Monday, April 21, 2014


I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home
~ J.Cole 

I can't believe I'm actually writing this post - a post that will tell you all about how I have found a path home.  It's a post that's honestly been something I have anticipated writing from the day I moved to Charlotte.  I've spent so much time counting down the months, weeks, and days of my one year commitment to Charlotte and there was times when I seriously questioned how I'd ever find my way back home.  But I did.

The last 2 weeks have been very stressful for me.  I've tried to be like a duck - calm on the surface but paddling like mad underneath and thank goodness I have had running and other forms of exercise to use as my outlet, but yikes.  I would not want to relive the last 2 weeks.  I flew 6 times, covering 5,500 miles in the span of 8 days.  I had 2 sets of interviews with 2 companies and when I say sets of interviews, I mean 5-6 hour blocks of solid interviews with no breaks.  It was exhausting.

But none of that matters now because I got the best news on Wednesday night - the company I was most interested in offered me a position that is essentially the same as what I am doing right now - which I am thrilled about because I really love my job, I just don't like Charlotte.  I resigned on Thursday evening and was pleasantly surprised by how well the conversation with my boss went.  Unfortunately it had to be over the phone as we were both traveling, but c'est la vie.

At this point, I have more questions than answers as my boss wasn't sure what would happen with my non-compete so I am hoping that I get more clarity today.  I gave a tentative start day of May 27th to my new employer so I will most likely move around mid-May.  

My head is spinning with all the details that must be attended to, like finding a moving company and most importantly, finding an apartment to rent which is already proving to be a frustrating experience but I am trying to trust that it will all work out.  

I'm excited but mostly this all feels surreal.  I've wanted to move home so badly since the day I arrived in Charlotte, it's kind of hard to believe that it's actually happening.  Plus I am honestly still in a haze of exhaustion from the interview process and the travel for those interviews on top of traveling for 2 conferences for work.  I think when I get caught up on sleep and know when my last day at my current job will be, the fact that I am moving home will start to set in.   

But bottom line, this was the very best news I could have received.  While it's bittersweet to leave a company where I've spent 10 years building relationships, I am very excited about the company I am joining and the growth opportunities there.  I have my work cut out for me when I start as they have high expectations for what I can bring to the table, but I intend to prove to them from day one that they made the right choice by hiring me!

In closing, can I just say how great it is to have a post to share with some good news for a change?  I am hopeful that the tide is changing and that 2014 is going to be a wonderful year for me!


  1. Yay!!! I was SO happy for you when you broke this news over the Twitters. After the year you've had, you deserve all the good news this year. Here's to moving on and up!

  2. I am just so so so happy for you in every way! I hope finding an apartment comes together soon :)

  3. I just did an actual squeal of joy. I am so friggin pleased for you! Wooooo!

  4. I am such a sap... I had a lump in my throat reading this because I am just SO happy for you and you deserve this more than anyone I know.


    I'm sorry finding an apartment has been a frustrating experience but hopefully something opens up on that end soon.

    I'm just so thrilled for you, Lisa, and I know you will blow your new company's socks off!!

  5. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Omg you're going home. This is the best news ever.

  6. I've waited for this post for a long, long time. I am so incredibly happy for you! Woo hoo!

  7. Yay!!!!!!!! I'm so excited you'll be back in the cities! I'll start planning our Duluth trip right now :)

  8. This is so awesome, Lisa!! So happy for you.

  9. This reminds me of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, only you're going home to Minnesota instead of Kansas! BRAVO! You know this has been our hope and dream for you these past twelve or more months because it was actually in January of 2013 that you knew you were moving to Charlotte. We couldn't be happier and look forward to lazy Saturday's at the lake this summer with you!

  10. Hooray hooray hooray! We've all been waiting for this day (though, none more anxiously than you!) and I'm so excited it's finally here! Doing a happy dance for you, Lisa. Congrats!

  11. Ive been reading for a while (and unable to comment until today...weird) but this is so exciting!

  12. HAPPY DANCING AT MY DESK!!!! So happy for you :) And selfishly can't wait to have you closer to me. Look forward to all the good that is going to flow your way in the coming weeks, months and years now that you'll be home! xoxoxo

  13. Lisa, this is so awesome! Congratulations!!

  14. Congratulations! This is very exciting news! I hope your move goes smoothly and that you are able to find a place in Mpls you love as much as your previous apartment. Yay for you!!

  15. I believe this is now the 3rd outlet in which I've hears the news and yet I start tearing up every time. Best. News. Ever.

  16. Yay! I love good news. I know how excited you are to wrap up your time in Charlotte and get back to the hometown. This is a best-case-scenario. Congratulations!

  17. Congratulations!

  18. Best post ever!!!!! Alas!! Those lyrics are perfect for your situation.

    I know how hard you've worked to attain this, and at times it seemed impossible. But you did it!! You are amazing, Lisa!!

  19. I'm so excited that everything came together so quickly! Hopefully in the craziness of it all you're able to take some time to sit back and relax before starting your new job, because so deserve it. So, so happy for you, and hope everything else continues to fall into place!!

  20. Congratulations again Lisa! I am so beyond happy for you and know that everything else will work out. You are heading home! :)

  21. Congratulations, Lisa! I've been following along with your journey over the past year and though I don't comment often, I am very excited for you!

  22. So happy and excited for you! I know the last few weeks (well several months actually) have been so stressful but really, everything worked out absolutely perfectly for you! And to have an offer not even a month after your 1 year commitment was up? I hope that really makes you feel really good. You are clearly a smart, sought-after professional! I'm so proud of you and also SO happy for you!

  23. I'm so happy and excited for you Lisa! You're going home!

  24. Congrats! Congrats! What wonderful news! <3

  25. Wonderful news!!!! I liked reading this post - it made me smile for you :-)
