Friday, January 24, 2014

Currently: January Edition

I have seen this post floating around the blogging community so thought I'd close our my week by playing along as it's a good way to summarize what's going on in my life!

Reading: The Comfort of Lies by Randy Susan Meyers.  It's supposed to be really good, so hopefully I like it.  It's one of the many books I borrowed from the library earlier this month. 

Loving: sleeping in my own bed.  I love traveling but there is nothing like returning to your own bed.

Thinking: about my trip home at the end of February and how to arrange my schedule so I can see as many friends as possible.

Feeling: anxious about things at work, my job search, and the logistics of a cross-country move when it happens.

Anticipating: a quiet weekend with very little going on, which I am actually ok with.  February is going to be a busy month so a couple of quiet, plan-free weekends will be good for me.

Inspired by:  this post by Linda of Curious Notions where she talks about walking away from things that you know aren't right for you, whether it's a career that's not a right fit or a relationship, despite having invested a lot of time into them.  I think it takes a brave person to say - this isn't right and I am going to change something to find what is right for me.

Watching: Top Chef and Parenthood and loving both shows. I'm cheering for Shirley and Nina on Top Chef!

Sad: that some of my closest friends are dealing with heartbreaking things.  Life is really very cruel and unfair sometimes.

Working: on making gratitude part of each day.  Nilsa gave me a one-sentence journal last year which helps as we can all come up with one sentence describing something we are grateful for each day.  It may be the same thing, day after day, at times, but here is always something to be grateful for. 

Grateful: for my financial stability.  I stress about my grad school loans, but in the grand scheme of things, my financial situation could be much worse.  I am really grateful that I have no debt besides my mortgage and student loans, money in savings, and a well-funded 401(k).

Listening: to the Cities 97 Sampler on repeat, which is a compilation album that a radio station in Minneapolis puts out each year.  I got it back in November and am still loving it. 

Wishing: I lived in Minneapolis, but that's been my wish for almost 10 months... so yah.  Hopefully it gets granted soon.

What are you reading, wishing, and grateful for?


  1. I also love traveling but you're right, there is nothing like your own bed. And I'm convinced I have the comfiest bed in the whole world! :)

  2. Currently…

    Reading: Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker - historical fiction and it's engaging while I'm reading it but easy enough to pick up and put down without losing the thread of the story.

    Wishing: To be done with freakin' doctors appointments!

    Grateful for: Ben. Always.

    Randy Susan Meyers is the author who wrote The Murderer's Daughters, right? Let me know what you think of this book because that one was fascinating!

  3. I am so with you on my own bed and you know I love to travel!

    I am reading Olive Kitteridge at the moment but I'm very early on! I haven't listened to any music this week, need to remedy that!!

  4. I'm not reading anything at the moment which is surprising! Just haven't been inspired by any books to sit down and read. Must get on that! Hope you have a great weekend :)

  5. One of your best lists ever. Settle in and be glad you aren't in sub-zero tundra, even though I'm sure the company is better!

  6. I'm thankful that we are experiencing a reprieve from the bitter cold today, but it will be over tonight as a ground blizzard is in the forecast! We had terrible winds through the night last night, and another mini blizzard and bitter cold coming on Sunday. The weather in the midwest has been brutal, but everyone knows that.
    I'm anticipating the birth of my 7th grandchild a week from today! I'm wishing for spring!

  7. How did I not know about you watching Top Chef? It often takes us days to catch up with the show, but we've been watching it, too. Totally hoping the winner is of the female variety!

    So glad the journal is coming into play. I also enjoy reading the quotes for each day, too.

  8. I try very hard to be an optimist. And one of my beliefs as an optimist is if you know know know what you want, somehow you'll find your way to it. I have this hope for you and going back home permanently for you!

    Thank you for the link love. I'm honored!

  9. I'm currently reading two books at once -- Daring Greatly and also the Sea of Tranquility. Enjoying both!

    I'm not really wishing for much right now... Actually, scratch that, I'm really wishing for sunshine. It has been much too gray in my neck of the woods lately.

    I'm so grateful for my life. I feel so so lucky these days. There are for sure things I would love to tweak and sometimes I really wish I could see what the future holds but I also know that my circumstances right now are so much better than many many people and for that I'm grateful.

    Happy Friday!

  10. Sorry to hear some of your friends are experiencing heartbreak :-( I am reading academic journals to try and figure out what research questions I should focus on. I am wishing for milder winters, and am grateful for my nephew.

  11. I am reading Morning Glory by Sarah Jio, wishing that my memory will stick with me to mail out some thank you cards and gifts soon and grateful for working heat in my house!

  12. I have my fingers crossed that just the right job opportunity is waiting for you! I think it's going to happen :)

  13. I love reading these "Currently" posts - it really gives a nice round-about on what you're feeling & doing these days!

    I'm glad you get a bit of a quieter weekend to charge up from the crazy month ahead! It's almost your birthday!

    I am praying an opportunity presents itself in terms of career for you. Every day I pray!

    I am wishing tomorrow to just fly by! It's been a long run of work this week and I'm feeling like I need a break from people. Period. It's almost weird how much I need my alone time to recharge my spirit!

  14. Oh, sleeping in your own bed is the BEST. :) At least there's something to look forward to when you're coming home from an awesome trip!

    I'm (still) reading "Orange is the new black", wishing for more positive things to happen to my friends and I am grateful for fresh bread in my oven :)

  15. Right now, I am ready The Girl with a Clock for a Heart, which I'm reviewing for TLC. It's a bit of an odd choice for me, but an easy read so far!

    I'm wishing for the week to go by fast. I have such a fun weekend planned (book club, a wine party, and date night!) so I just want these next five days to fly by!

    I am grateful for the good things in my life. This month especially has made me sit back and realize how very blessed I am.

    Hope you had a wonderful, relaxing weekend! Sorry for all the work anxiety. That's no fun at all. :(

  16. Love this. I want to start doing this monthly too! Perhaps I'll do it for tomorrow.

    Nothing beats being in your own bed!

  17. I am the same as you are with the bed thing. I really do love snuggling up in a nice hotel room bed (like the Westin, which is one of my favorites) but it is still nice to come home and sleep in my own bed! Also after traveling a lot and not sleeping in one place for more than a couple of days, it's nice to have an extended time at home.

    I am currently reading Fall of the Giants, am watching the same shows as you *but am a few weeks behind* and am loving the unseasonable warm weather here!
