Monday, July 21, 2014

Another Fun but Busy Weekend!

Well hello, Monday.  You came entirely too fast.  I had a fun weekend but it was definitely a little bit really busy so I am feeling a bit tired this morning.  Thank God for coffee!  Here's how we stayed busy this weekend!

On Friday night Phil had a friend from work come over to see his house (which he bought in February) so we had a drink on his patio (beers for them, fanta for me).  After she left, we went to an impromptu BBQ at his friend's house where we hung out with 2 of the couples we had seen the week before.  After eating and catching up, we made a brief cameo at another party at a friend of Phil's.  I was pretty socialized out at this point so was glad that we just made a brief 30 minute appearance.  Plus I wanted to get to bed at a reasonable time since I knew Saturday would be a long day.

On Saturday morning I was up bright and early for run club. We met in a different location as a local running store was having a 25% off shopping event.  I ran 11.75 miles, which is my longest run since returning to running in January, and then bought some new shoes, socks, a hat and some gu for longer training runs.  I'm really glad the color of the newest model of the shoes I buy is less obnoxious than my current color.

After the run, I rushed back home to shower and got ready so Phil and I could hit the road for Amber's wedding which was in the Spencer, IA area.  Amber is another URL turned IRL friend.  We've been reading each others' blogs for 5+ years and met in person for the first time back in 2010.  It's been fun to watch her relationship grow from a first date to a wedding date so I am so glad we were able to be there on her special day.  Phil and I had a great time at her wedding, here are a couple of photos I snapped!

Just Married!

The beautiful bride & I

Not the best selife, but here I am with my dashing dance partner!
On Sunday morning we drove back to Minneapolis, making a pit stop along the way so we could drive around the campus where Phil went to school.  When we got back into town, Phil headed to his mom's for the rest of the day and I did a bunch of things including making a to-do list and shopping list for the get-together I am hosting next Saturday and going to 3 (yes, 3!) different groceries stores to get most of the items on the shopping list and making the dessert (which was kind of more work than I had anticipated). Phew.  It was a busy afternoon/evening.

Next weekend is going to be pretty busy too due to the all the preparation I'll be doing for the get-together we are hosting on Saturday evening.  Maybe, just maybe, the weekend after that will be quiet!?

What was the highlight of your weekend?  Mine was attending Amber's wedding!


  1. So exciting you were at Amber's wedding! She looked gorgeous :)

    Your weekend was jam packed! I'm glad it was filled with good things, though :) It always makes me happy to read that you are having an enjoyable weekend in the city you love!

    Our weekend did not go as planned due to the weather, but we actually accomplished a lot around the house which made me feel good since we are having the whole family over tomorrow to celebrate Welles' birthday!

  2. I love your pics from Amber's wedding- I was so excited when you posted some on Saturday night :) I was stalking from afar! Also, I find your selfie impressive- I really have minimal selfie skills haha.

    Your weekend sounds busy but good! Mine was actually pretty relaxed compared to the multiple parties of the weekend before. Ha ha.

  3. Wow! What a weekend! Super busy - but looked like a great time!

    My weekend was insanely mellow. Highlights were the long bike rides/ bricks I did Saturday and Sunday morning and having the afternoon by the pool with Ryan once he woke up (from being on nights).

    I love your new running shoes! That's a nice mellow color :)

  4. Wow quite a busy weekend!! So cool that you were able to go to Amber's wedding!

    Also, what running shoes are those? I'm looking to buy some new ones soon

  5. You know, I'm with you on the shoe color - I'm so glad manufacturers are trending away from neon and back to normal tones!
    The best part of my weekend was seeing my godchildren!

  6. Whew, that was a busy one, but fun! Amber looked beautiful! I liked your dress, too! That color is great on you!
    We had a great weekend, too! Lots of lake & family time! Went by too quickly!
    Great picture of you and your "dance partner"!

  7. That dress is such a beautiful color on you! And I agree--why do running shoes sometimes have to come in the most ridiculous colors?

  8. It sounds as though you have fully settled back in, at least with a social life, new people and old and lots of running. Good for you -- I'm so glad you see you happy!

    My weekend highlight was a family birthday dinner for Rick's birthday with the kids and his nephew. Great fun!

  9. Um, your boyfriend is haaanndsssomme. I hope you don't mind me saying so =)

    Glad you had a good, albeit busy, weekend. Ours was similar... family in town, event at the library for the girls, swimming at my dad's, dinner with friends Saturday night, church yesterday followed by a playdate for the kids/socializing for me and then it was Sunday night. Time flies these days!

  10. That's so wonderful that you got to attend her wedding :-) The highlight of my weekend was laughing with my mom.

  11. I'm with Nora, Phil looks cah-ute in that photo!

    Even though your weekend was packed, I'm glad you got to do some fun things and attend Amber's wedding. The highlights of my weekend was running close to 2 miles and then heading to Hartford to celebrate the engagement of my friends Kurt and Justin. (Hartford itself is no one's highlight of anything, but getting to celebrate with the happy couple and others was great!)

  12. You know how I know you don't live in NC anymore? You used BBQ as a verb. it's still a noun here.

    Fun times at Amber's wedding! I'm very happy for her, I know the day took a lot of planning.

  13. I love your dress! And Amber looks so pretty and glowing! It must have been so special to be there, especially since you have seen this relationship grow from the beginning!

    The highlight of my weekend was having book club brunch at my apartment pool. It was so much fun!

  14. Amber made a beautiful bride! And you looked amazing, too! Absolutely love the dress you got!

    The highlight of my weekend was probably spending a couple of hours fishing and kayaking yesterday. It was fun to hang out with my brother for a couple of hours and it was just nice to be outside, plus I LOVE our new kayak!

  15. My highlight was Amber's wedding too. And seeing you! And that Corgi at the wedding--Sophie--ha ha! It was a fun night.

  16. Love love love the new sneakers! I'm tired just reading about your weekend but glad you had a great one

  17. Busy weekend you had! Nice job on the long run. How are they going? Any races you are signed up for besides the one in San Fran? And Amber looked gorgeous on her wedding day :)

  18. Aww! Love the photos! My highlight was Friday's sunset on the beach and playing at the beach all day Saturday with the kiddos!

  19. So glad you got to celebrate with Amber!

    Okay, three places Friday night? Three grocery stores on Sunday? I'm seeing a trend…

    My highlight was finishing packing - except for what we need this week, and reading not one, but two books. So ready to move!

  20. So happy you were at Amber's wedding! And the color of your dress is gorgeous and suits you very much! :)

  21. Love the new running shoes. I need a new pair so bad. The wedding pics are super cute. Love your new dress.

  22. My highlight this weekend was getting 17 hours of sleep in 2 days! I needed it. :) Love these photos and you look beautiful!

  23. I love the photos from Amber's wedding! It looks like such a fabulous time was had by all who were there, and I can definitely see why it was the highlight of your weekend!

  24. I love the mint green color of your shoes!! I want to get a second pair so I am not always just running down one pair. It would be really nice to always be rotating between two. It looks like Amber's wedding was fun! I love the term URL turned IRL friend. ;)

  25. Love my blogger turned irl friends!!! Amber looks very beautiful!!! You look gorgeous and you rocked your dress I love it!!!
