Monday, July 28, 2014

Virtual Coffee Date

When I read Caroline's virtual coffee date post last week, it reminded me that it's been awhile since I did one, so here goes!

If we were having coffee today...

- I'd tell you that the party I hosted on Saturday night was really fun!  I made pulled pork, lentil meatballs with marinara, pickle dip (goes with potato chips), fruit salad, and a layered s'mores ice cream cake (pictured below) and the other 3 couples each brought something to share.  The fireworks show was probably the best one I've ever seen and we wrapped up the evening with a game of Apples to Apples.

This is each of the layers of the ice cream cake.  I am glad it tasted good because it was kind of a putzy dessert to make!

- I'd tell you that I've had multiple people tell me that they can tell how much happier I am now that I am back home.  It's nice to hear that others are noticing I am back to my normal self as I wasn't sure how long it would take to shake that bogged down version of myself that I became in Charlotte.

- I'd tell you that my transition to my new job has been... challenging.  The work environment, especially within my immediate team, is different...  It's only been 2 months and they say it takes about 6 months to adapt to a new job/work environment so I am trying to be patient.  For now I'm trying to focus on the fact that this job brought me back home and am trying to remain hopeful that I'll feel more comfortable in my new group soon.

- I'd tell you that for the first time in my life, I am consistently strength training.  I completely attribute this to doing the summer shred in June.  I've been re-using some of the workouts from the shred and supplementing with workouts from Peanut Butter Runner.  I can definitely tell that I am getting more definition in my arms which is nice to see!  I'm looking forward to doing another shred later in the year around the holidays.

- I'd also tell you that running is going really well.  I ran 13.5 miles on Saturday, which is the longest I've ran since my injury and I felt pretty strong on the run.  I'm probably not running on the trails as much as I should but it's just so time consuming to go out to the trails in the area since it's a longer drive/slower pace/etc.  I do plan on running on trails next weekend, though.

- I'd tell you that I am really looking forward to the (mostly) unplanned weekend ahead.  The last 2-3 weekends have felt a little bit over planned so I am glad I have a quieter weekend on deck (yes, it's only Monday and I'm already thinking about the weekend).  I am trying to not make any plans on Saturday so that I can relax and do whatever I feel like doing that day.

If we were having coffee today what would you tell me?


  1. Your party sounds fabulous! And hooray for having a down weekend coming up!

    If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you...

    ...that I'm tired but happy - I understand the being happier since you moved mentality, and it's only been three days!

    ...I'm about to have my first commute from our new home and I hope it's not that much longer!

    ...that I'm still making healthy choices, but doing a detox during a move was not a good idea. (Ben however is LOVING it).

    ...that I'm looking forward to a down weekend (i.e. not moving) this weekend as well, before we head on a little weekend trip next weekend.

    Happy Monday! (ugh)

  2. It's SO tough adjusting to a new job, I definitely agree it takes at least 6 months. I think that's one of the main reasons I'm so hesitant to look for a new job right now.. I'm finally in that comfy place..

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  3. I'd tell you new job adjustments definitely take time, from my experience, and that "different" isn't always "bad". And I'd tell you that, speaking of, I have a new employee starting today!

  4. Sorry you're having a hard transition with the new job. Hopefully things will get better soon, and you're totally right that it can take a while to get the hang of personalities, work culture, etc.

  5. Sounds like your party went well! What were the fireworks for? I'd tell you that I am needing another nap even though I had one Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This baby growing business is tiring. I'd also tell you that I'm counting down the days until my summer holidays....can't wait to have time off!

  6. It took me a while to get into a good groove with my job. I think it’s only been in the last few months that I’ve begun to feel less awkward and strange, ha. It takes me at least 6 months, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed you find your groove there in the coming months. Starting a new job is TOUGH, no matter what.

    If we were having coffee today, I’d talk to you about our coinciding 31 workouts in 31 days goal and how glad I am that I took on this challenge. I’d also probably tell you about how I completely messed up my Saturday night, where I planned to drive down to the beach to watch the sunset, by not timing things properly and running into major beach traffic (GAH). Lesson learned, right? :)

  7. Girls who lift make guys consistently say yes. to anything. it's an amazing power. Great job getting some consistent strength training! That's really wonderful.

    I would tell you (over coffee) about how great the Hoka's are after putting 15 miles on them yesterday. And how I have totally ground down my sleep/eat/train cycle until I can no longer fill up, stop yawning, or stand erect. must. keep. training.

