Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 Goals

I don't do resolutions.  Instead I like to use the word goals.  Before diving into my 2014 goals, I thought it'd be good review my 2013 goals!  So here goes:

1.  Pass Level III of the CFA.  DONE!  Woo hoo.  Best moment of 2013 was certainly finding out I passed that test.  I worked so freaking hard towards that goal.  I don't think words exist to sum up the relief that the CFA is behind me.

2.  Pay off my undergrad student loans.  DONE!  I paid them off with my bonus in March, which felt great.

3.  Run a sub-4 hour marathon.  Not done. Totally out of my control.  My body failed me this year.

4.  Read 52 books.  DONE!  With ease!  I read 79.

Accomplishing 3 out of 4 goals is pretty good!

Now for my 2014 goals!

1.  Get out of Charlotte.  This is obviously my big goal for the year; if I achieve no other goals besides this, I will consider 2014 a smashing success.  April 8th is my relocation contract release date, which means that I can resign at that time with no financial repercussions.  I will be attacking this goal like it's my job, but I will not be sharing much about my progress towards this goal because while I am sure my bosses in Charlotte won't be surprised when I resign, I don't want them privy to the timeline, etc.  I doubt they would find my blog, but you never know.

2.  Pay down 2/3 of the balance of my grad school student loans.  I am attacking my student loan balance aggressively right now.  I put more towards them every month than I put towards rent.  But I want to attack them even more aggressively in 2014 because my goal is to pay them off in 2015.  This is going to be a tough goal, but I know I can do it. 

3.  Read 52 books.  I am not adjusting this goal to a higher number because 2013 was an outlier.  I think a book a week is still a good goal!

4.  Return to running.  I don't like to put things on my list that are sort of out of my control, but I am making an exception and adding this one to my list because it's really important to me to find a way to get back to running.  My RA pain is still not 100% managed so I know this is a ways off, but I hope and pray that I can get back to running, even if it's just a 5k or 10k race.  Ideally, I'd love to run a half marathon in the fall.

What goals have you set for yourself in 2014?


  1. You did AWESOME with your 2013 goals. I know you were really working hard on your loans so it's amazing that you have one set totally paid off. Such a great feeling!

    I think you are going to be able to accomplish those 2014 goals too- and I especially hope you accomplish #1!!!

  2. Way to go in 2013!!! You rocked it! I think your goals for 2014 are very do-able and like you said even if you just get out of Charlotte this year will be totally different than last! Woo!

  3. You did sooo well on your 2013 goals! 79 books holy moly! I set a very low bar for myself in 2014 at 20 haha : ) I think your 2014 goals are very achievable - I can't wait for you to get out of Charlotte!!

  4. Oh, I never even thought about setting a book goal! I don't read as much as I'd like; it usually comes in groupings where I'll read five books in the span of a few weeks and then nothing for months. That's a great goal to have ... I'm going to have to look at doing that!

  5. Those were big accomplishments in 2013 despite challenges. I hope 2014 brings more successes! Especially to your biggest goal, but I'd also be happy for you to be able to run without much or any pain :)

  6. You're smart not to talk too much about it on the blog. I just googled you and it pops right up there. If they decided to do the same it's right at hand. I doubt they have that much time on their hands, but you never know. They (or your collegues) might.

    I applaud your goals. I don't think you should say 3 of 4 because the running WAS completely out of your control -- I'd say 3 of 3 and one that had to be eliminated for this year. I have a feeling you'll make all of them in 2014!

  7. Way to go on your 2013 goals! Passing Level III of the CFA is such a huge, huge accomplishment. You did it!!

    I like that you set just 4 big goals for the year. I may try that next year. Very achievable, but still very big goals. I like it!

    My two big goals for 2014 are to lose weight and get (and stay!) out of credit card debt. If I achieve just these two goals, I'll be supremely happy.

  8. I am always in total amazement at all the reading you are able to do! I love to read but do it in snippets, so it takes me awhile to get through my books. I think I am reading 3 or 4 on my kindle at present, but which one depends on my mood. My goal for this year is to empty out our home in Wyndmere and get the house sold! It will feel so good if we don't have to do so much mowing this summer! I'm not excited about living in one of our apartments, but we can handle it for awhile! My biggest goal is to find someone I can truly trust to handle the financial end of our business! That is a difficult task in a small town, believe me!

