Wednesday, April 23, 2014

5 Weeks

Well, the week started off interesting for me.  I went into the office on Monday for the first time since submitting my reservation over the phone on Thursday evening.  I had a lot of anxiety over how things were going to play out as my new employer is a direct competitor of my current employer so I knew there might be some people who wouldn't be thrilled about the choice to change jobs.

Luckily, everyone was really kind and understanding about it because they realize that the reason I sought out new employment was because living in Charlotte was never going to work long term.  I certainly never made it a secret that I missed Minneapolis, so people were not all that surprised that I had resigned.

Going into the week, I thought I would maybe finish out the week and be done after that, but shortly after my boss got in he basically said that HR had decided that it was going to be my last day and I was free to leave...  Hearing that was...  surreal.  I've been with my current employer for about 10 years total and have worked in my current division for about 5.5 years so it felt weird to have my time there come to such an abrupt halt.  Luckily I was able to send out an email to all the people I worked with to let them know it was my last day. I provided my contact information and really do hope that I will keep in touch with many of them.  While I am excited to leave Charlotte and start my new job, I am sad to walk away from all of these relationships I have developed over the years but I think/hope I will keep in touch with the people I became closest to over the years.

As expected, my non-compete was enforced which means I will be paid for the next 30 days.  This is a best-case scenario for me as it gives me time to find a moving company, find an apartment, and do the 1,000+ mile drive back to Minneapolis.  Yes, this time I will be driving instead of flying because it looks like I will need to store my belongings for awhile until I can find an apartment in Minneapolis.  Driving makes the most sense since I will need to have enough clothes to get me through the 1-2 months that it will take me to find an apartment (please God let it be closer to 1 month, I don't want to inconvenience the aunt and uncle I'll be staying with for longer than necessary).

Also, I will continue to be covered by my health insurance until 5/21 and my new policy at my new company should start on 6/1 which means I won't have to cobra out or find temporary insurance.  This is a HUGE relief for me as having health insurance is essential due to the # of drugs I'm on for my RA.

So all of this means that I will have 5 weeks off between jobs.  5 weeks.  You guys, I've never had this much time off as a working professional.  I clearly have a lot to do related to my move but I also want to try to enjoy this time off as much as possible because I know that I will be VERY busy when I start my new job.  My body has basically been through a string of stressful events since last January between the move, the CFA, figuring out my health issues, my crazy work travel schedule, and finding a job.  That stress has manifested itself in many nights of poor sleep and a general feeling of exhaustion so I am hoping to wipe the slate clean over the next 5 weeks so I can start my new job feeling calm and well-rested.

I've had several people ask me if I plan to take a vacation during my time off and the answer is no.  Or not really.  I am thinking about doing a 2-3 day trip to Asheville next week if the weather cooperates as I'd like to do some hiking and visit the gardens of the Biltmore, but besides that, I will be spending these 5 weeks focusing on the move and finding a new home.

I'm hoping to have some clarity by the end of this week as to how soon I will have my belongings moved and put into storage but right now it's looking like that might happen in about 2 weeks.  So in the mean time, I'll be refreshing craigslist and other apartment search websites about 100 times a day, hoping and praying a unit in my old building becomes available...

Have you ever had an unexpected amount of time off from work?  I know I will stay busy during these 5 weeks but it's still very surreal that I am not working right now!


  1. It's weird to say I enjoyed being unemployed for 6 months after I left the Air Force, but I did. I was still applying for jobs and going to interviews, but it was nice to have the freedom to ... well, do anything! Enjoy the time off ... you've earned it!

  2. I was going to suggest a visit to Asheville before you leave!

    I definitely have not had that much time off - probably the longest was between when I graduated from college (mid-December) and before I started my first job (after the first of the year). A few weeks and it was so relaxing! Here's hoping even with logistics you can have some relaxation time!

  3. I say enjoy this time off! You certainly deserve it. It might really help you to put the past year behind you and start fresh. Hopefully moving logistics won't take up all you time so you can relax too :)

  4. So glad you are getting this much deserved paid time off :) I'm sure there will be days where you will be bored but overall I think you will enjoy the relaxation. I just had 14 weeks off and will not be working this summer either. I have mixed feelings about it and of course it's not really a vacation ha ha but I'm grateful for it nontheless!

  5. Definitely enjoy it! Do you all have a service that can help you find an apartment? We have a company in Atlanta (not sure if it is nationwide) that helps you find apartments to live in. They scout out the deals, make the phone calls, all you have to do is go look at them.

  6. Let me know what area you're looking at moving to and I can be your on the ground investigator! I know how hard finding a rental in the cities is these days so if I can help let me know!

  7. I can understand how it must feel, but it will be good for you in the long run. I say get all the rest you can, hike, relax in the sun, drink coffee, read books in between getting moved & relocated! It will fly by! I hope the perfect apartment pops up for you!

  8. The only time I was told to leave on the spot is when I worked for Scholastic books (in college); I had enough of how they treated their customers (my manager wasn't the nicest and didn't want us to actually provide customer service) so when I turned in my 2 weeks, she told me to go home.

