Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finding Comfort

If you read my post on Friday about Florida, by the end of the post it was pretty evident that I am going through a difficult time.  All the stress is just piling up and while I will be OK in the long run, in the short run I am pretty really down.  I just hate that I am 33 years old and have no idea where I will be living 2-3 months from now.  I feel far too old for this.  I hope I am home by June, but I might not be.  And that uncertainty?  Is eating away at me.  The good news is that I was able to negotiate with my apartment management company and and my rent will increase by $100 instead of $500.  Which is MUCH better.  That's one less thing to stress about.

Anyways, the only way out of this is through it, and I know I will get through it but dang it's hard.  So in the mean time, I am trying to find comfort in the little things.  Being able to run again is a huge help, but there are other little things I am trying to include in my weekends to help.

 First up - reading.  It's probably my number one way to escape my reality. 

Secondly - knitting.  The repetitive nature of knitting is so calming for me.  I recently started a shawl pattern which is kind of complicated but the level of focus required takes my mind off things.It's hard to tell in this photo but it has a pretty diagonal pattern to it.

Lastly - comfort food.  I made a chicken and rice dish in my crockpot on Sunday. It probably looks unappealing as it's a mush of rice, chicken, carrots, and celery, but it was really good and easy to make.

Besides this other things that bring me comfort are running, my morning coffee ritual, and phone and video chat dates with friends.

What are some things that bring you comfort when you are struggling?


  1. Reading, knitting, and crockpot meals - agreed - all SUCH comfort things for me too! (As well as video chats! ;)

    That's AWESOME about the rent - I was thinking about that yesterday and meant to text you - whew! Hang in there!

  2. So glad that you were able to change from $500 to $100! HUGE difference! I hope this means you won't have to give up some of the things you were planning to give up?

    I really don't blame you for how frustrated you feel right now. It's hard to come up on the 1 year mark and feel like WHY AM I STILL NOT OUT OF HERE? I really hope things come together for you soon!

  3. Oh, Lisa -- sure do wish you'd get the right thing and soon. Your patience WILL be rewarded, I know. At least you got that rent thing settled a bit. That's a reasonable number -- $500 isn't.

    I do those things for comfort, too -- cook, read and knit -- though now that arthritis is kicking in my thumb, the knitting is a little harder. (Love that shawl pattern, by the way.) I'll also watch movies -- old movies on TCM -- and whip out the art supplies. And then there is Lizzie. But sometimes, nothing helps and you just slog through it. You'll make it. Yes, you will! Just hang in there!

  4. Oh friend, I'm so sorry you're having a hard time. Hang in there. It'll get better.

  5. Way to go on the rent negotiation!

    I'm with you on the reading as my escape thing; I do that every single day. Apart from that it's working out, getting out of the house, even if it's for a walk with Jack, and taking comfort in my friends and family.

  6. As you know, my biggest stress reliever is cooking, I also find that reading helps a lot as it lets my mind escape and go somewhere else. If the weather is nice then I love a walk in the park to clear my head too.

  7. As you know, my biggest stress reliever is cooking, I also find that reading helps a lot as it lets my mind escape and go somewhere else. If the weather is nice then I love a walk in the park to clear my head too.

  8. Comfort = good friends, my pets, reading, journaling, going for a long walk, pedaling my bike around (although not in this weather). Sending you positive thoughts!! Someday you will look back and...well, not laugh maybe but be glad it's in your rearview mirror. xoxox

  9. That shawl is beautiful and I have been wondering if you were knitting again. It is good you have coping mechanisms in place to help you through this phase, and I pray it is a short lived one now!

  10. Sleep brings me a lot of comfort. I can feel so angry, upset, frustrated etc. but usually after sleeping on something I feel better. Or at least a little better. Other things are yoga, working out, reading, watching episode after episode of a TV show, walking the dog, listening to music or cleaning. I guess a lot of those things are more "distractions" than comfort, but they are comfortable distractions! :)

    Thinking of you! XO

  11. I am SO glad to hear you were able to negotiate on the rent increase! I was thinking about you a lot about that! I can't imagine how stressed that must have made you feel.

    For me, what brings me comfort when I'm struggling is reading, watching silly TV shows, and talking through it with my mom (she always makes me feel better about things!).

  12. All of those things sound good and the knitting is especially impressive to me. I'm so glad you were able to negotiate a lower rent because I was thinking originally that $500 extra per month is just insane and unfair. It's nice to hear they were willing to work with you. I'm going to read a bit in the next two classes for pleasure (what a thought!). Now I just need to find a good book and download. I did read a bit more of Daring Greatly at lunch today - go me! ;)

  13. beer. ;) and books. and shopping. and perhaps chocolate.

  14. Good for you for negotiating with them. That is much more reasonable. When I am going through a rough time, I find comfort in very little things ... a warm cup of coffee or a good book often.

  15. Everybody hits those spots sometimes. it's the fear of transition that gets to you. Finding comfort wherever you can is the best way to deal. Chicken and rice is a great way to cope. So are chicken and dumplings (my preferred comfort food)...

  16. I hate hate HATE to see good people suffer. You are good people, Lisa and it SUCKS to watch you go through this.

    I think you hit the nail on the head regarding why I hate our slow cooker. Food has to be visually appealing to me and mush is not appealing (unless it's oatmeal or grits, both of which I like). But, I'm glad YOU liked your chicken and rice dish, because that's what really matters about cooking your own food! =D

    When I am struggling, I often seek solace in running (or walking), talking with friends and playing piano (well, that's what I used to do in high school when I was stressed).

  17. Oh lady, sometimes you speak straight to my heart. I can't count the number of times I've thought to myself I'm 31, I have two masters degrees and a job I love but that doesn't meet my bills...how/why in the world am I having to go back to school to retrain for something else AND rent out the other rooms in my comfortable house in order to get back on my feet financially?! But at the same time I'm coming to realize that for me, it is what it is. I just keep going, making changes were I can, relishing each payment that drops my debt, appreciating learning something new, and hoping that 2015 is going to be the year when I can have my house to myself, my credit card paid off, and my car loan gone by the end of that year. SO much has to align for all that to happen and it's been a rough last five years already. I know the choices that landed me at 31 to looking at life like I did at 26, but I'm also proud of the way that this last year has unfolded and have to believe that within the next five I'll have made more headway on the life that I always intended to lead. While you know that I've used running and tons of outdoor activities as my primary coping mechanisms, right now I'm also so very truly learning that self-care and being quiet and still are allowing me to let go of the anger and sadness and listen to God and that still inner voice that is directing me toward something new and authentic. As always I'm sending you such a huge hug and lots of love. Be and feel how you need, relish the moments that bring you joy and relief, and keep believing that a new opportunity will arrive around the next corner. Sending positive wishes for the right next door to open (and I'm glad you negotiated on that rent increase!!)! Enjoy Savannah :)
