Monday, April 28, 2014

Dream Come True

So on Friday, I mentioned that in the middle of my hike, I coordinated a big aspect of my move.  That big aspect was finding a condo to rent.  I am over-the-moon happy to announce that I was able to secure a unit in the building I lived in before moving to Charlotte!!!  I'm excited to tell you all about it and will be sprinkling in photos of my neighborhood along the way!

Lower St. Anthony Falls, September 2013

The rental market in Minneapolis is very active right now and the area I was looking to rent is highly sought after so I was really feeling stressed that I wouldn't find an apartment as fast as I was hoping.  Two units from my old building had come on the market as rentals but were snatched up before I had a chance to even talk to the landlord so I was starting to feel like it was unlikely I'd get a unit in that building.  Plus it's an owner-occupied building and the HOA really limits the # of units that can be rented, so I wasn't sure another one would become available... which is why I moved extremely fast when I saw a unit posted on craigslist on Wednesday morning.  When I got in touch with the leasing agent (in the middle of my hike) she had already heard from 4 other people who were very interested so I decided to act fast and ended up signing a lease sight unseen.

First Avenue Bridge, September 2013
Obviously renting an apartment having never seen it is not optimal, but it's the way it had to go.  I know the building so well so I felt comfortable renting it without seeing it.  Plus they are replacing all of the carpet and painting it before I move in so I know that I won't have any issues cosmetically.  Luckily a former coworker's daughter lives in the building so she went to see it on Thursday night and gave it two thumbs up and the leasing agent sent me a bunch of photos after showing it to her so I feel great about my decision to rent it.

Stone Arch Bride, September 2013

The funny thing is that the unit is actually on the same floor as my last unit, except this time I will have a river view which I am SUPER excited about.  I can't even tell you how excited I am to return to my old neighborhood.  I may be biased but I think it is one of the most beautiful areas of Minneapolis, and these photos sprinkled throughout this post that I took while walking through this neighborhood in September are proof of that!

Hennepin Avenue bridge with a view of the downtown skyline, September 2013.  My building is the brown one that is sort of the second from the left.

The last couple of weeks feel like a dream come true.  I've found way back to Minneapolis.  I'm excited about my new job.  I found an apartment I know I will love.  After having a string of shitty things happen to me in 2013, it's amazing to have a string of wonderful things happening to me in 2014. For the first time in a very long time, I can utter the words life is good.

It's finally starting to sink in that I am actually coming home!!!I'm closing out this post with the photo the leasing agent sent me of the view from my balcony!  I'm so in love with my new home!



  1. Absolutely gorgeous! All your photos of MN definitely make me want to visit you :) though obviously I would want to visit you even in a not pretty place ha ha.
    I'm so happy things have turned around and then everything is falling into place. You totally deserve it :)

  2. YAY YAY YAY!! And that view is spectacular!!!

  3. Wooohooooo!!!! So so happy everything fell into place for you!

  4. Eeeeee so exciting! I'm so happy for you--you deserve it after the crappy year you've had. Hopefully one day not too far off I'll be writing a similar post about me returning to Chicago :)

  5. Sooo can I come over for a coffee date and sit on your balcony and take in your amazing view??? That is so awesome you found a place so quickly AND exactly where you wanted to be!

  6. Wow -- you SAID you had a view -- but that is beyond what I imagined! I'm so very, very happy for you! I think all this is definitely meant to be!

  7. How exciting! I'm so happy you were able to secure an apartment in your first choice building! That view is absolutely incredible. Minneapolis is a city I have always wanted to visit - and now even more so after reading all the wonderful things you say about it. Very happy this all worked out for you!

  8. Have you bought some lottery tickets yet? I think you should! Life is good - AMEN!

  9. That view, just gorgeous! SO very happy for you and all the good things that are happening for you. You deserve it all 100%.

  10. That is beautiful! So.... does this new apartment have a guest room?

  11. Congratulations!!! Such exciting news... and what a gorgeous view. I am happy to hear you will be where you want to be!

  12. Having visited your neighbourhood and your old apartment I can vouch for what a great area it was!! That view from your soon-to-be balcony is amazing, I'm so excited for you!

  13. I am soooo excited that things are falling into place for you ... and since you've lived in the building, signing the lease for an apartment that you haven't seen was definitely not such a big deal.
    Oh man, and the view? Amazing!!!
    Beyond happy for you, Lisa! xo

  14. Awww stunning! Amazing how this is all working out. Looking forward to visiting.

  15. I am so THRILLED for you, my friend! These photos make me want to go back to's been about 4 years since I've been back!

  16. Considering how I have been praying, I'm incredibly excited to read about this. This has pretty much been a direct yes answer to all the prayers I have prayed for you.

  17. That is SUCH an incredible view! I am so, so happy things are falling into place for you. You deserve it!

  18. So beautiful and what great luck! I am so happy that everything is falling into place for you. Do your cheeks hurt from so much smiling?!

  19. Super stoked about your new digs! I am SO HAPPY you're able to FINALLY say, "life is good" ... it's been a long time coming to you, Lisa!

  20. So happy for you! Your views from your balcony are gorgeous :)

  21. Oh, Lisa, super happy for you!!!!!

  22. Awwwwwwwwwe, Lisa, I am so happy for you!!!!! You deserve this!! I'm glad that you can now say, Life is Good!! Cheers to you! Wish I would celebrate with you!!

  23. I'm coming to visit. It looks perfect!! Love the view!!

  24. I am SO SO happy for you!! It's so comforting to see my sister happy again. Your city is beautiful - and you deserve to be where your heart is!!
