Thursday, January 30, 2014

Things You Might Not Know About Me

It's been another long week, but it's almost Friday.  Almost.  I don't know about you, but the weeks have been kind of crawling by for me lately...  My mind is all over the place, so instead of putting together a coherent post, I'm declaring today "Things you might not know about me Thursday."  So here goes...

You might not know that...

- I am a total snob when it comes to bottled water.  I will only drink Fiji or Evian.  The reason for this is that my boss did a test on the level of acidity of different bottled water using litmus paper (a strange, but informative office project) so now I know which waters are not great.  Fiji and Evian are.
- I work on a cramped trading floor that holds 600 people. My boss sits about 3 feet from me on one side, my boss's boss sits about 3 feet from me on the other side.  There are no walls and thus, no privacy.   I have gotten used to this but it was an adjustment.

- When I walk on sidewalks, I try to avoid stepping on the crack.  I realize this makes me sound like Rain Man.

- I am very anal about the way my blow dryer and flat iron cords get wrapped when storing them as I think my technique prevents the cord from twisting.  The sight of a twisted cord makes me twitch a bit.

- I don't like pizza, and I never have.  I was the kid who requested the salad bar when my family would go to Pizza Hut.

-  If a recipe calls for crushed red pepper, I will often double what it calls for because I like food with a kick.  Sometimes this works out OK, sometimes it doesn't...

- I've never (to my knowledge) been legitimately camping - meaning sleeping in a tent.  I would like to try this but I need to make friends with someone who has all of the camping equipment because I do not even own a sleeping bag.

- I don't like flip flops.  I own a pair because they are necessary for places like the gym locker room and the lake, but I don't like how they look or the sound they make when you walk with them. For casual footwear, I prefer ballet flats.

Your turn, what are some things that people might not know about you?


  1. What a fun post! My favorite? " I realize this makes me sound like Rain Man." Hahahahahaha

    Dude. Next time you come out here we can go camping nearby - I don't have all the equipment anymore but my mom is Girl Scout leader extraordinaire and has everything!

    Happy *almost* Friday indeed!

  2. Hmm.. what does it mean that my least favorite waters are fiji and evian? That I like the chemicals in water? Yikes. I normally drink tap water though..
    Thank goodness it's almost Friday. You're not alone with the weeks crawling by!

  3. You should come back to PA this summer and come camping with me! We have so much equipment...

  4. These are interesting ! When I saw te title I thought, "oh, I'll know most of these" - but I didn't!!!

    Wow, what a crazy work environment. I'm impressed. It has got to be exhausting. I also didn't know that about flip-flops!! I have to admit I wear flip flops (but they have to have a platform/heal) A LOT in AZ.

    Things you may not know about me:
    -I have an irrational fear of dying young in AZ and not knowing where to have the funeral ect. I know, super weird.
    -I don't have a friend under the age of 30 - which is funny in my situation because I'm 25.
    -I almost never drink bottled water - as I feel it has a weird taste. Maybe I need to try Evian or Fuji!! I will do that on my road trip to NM on Friday!

  5. I love that comment about bottled water, because my mom is the same way! She'll only drink Evian. Although we bought a Brita filter, so now we just drink from the tap and it's just as good!

    So funny about the flip flops! I only own one pair, but wear them constantly because I'm a Florida girl. It's just what we do! ;)

    Let's see, something you may not know about me... there are a lot of foods that people LOVE that I just do not like, such as avocados, pastries, and pie.

  6. The sidewalk issue - OCD kind of runs in the family. I like all the light switches to be in the up or down position not mixed up, especially on a double or triple plate! I have slept in a tent in my childhood, but never as an adult and at this point I do not have the desire to ever do that!
    I enjoyed reading your post and enjoy learning more about you this way!

  7. This is a great post! And I DIDN'T know those things about you!

    Me? Well, I don't camp either. Never have. Never want to. I used to do astrology regularly. When I take walks, I count my steps (which makes carrying on a conversation simultaneously pretty interesting). I regularly plan my funeral and what the party favors will be. Really.

  8. Haha this post made me laugh because it sounds so anal and particular like me. I can't stand the sound of people eating or chewing gum. Poor Brian gets so many looks from me. You must do a post on your technique for wrapping your cords...mine always get tangled and twisted.

