Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Packing and Purging

While I seems like I am doing a whole lot of gallivanting around, I am also doing some moving related stuff...  When I moved down to Charlotte last spring, I was in the midst of CFA studying which meant I had very little time to really go through my things to prepare for the move.  I did get rid of a lot of duplicate kitchen items and I went through my closet but I did not have time go through my bins of things that I keep under my bed, for instance.

I will not actually be packing myself as my new employer gave me a lump sum relocation package that covers the cost of the moving company packing me.  I considered packing myself but since my belongings will be moved so many times (Charlotte apartment to the moving truck to storage then back into the moving truck and then into my Minneapolis apartment) I figured it was best to have things professionally packed - and insured.

While I am not packing myself, I am going through all of my belongings before my move.  It's actually been fun to go through my things.  When I moved down here, any move-related tasks were so depressing as I did not want to leave Minneapolis but this time around, it's fun and exciting to do move-related tasks and it's been fun to see what I find when going through my things.  Here are some of the random things I've found!

First up, I found a lot of stuff related to the trip to Europe that I took with one of my best friends back in 2004.  I had kept maps and plane tickets and such, thinking I'd make a scrapbook some day. Well, that never happened so I did toss some of that stuff but something I won't be tossing is this list of funny things that we said/did/experienced during the trip.  Brooke kept a page for each city and I laughed a lot reading about our experiences on that trip.  I actually ended up getting really sick on that trip and was on a lot of cold medications so was a bit looney so most of the funny things that were said were said by me...

I also came across a lot of mementos from my first marathon.  I didn't remember keeping a copy of the paper from the day after the race but think it's pretty cool that I did.  I also had the participant and spectator guides, my prayer bracelet that showed who I prayed for during every mile of the race, and my bib and finisher medal.  I am of course keeping all of this!  That first marathon was my slowest and hardest but there is something special about your first marathon!

I also found the care package that my sister sent me before the marathon.  That photo of us is crazy.  I look a little chubby in the photo and Abby's hair is so blond!  It cool to read the letter she wrote me.  I am also keeping this!

But - there were some things I came across where I thought - why in the world did I keep this?  Like this plaque from a pageant I did at age 4.  I actually remember doing this pageant and let me tell you - I was NOT happy to do it.  I think my mom has a picture of me scowling during it.  It was during the centennial of my hometown so they had us dress up in clothes that people would have worn at that time and I did NOT like my outfit.  Ha.  This plaque ended up in the trash.

I also came across notes from friends, cards with my late grandfather's writing in them, and other fun mementos from the past.  I got rid of a garbage bag full of stuff, so definitely purged quite a bit, but there are some things I just couldn't get rid of.

One thing I am not sure what to do with is my CFA notes...

I took well over a thousand pages of mostly illegible notes...  Part of me thinks I should lighten my load and toss them now...  another part thinks I should bring them back to MN and maybe burn them in a bonfire up at my parents' lake home...  decisions, decisions.  

When is the last time you went through your things?  I try to go through my closet 1-2 times a year to find clothes to donate, but I had not gone through my bins that are under my bed in many years!


  1. Lol, or you could SELL the notes to someone and pay for something fun :) Though you did say you can't read them... so I vote for throwing them out now, even though a bonfire would be fun. Eric is doing a bonfire with one of his friends after his Masters (which he hated getting). He got his already but the friend has not passed the test, so eventually they will do this bonfire!

    I love finding fun memories :) You and Abby both look SO different!

  2. Hahaha omg that plaque!

    I try to purge every so often as well! I'll definitely be doing that with the bigger sections of our stuff soon as we're trying to move this summer as well. It always amazes me what we hold onto!

  3. I go through my things and purge every few months or so. Clutter makes me twitch, so it feels very therapeutic to get rid of things I no longer wear/use/need.

    I am still hanging on to a handful of textbooks from my university career, though. Not sure why...

  4. I try to go through my stuff often. I've moved so much that this naturally happens about once a year haha. I keep a LOT of souvenirs and little momentos because I love going through stuff and reminiscing. It's really hard for me to let go of things but eventually I realize they have to go! haha

  5. I lugged around my GRE study materials for YEARS. Finally throwing them in the recycling was so freeing.

  6. Your bonfire idea made me smile lol Going through your things is such a neat trip back in time, I'm glad that the moving work can start with looking back at good times. Especially now that you have more to look forward to!

  7. I really need to come up with a name for anti-pack rats like me. I keep very little and people like to say it must be because I live in a small space, but anyone who knew me when I lived in bigger places can tell you that even then I purged all the time. Chris on the other hand has been making cleaning out one of his closets to make room for me and... well, let's just say that I hope to be a good influence on him in the coming years.

