Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Workout Wednesday: A Milestone Achievement

Happy Wednesday!  I don't know about you, but this week is feeling especially long on the tails of what was a short week last week due to the holiday.  But hey - we're almost half ways through the week.  Woo hip.

So I wanted to post about this last Wednesday but I wanted to do my recap of the Summer Shred before the July session started in case my post inspired anyone to sign up...  but if it wasn't for that post, last week's Workout Wednesday post would have certainly been about this:

Yes, I realize I look like a hot mess in this photo as it was super humid and warm, but this moment had to be documented!

Those pictures were taken a week ago Saturday. If you look at the lower right hand corner of my Garmin you'll see that I ran 10.50 miles!  This is a big deal because it was my first double digit long run since my RA diagnosis!!

~11 months ago when I was diagnosed with RA, I honestly questioned whether I'd be able to walk pain free so the fact that I'm able to run 10+ miles and feel good afterwards is a major accomplishment!  Having RA is hard and I don't always talk about it because I don't want to be that person who is talking about her health all the time, but one way RA has changed me for the better is that it makes me appreciate feeling good and having an active lifestyle more than ever.

So take that RA.  Lisa - 1, RA - 0.

Have you ever been through something that has made you appreciate your health? Do you feel like you appreciate your health and ability to be active?  I do now, more than ever.  I'll never take my healthy, active lifestyle for granted again.


  1. Woooo! Congrats!!! And yes, infertility has done that to me - not so much about my health, as recognizing what a miracle it is to have a healthy child.

  2. This is cause for extreme celebration!! I remember my first double digit run feeling like such a milestone. Congratulations on how far you've come! I haven't had anything major that's made me appreciate my health, just the normal running injuries and seasonal illnesses that knock me down from time to time. When I can't run or be active for a week or two I get so frustrated and I try to channel that frustration on days when I'm feeling lazy and uninspired with my this week in the heat!

  3. Woohoo! Congratulations! Every time I'm tired or don't want to work out, I think about all the people who can't for various and it's such a motivation for me. You are so inspiring!

  4. Atta girl. I'm sorry you've had to go through so much to get that perspective. I haven't had any major health setbacks or injuries -- it's a huge fear of mine.

  5. This makes me want to do a happy dance! Obviously I remember vividly you getting the call about the RA and I'm actually tearing up right now thinking about how far you've come.

  6. Great achievement! You have really rocked your RA and I am so happy about that! Last summer was a downer in so many ways that it is gratifying to see you doing so well!

  7. Nicely done! I bet that run felt so fantastic :)

  8. After watching my mom go through what she has, and then having close friends deal with various health issues (fertility issues, RA, another friend with skin cancer) I'm so thankful to be healthy. It makes my food allergies seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things!

    Congrats on the run! Glad you're able to run; I know how much it's a part of you!

  9. Congratulations on the running milestone!! That's wonderful!! (Also, I think you look pretty darn good for running double digits!)

  10. "Take that, RA" is right! I remember when we found out about your dx - and I started reading blogs about people with RA, and I, too, was scared for you. So this is just amazing!!! I'm so glad you've found the right combo that works for you!

    I think you look adorable in that picture, by the way!

    I do appreciate my health quite a bit - since I'm around sick people 40 hours/week. And a huge part of my job now is helping people get mobility devices or set up with rehab to help them walk again after hip fractures and strokes. So I feel extremely grateful for my health.

  11. That's a nice return to form! Great job.

  12. Woohoo! Way to go on such a fantastic milestone, Lisa. I remember how much your RA diagnosis affected you, and I’m so proud to see how far you’ve come.

    I’ve had a few injuries (like breaking my ankle and pulling a muscle in my back that made just SITTING hurt) that have really helped me see how much I take being healthy and being able to exercise for granted. It really is a gift!

    PS – you are the cutest hot mess ever! :)

  13. Just so darn happy for you! Isn't it crazy how much things can change in a year's time? Thinking 12 months before your RA diagnosis how different life was from that point to 11 months ago when you were diagnosed and then until now. Sometimes it really baffles me how much life can flip flop on us. But regardless I am so darn excited you are back to running and I can't wait to run with you again in September!!!

  14. And, now that I'm reading this post on such a delayed schedule, I know you've completed TWO double-digit runs. That's outstanding, Lisa. And, while living with RA might pose lots of challenges, there's something to be said about staying on top of your health and continuing to seek better remedies if the current one isn't cutting it!

  15. You know I've been through something that makes me appreciate my health all the more. What I really love about this post is YOU and conquering your RA and getting out there and doing what you love. I wish you could see my very big smile!
