the break from the office life :)

  6. Mandy and Marisa this weekend?! Give them both hugs from me! Today, I'm looking forward to trying a new restaurant. This week, I'm looking forward to a slightly longer run. This month, I'm looking forward to our last camping trip of the season. And, this year, I'm looking forward to our trip to Italy! Agreed, there are a lot of things to look forward to and this fall is going to fly by!

  7. I can hear the smiles in your voice, Lisa! It all sounds wonderful! Can't wait to hear more about Julia Child night! Yum! And your trips sound just the thing to get you with people who care about you big lots!

    Enjoy out of town -- it's always a good thing!

  8. Looking forward to my 1.5 day to Miami this weekend. #ptoproblems

  9. I am SO looking forward to Chicago to hold our new little niece and hang out with you and Amber! Just crossing my fingers the weather is decent for us!

  10. Oh, I can't even tell you how much the tone of this post made me happy. I am SO thrilled you have so much to look forward to this fall. You deserve it! The traveling is probably exhausting but the alternative is being lonely in Charlotte so I guess you'll take it! :) SO EXCITED ABOUT PARIS!

    I am looking forward to participating in some fun little races with Dutch (yes, dog races!), a weekend cruise with my book club girls, and possibly a long weekend spent in Orlando for my birthday! I love this time of year - so much to look forward to!

  11. I think you're girl's trip sounds like so much fun! I'd love to do something similar someday. I hope you guys all have a blast.

  12. This is awesome! You have so many fun things to look forward to. I'm surprised Paris didn't get it's own paragraph ;)

    I am looking getting this weekend over with, as I hate working weekends passionately.

    I am looking forward to Ryan's wing pinning ceremony 10/4. Our drive back to Tucson 10/5. My 1st day back at work 10/7. The party we are having on 10/12. And our girls trip to SC on 10/16!!!!!

    After that, I have no idea what life will be like as soon thereafter Ryan will be heading to LA! But I always find things to look forward to....

  13. I'm looking forward to going to Vancouver in October!!

  14. Yaaa you have such a great weekend ahead of you! I can't wait to hear all about it. And you do have lots of fun things coming up this year!

    We have a fun camping weekend ahead of us and then I want to keep things low key for the next three weekends before Chicago. I just found out that I'm going to Vancouver for work for 2 days in November (possibly around Eric's birthday) so I'm hoping he can come with me and we can extend our trip for the weekend and have another mini getaway then.

    Other than that I'm actually just really looking forward to some weekends at HOME this fall that include the farmers market, some running, some yoga, some cooking, some reading and just being a homebody for a bit :)

  15. You have a lot of great stuff coming up on the horizon, and that makes me really happy for you my friend! That girls' trip sounds like it's going to be amazing!

    I am looking forward to going to a beer festival this weekend and to hopefully doing some hiking or biking as well.

  16. I am looking forward to the FIRST official day with all of my students! Eeek. Here goes nothing!

  17. You have so much to look forward to! I love when that happens! Right now, I'm looking forward to my vacation in October!

  18. I love it how once you write it down you realize how much there really is to look forward to! You have a ton of great stuff going on in the next week/month/year! I am glad that you are remembering that instead of worried about anything else!

    I am looking forward to finishing my training for the 50 miler. I love running but lately it's been a little forced and with the OT at work, it's been hard to fit it all in. To top in off, I feel like I am catching a cold this week, which is supposed to be my highest mileage week, so it will be nice to just run without having a goal in mind for a while!