  8. I vote for a bonfire with the CFA Notes!!!

    I go through my clothes at each season (and will be doing it this weekend, most likely) and then we/I go through the other stuff in our house that creates clutter or that we don't use 3-4 times a year. We donate (or in some cases sell it, depending on what it is).

  9. I really need to purge as after you have lived in the same house for 30 some years, there is lots of stuff!

    That picture of you & Abby was too funny - loved it!

    I vote for the bonfire idea as you can stash them in your trunk and then will have them available when you come to the lake!

    That dress for the pageant was actually quite cute, but I think you didn't like the idea of parading in front of all those people! I still have that dress, by the way, as I hand made it! If you saw it now, you would probably think it was so cute! LOL!

  10. I remember the outfit for the centennial. It was so cute! I also remember how unhappy you were with the concept. I think I have a picture of your scowl in that outfit! Too funny.

  11. Our last move was from sc to nc so we had stuff in pods for about 2 months. not cool, but it did save everything from having to be moved twice. Good job negotiating a lump sum from the new employer! That would have been very nice to have.

  12. So, does this mean we get to call you an official pageant girl? heh heh heh.

    I made a habit of going through my things every time I moved. That used to be every 1-2 years, so it was a good exercise in de-cluttering before a move. We've been in our current place for six years ... I've purged clothes a few times and I'm constantly getting rid of Gavin's stuff (oiy, there's so much of it!), but it's going to be PAINFUL when we do eventually leave this place. There will be so many decisions about what will stay and what will go.


    Seriously, that will be fun!

    I love purging and try to do it at least once or twice a year. Now that we've lived in the same house for three years things haven't been purged as much whereas when I was going through university and etc. and always moving I always did a great job of purging things! My favourite time to purge is end of the summer (September) and spring! Eric actually just did a massive purge when he had some time off last week

  14. I'm going through things now and boy -- I wish I hadn't waited 25 years to do it. I didn't purge enough when I bought my house -- and haven't much since! I have a hard time separating. But working on it!

  15. I went through a bunch of my stuff back in September, and got rid of at least 1/2 of my clothes, if not more! I go through my things about twice per year.

  16. It's hilarious what you find when you go through your stuff. When I was home in ON the other weekend, my mom kept a box of my stuff when she moved out of our childhood home. Tonnes of old pictures and notes from school. It was fun to go back in time!

  17. Bonfire!!!

    Omg - that picture!!! THAT HAIR!! what was I thinking?!?!? I look SO SO different.

    I love reading notes, letters, and cards I've gotten over the years. So special to me.

    I recently stumbled across mine and Dad's "contract" that I will never have children! Made me giggle!!!

  18. I am so, so bad about purging like this. Every time I've moved I tell myself I need to do it, but always run out of time and move everything. And now since we've lived in our current house for 4 year-ish, I haven't really gone through anything. Definitely something that needs to happen this summer... although I'm so bad about getting rid of anything even slightly sentimental

  19. I purged a bunch of my childhood stuff right before I got married. I am in desperate need of purging through my college crap still. I have so much stuff for so many different age levels that I just need to pitch some stuff. But it's hard. I try to purge twice a year or so. I'm bad, very bad.

  20. Bonfire, bonfire, bonfire! You need to do something BIG with all those notes. Something epic. :)

    I purge ALL. THE. TIME. I can't stand clutter and I am so the opposite of a pack rat that if it doesn't have a use for me, it goes in the trash or to Goodwill. I go through my closet/room every few months and try to go through my apartment a few times a year. It always feels SO good to get rid of stuff!

  21. I agree--bonfire :) If you might actually reflect on them then keep some of them but burn the rest. Perhaps you could make a shadowbox for the marathon? It'd be awesome for you to do multiple ones and then use them as wall decor in your new place---things you can look at that will make you feel good, settled, & happy--remind you of yourself AND let other people get to see a bit of you when they visit your home. I purge at least once a year and it is SO therapeutic. In fact my closet had been driving me bonkers cause it was so disorganized and even though I haven't had a lot of time, I totally stayed up til 1am last week just to reorganize it and create a trunk of backpacking/outdoor items. Felt so rewarding! It's on my list when housemate M moves out this weekend, to go thru the house and deep clean, touch up paint, reorganize and purge any excess things. It feels so good to only live with what I need and love (because truth be told I still have way more than what is just needed). The majority of what I purge gets given to others who I know need/want the items, gets dropped off at Goodwill (people will reuse the strangest things!), or recycled (ie lots of old student papers....). So glad you got to go down memory lane and also weed out some of the junk! Oh and frame some of those letters from your grandfather is they have any words of wisdom--I totally did that with my Poppa's favorite letter--it's so restoring and healing every time I look at it and it reminds me of my family values!