  8. There is nothing wrong with thinking about the weekend on a Monday!

    today I would tell you...
    * That some Mondays are for the birds. This one is chewing me up and spitting me out.

    * Since I've been watching Scandal, I'm more paranoid about people being able to find out lots of things about me. I have nothing to hide, but I also don't want the world to know my business.

    * That I did my first cannonball since probably college in the pool yesterday. It was so fuN!

  9. Sounds like your party was fun! I love fireworks so can imagine how beautiful it was if you thought it was the best you ever saw!
    If we were having coffee today, I would tell you that we had a good weekend of babysitting and those 3 sure do sleep good! Evelyn slept form 8:00 until 7:30 the next morning so no complaints there! She isn't the best nap taker in the day, so that may be why she sleeps so well at night!
    I'd also tell you that yesterday was not a good "lake day" and I'm glad we didn't have plans as we would have had to cancel them!
    Wind, cold and showers are not good on a summer Sunday!
    I'd also tell you that I am so excited to have all 5 of our kids coming together in less than two weeks now! YES!

  10. I have been in the same job for seven years and prior to that I worked "not real" jobs, aka college jobs that really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. As a result I've never felt that adjustment period after starting a new job, but I imagine it must be stressful just like any other major life change. I hope you feel more and more settled as time goes on. I am so happy that people can see the "old Lisa" coming back. That must make you happy!

    I would tell you how nice it is to be living with Pete, finally! The division of labor being split up is especially nice. I didn't realize how much stress I placed on myself to get everything done. I'd also tell you I'm looking forward to my first 10 mile race on Sunday, but I won't really be racing it as I have to run 3 + 3 before and after to reach my mileage for the day. Still will be fun to try out a new race!

  11. I can definitely tell you're getting back to your old self! I hope the job stuff works itself out soon, but overall I think you sound really happy and settled!

    If we were having coffee today I would tell you that I'm also feeling really good. Eric and I have had this unsteady feeling for a LONG time with him going to school, and even though he still hasn't secured full time permanent work, his temp work has turned out to be much steadier than we originally thought it would be. We're just enjoying summer and I love that we're getting out kayaking and fishing almost every weekend! I would also tell you that I don't want summer to end. I did two weeks ago but our cold spell last week was just what I needed to get me back in loving summer mode :)

  12. I would tell you I'm delighted to hear you sounding like the Lisa I first met and that you are running and happy!

    I'd tell you I've been at the lake and it's cold as all get out for July and that I'm looking forward to heading to Columbus for a road trip next week! How's that?!

  13. Wow! Your party menu sounds awesome. I need to make pulled pork again soon. And that ice cream... wow! I have always been intimidated to make ice cream. So awesome that you're back to running long AND strength training! I too am happy to be back to a regular exercise routine and starting to feel fit and strong again.

  14. Wow - you hosted quite the party! That cake looks impressive!! (I am stressing about cake Ryan's bday is rapidly approaching, and I'm terrible at making things look pretty)....

    I miss pickle dip.

    I love Peanut Butter Fingers' blog! I did a lot of her plylometric workout last summer when we lived in TX.

    Glad you get a rest a little this weekend!

    My coffee date I'd tell you stories about work (or vent). And how I'm feeling like I'm doing everything in my life 50% right now (expect work and HIM training) - and am feeling major guilt. Ready to get away for a week with family and press "reset"!

  15. That's great that you're strength training regularly and that the running is going so well :-) I'm always impressed by your dedication to fitness (and reading, haha!)

    I love weekends with nothing much to do. This weekend coming up is a long weekend, and we are telling people we are gone camping ... but really we are just hiding out in the backyard and are going to not go out or do much of anything.

  16. My back is killing me and I am over it being in the freaking 60s in July! I want to be in my pool! I don't want to be on my couch under blankets!

  17. That ice cream cake does look pretty delicious, although I'm quite curious as to what exactly is in each layer...

    And well, if we were on a coffee date, I'd probably be complaining that I can't have coffee since I've stopped drinking it since I've been pregnant. I know they say one glass a day won't hurt, but it doesn't do any good either. Although I'm not sure I'll be able to make it once pumpkin spice lattes are back!

  18. Hope you acclimate to work in the next few months! It can be so disorienting!

  19. So glad the party was a success!!! Your dessert looks amazing!!! It is time consuming when you have to drive to run I hate it! I'm focusing on shorter runs and faster paces to keep myself running regularly. Awesome about the strength training!!!