    Hoping that all the moving logistics & etc. come together well for you in the next few weeks and that hopefully your route will bring you through STL at some point =) xo

  9. Wow, that's crazy! Big banks like that don't view their employees as people anymore. You're just a commodity to them that can be discarded without further regard. I hate hearing stories like that, but I know that's the way it has to be. Enjoy the time off!

    Last year I took 2 weeks off around Christmas, and that was the first time that's happened since college. There were a few times when I had unexpectedly lost a job and was out of work for 6 weeks, but you can't really enjoy that time when I'm not getting paid. I spent 40 hours a week looking for the next job (that was before the internet was popular) and brushing up my skillset. Technology wasn't easy to find when we lived in SC.

  10. While I understand that it must have been really weird to be basically "sent home" from your last job, I think it's the best case scenario that you get some time off to deal with the move and finding a new place while being paid! :)

    Fingers crossed that everything works out the way you want it to!


  11. I'm so happy you are getting this time off! You totally deserve this time away to relax and recharge and prepare for your new chapter!

    The most time I've had off work is a week so I would have NO idea what to do with myself! Haha. But that's a good problem to have. ;) Enjoy!

  12. That IS abrupt. I'm glad you at least had time to say goodbye to people and get their contact info. And glad you get paid -- I was worried with the non-compete thing they'd just cut you loose or even back-charge you. So that's good.

    And since it's good on your end, I say enjoy it. Take the time you need to pack and travel north, enjoy Asheville or anywhere else in the area you've been longing to and then get out of Dodge! You will hit the ground running when your new job starts and you'll also be at loose ends till you settle on a spot to live so enjoy every second of this bit right now. Rest, chill all that. Oh, and if it's possible to ensure you have enough in your Rx to cover you till your new policy starts, or even a bit of flush after that, do. Just in case there is any hangup on the other end.

  13. I'm sure you're sick of people asking if you'll take a vacation and the judgments they make when you say no. TOTALLY understandable why you're not, BUT wouldn't it be awesome if all the business of this move was taken care of already, so you could spend a few weeks in Paris (after you stop paying rent in your current place and before you start paying rent in a new place)??? I know, totally wishful thinking and not fiscally responsible (since you'll have plenty of expenses related to this move). But, dreamy, anyway. =)

    Not sure of how you'll be driving back to MPL, but if you want/need to crash on our airbed, our living room floor is yours (so generous, right?!) (and we probably have an extra garage spot for your car, in case it'll be loaded to the gills with your stuff).

  14. My third year of university I spent the first semester not working and that is basically the only time I can remember not working for an extended amount of time (with the exception of vacations etc) since I was 16. I actually regret not being more easy going in college and wish I'd taken more time off during the summers instead of working all of them (often at two jobs). Ahhh well!

    I hope you enjoy these five weeks off as much as possible. I know there are some stressful things happening but you really deserve a little break after the year you've had so cut yourself some slack and make time for things you love to do - I know you will!

  15. Surreal is a perfect work Monday's news. I remember when you texted me - I had to read it 3 times. It just didn't seem real.

    I was wondering if you'd vacation, as well. I am glad that you are choosing to use them time to prepare, and more importantly rest. You have had such an intense year. Well, intense couple of years! You deserve this time, Lisa! I know it will be busy when you move back - but at least is all "good busy"!

    I'm so happy for you!!

    I had about 2-3 weeks off of work when we moved to Texas last summer, because my agency was disorganized - and missed some steps in getting my contract finalized. It was not a fun time for me -- I look back on that with not very fond memories. I hated San Antonio. It was so miserable hot & humid that I couldn't really do much outdoors. So I would work out in the early morning, read, cook random meals in our hotel room, and search for new jobs online (last summer's spurred my decision to get away from bedside nursing & update my resume!....)

  16. After a year being stuck in a place you don't like, I think you are more than entitled to enjoy your time off as much as possible! Imagine having to work and take care of all the tasks related to a cross country move! I've never had an extended amount of time off of work since I started working. I took 3 weeks or so off after a car accident but was literally laid up the whole time so it wasn't really time "off" I guess.

  17. After seeing the instagram post, I had to come read! I'm SO incredibly happy for you :) Seriously, when you wrote about the old appt in your prior post, I'd felt like you'd get back in the building and I'm so glad that everything is just falling into place. I hope that it is a smooth transition and that you truly do get a few months to relax now :) Congrats, congrats! Here's to a return and yet new chapter :)

  18. This definitely does sound like a best case scenario! I would definitely use this time to your advantage and rest and relax so who knows when you'll have such a break again.

    For I not sure the last time I had so much time off. It could have been the summer after grad school, but I think I only had about 3 weeks free then, which means it would be the summer after college and before grad school, which I basically took off from doing anything productive.

  19. ahh 5 glorious weeks of no work stress! woohoo. have fun planning your move!

  20. I think you should totally relax, recuperate and enjoy every minute of those 5 weeks!! I've never had an unexpected lengthy amount of time off, but I do have the summer off every year (2 months), and I expect it and look forward to it :-)
