Monday, February 3, 2014

Music, Books, Miles and Looks of January

January was a decent month for me, but an awful month for some of my closest friends so I definitely felt a sense of heaviness and sadness this month.  I am looking forward to February, though, as it includes a trip to Austin, my birthday, a visit from Kyria, and a trip home.  Yea!


Say Something by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera - This is a sad song, but I think the simplicity of the music score is beautiful.

All of Me by John Legend - To offset the sadness of the first song, here is a beautiful love song by John Legend.


It was another strong reading month for me.  This is the result of a lot of weekends in Charlotte and sparse social plans.  I read 8 books.  My favorite was The Storyteller, my least favorite was David and Goliath.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness - 3 stars
The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult - 5 stars
Defending Jacob by William Landay - 5 stars
The Cost of Love and Sanity by Jaye Cherie - 2 stars
David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell - 2 stars
The Theory of Opposites by Allison Winn Scotch- 4 stars
The Comfort of Lies by Randy Susan Meyers - 3 stars
Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford - 3 stars


My workouts for the month consisted of spin classes, hill routes on the elliptical, water aerobics and - wait for it - a run/walk combo!  Yes, I can actually say I ran.  It was for short intervals (0.5 to 0.75 miles at a time), but that is better than nothing.  I haven't ran since April 16th so it felt so good to return to it.  I am taking it easy, though, as I don't want to overdo it and need to make sure my joints can handle it, but it's definitely a step in the right direction! 


I haven't shopped for myself since November, so feel a little bit uninspired about the options in my closet, but I did wear one new outfit that I purchased back in August.  I think it would look better with sheer tights but it was about 12 degrees when I walked to work that morning, so I had to wear tights that were a little thicker.


  1. Woo hip for a walk/run combo! I'm so glad you liked storyteller!

  2. I can't believe it's February! I swear, months that start over the weekend FLY by!

    What a great reading month for you - I think I've read about 8 books this year too, but most of those have been in the past few days!

    And woo hip for a run/walk combo!

  3. That is AWESOME!!!! I had no idea you got to run this month! Great news!!!

    I love that dress! Perfect for winter.

    I like that "Say Something" song, too. And said it right, the simplicity makes it beautiful.

  4. Hey Lisa,
    I know the feeling of having a decent month yourself but seeing so much around you that you can't help but feel a bit blue yourself. Bleh!
    Seems like you your weekends are free, so if you do want to meet sometime in Charlotte, I'd be happy to get together. :)

  5. Yeah, you ran! That is incredible news! And I love the dress. Stay warm as I hear there is another storm in your area!

  6. I like your dress! I just can't wear a dress -- you look too darned cute!

    Good for you on the running and good for you in being wise to take it a step at a time so you can keep going. Bravo!

  7. I LOVE that Say Something song. It's sad but so so good. I am actually going to share it as my random music addition when I do my monthly recap tomorrow too!! I rarely include music because I only sometimes stumble on songs I really love but that is definitely one of them.

    Cute dress and YAY for a return to running for you!

  8. Good job on the running!! And, that's a lot of reading - I'm impressed!

  9. I love John Legend; he is one of my favorites :)

    Yay for running + walking!

    I just realized I haven't been shopping for myself since October... maybe I will remedy that one of these days!

  10. I love that dress! I did not like The Storyteller - I guess I liked pieces of it, but I really was disappointed with the ending and a few things throughout the book and that kind of ruined the whole thing for me. I never knew that Christina was a part of Say Something until I just read this post! I like the song too - out of nowhere it seemed to blow up on the radio. Yay for running :)

  11. I'm so happy for you that you can move back into running! Great news!

  12. YAY FOR RUNNING! I'm so happy you were able to get out there and run for a little bit. Way to go!

    Great reading month for you! I need to read The Storyteller... I've heard such great things!

  13. I've already commented on this post, but I also have to add that I loooooooove that "say something" song. Sooooo pretty!! My favourite version is Alex & Sierra's from X Factor.

  14. I love the Say Something song and John Legend is one of my favorite artists. Lovely music picks. I approve.

    Such BIG news that you were able to do some walk/run combos (dare I say intervals?!) this month. Hope, I have big hope for you!

  15. I was with you when you bought that dress! Looks great

    Yah for being able to get a walk/run combo in! What a great feeling that must have been.

  16. I love Say Something too! Although I fell in love with it back when Alex & Sierra sang it on last season's X-Factor. I realize the fact that I heard theirs first doesn't make me the best judge, but I really like their version. And think that if you haven't yet, you should try to find some of their other songs to listen to too!

  17. That dress is a nice classic look that you could wear to work or out to dinner/drinks! I'm impressed that you haven't shopped since November. I always wonder how it would be to challenge myself not to clothes shop for six months. I'm sure it would spur some creativity in my outfits and go by faster than I think. :)

  18. Darn you read a lot of books! I read more than normal, due to the addition of audiobooks while running (if you can count that as reading). I am soooo glad that you are back into running a little! It must feel so good!

  19. I like you in striped sunglasses!! :-)