  9. 50 books again this year. :) Always a struggle for me come December but I haven't missed a year yet. (all 2!)

  10. When it's +60 in Charlotte and -60 in Minneapolis today, Charlotte doesn't seem quite so bad huh? I'm kidding of course, it's still hot like a redneck's armpit.

    Great job knocking out some major life events in 2013! Those are huge. When you throw that much accomplishment in with a cross-country relocation and disease diagnosis, your mental capacity was tested at maximum levels. To come through it all with as much grace and style as you've shown is pretty damn amazing.

    And you're in for a rocking 2014!

  11. Woot woot. I am aiming for 52 books as well this year and trying to workout more. And to be more brave. Hoping to find a new job.

  12. I think those are awesome goals to have for this year. I am here cheering you on for your return to running. I also think accomplishing 3 out of 4 goals is awesome especially since one of them was completely out of your control!

    I am not putting any 2014 goals on paper but one that is slightly out of my control but also something I will be a big supporter in is operation find Eric a job. If he finds a good job with relative ease after he graduates the beginning of June I will consider 2014 a success. Also after our Ireland/Scotland trip I want to start saving money just to save and start building up a nest egg in our bank accounts. We have a teeny tiny nest egg right now but I want to grow that a lot in the next few years. I have trouble for saving for "nothing" though. So much easier to put a big chunk of money away each month when I know I have a prize (like a trip!) at the end of it!

  13. You have some very solid goals for the year. I like that they're broad and you don't have TOO many. Maybe I'll look at having goals like yours this year... I haven't quite decided what I want to do yet!

  14. Way to go for 2013! You are amazing. I am saying BIG PRAYERS for you to meet your goals in 2014, especially the moving one! ;)

    Paying off our student loans was something we accomplished last year - and our cars. So it's really nice to *just* have the mortgage on our plate. It makes me really want to keep our cars FOREVER - as I hate car payments. Seems like such a waste of money.

    My goals in 2014 are very personal in trying to be a better catholic, more positive person, better aunt/friend/wife, I'd love to run a sub-4 hr marathon. But to be honest, I will be pleased if I finish!

  15. I haven't thought about any goals yet for 2014 ... but I might set some.

  16. I agree with Kelly, you did awesome with your 2013 goals! You can definitely beat your goal of 52 books in 2014 only because I know you are a lot like me :) My goals for 2014 include running my second marathon, and start thinking about having a family :)

  17. You did so fabulously last year, and your first and last goals for this year. They make me want to stand up and cheer for you. I'm so thankful that this year is finally here for you :)

  18. Good for you for rocking your 2013 goals. Your 2014 goals sound awesome and achievable.

  19. You WILL be back running this year. You will. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, you will heal, you will know your limits, and you will enjoy the sun on your face and asphalt under your sneakers.

  20. Nice work on your goals!! I so hope this is your year for running and moving home!!! It will be!!

  21. You kicked butt in 2013!! 79 books! I am in awe! Your loans are crazy, and I think you are really doing a great job of being aggressive on them! I know that you have a strategic, financial mind and debt is the last thing you want and I am sure it will feel SO GREAT to have your grad school loans gone for good!

    I have to admit that I have not sat down and made a list of this years goals yet. I have things floating around in my mind, but haven't quite pinned them down yet. I found that last year (2013) that my goals experienced some changes mid year and so this year I will probably start with a couple and add to them as time goes by.

  22. You had a very successful 2013! And, I think you have some great goals in 2014! If you do get back to running, I might join you for a virtual race at whatever distance you (well, your body) choose(s).

  23. To read one book a month. Already achieved for January- The Summer I turned Pretty is a good, fast chic lit. Its a 3 part series
    To establish meaningful friendships
    and def work on saving money- rebuild the savings account as that was pretty much wiped out after we bought our house 18 months ago.

  24. I hate how much money I put towards my student loans. I still haven't paid off either my grad school loans or my undergrad loans, but that's because my grad school loans are more and have the higher interest rate, so that's where all my extra money goes. I am supposed to have my grad student loans paid off in 5 years, and I believe my undergrad loans 5 years after that, but I'd love to have it done sooner. And yes, I too pay more towards my loans than my mortgage, which is def a bit ridiculous.

  25. I really like your list. All doable, all life improving. Is student loan debt secure in the US? Here you have to be making a certain amount to begin paying it back, and payments are a set income percentage.