  9. I HATE flip flops. So much. Soooooooooo much. I'm so glad someone else out there does too. Also I don't step on cracks. I know this is weird but whatever, I just can't. And we have more camping gear than is probably necessary so pick a Minnesota state park and we will go camping!

  10. Come visit me. I will take you real camping :)

  11. I feel like I knew most of these things - I definitely knew the one about the straightener and blowdryer cords because I have borrowed your straightener before and was always happy when you told me to just not bother re-wrapping the cord because I'm TERRIBLE at it. Haha.

    I don't really like flip flops either but I wear them a lot in the summer because I have a lot of trouble finding ballet flats that are comfortable and don't rub my heel and flip flops are just so EASY!

    Fun post!

  12. Super fun post. I think the most shocking thing that I ever learned about you was that you're in a Football pool.

  13. If you ever make it out to Victoria again, I offer to take you camping... with a camp stove from the '70s! (As long as it still works, I ain't shilling out for a new one!)

    An unknown about me: the sound of ripping Kleenex disturbs me.

  14. Funny I am the opposite I love flip flops and I want to love ballet flats bc they are so cute but they are never comfortable for me! I do love toms now though.

    Did your boss test Poland spring? Curious! My favorite bottled water is italian called aqua panna :)

  15. I love this post! I think it's such a fun way to get to know someone better. I only drink tap water/Poland Spring out of the cooler at work. I bought a stainless steel bottle a few months ago to help me reduce the amount of trash I create and it's actually helped me drink more water because I always have it with me.

    I need to have the table cleared off before I can eat. If there's clutter it stresses me out and I have to clean it or organize it before I can eat. I also hate eating if the dishes I used to cook with are piled up in the sink. I try to have as many cleaned as possible before I sit down.

  16. I love camping!! You have to try "real" camping in a tent ... I have the best sleep in tents.

    I might do one of these posts soon. I think there are a lot of things people might not know about me!

  17. LOL that is so funny to me about the water test and it makes sense. I used to only drink smart water and I still love it but I went in on the office water cooler. I don't know if you noticed when you were with us but Audra won't step on cracks either. Having my bosses so close would make me twitch! I have camped in a tent at the beach it is not something I feel the need to do again :)

  18. I am with Carolina in that I do not like those kinds of bottled water haha. But I don't generally like bottled water. I just drink tap. I also love flip flops and I cannot wait to put them on again. I need some new ones.

  19. Ha, loved this list! I am a total snob about bottled water, because I feel like most of it is tap water in a bottle. Fiji and Smart Water are my usual go-tos (though, I try not to drink it at all, preferring my water bottle from home).

    Gavin doesn't like pizza, either. He picks at it. Maybe once or twice has he ever finished a whole slice (which is what we remember whenever we decide to serve it - and then we're reminded how much he doesn't like it).

    And, I am totally with you on the blow dryer/flat iron cords. If Sweets ever beats me to putting my flat iron away, I always cringe and get anxious about what the cord will look like when I take it out next. Let's be weird together! ha.

    Some things people might not know about me ... I have gotten used to sleeping with an eye mask after Sweets introduced them to me many years ago; I need running shoes with very big toe boxes (so much so that I go up a size in shoe to ensure my toes don't rub on anything); I hate Crocs; and, I secretly am growing to love (some kinds of) country music.

  20. That is so funny about how you wrap up/put away the cords on your blow dryer and straight iron. You would not be pleased by mine. ;) I wish they all had retractable cord things. Perhaps that's an attachment that I can purchase.

    Something you don't know about me...
    Gosh, a lot of my quirks are probably not surprising, but I'd probably rather go hungry for a day than eat fast food or something like a ballpark hot dog.

    I don't eat anything fried other than french/sweet potato fries on occasion.

    I have abnormally wide feet so while I love the look of flats, they rarely love my feet.


  21. This is fun! It's interesting to see what makes people tick / what their peeves are.

    1. I do not drink bottled water. I have a reusable bottle and I fill it up from the tap wherever I am.

    2. I have all the camping equipment. You can come and visit any time! I may make you carry stuff though, as I am no car camper. I believe that hiking someplace to camp is so much more rewarding and you get to see things that not a lot of people get to see!
