Wednesday, November 26, 2014

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 10

Today I am thankful for my family.

I feel very blessed to have a happy, healthy family that I genuinely enjoy being around.  My family has always been supportive, but they've been especially supportive over the last couple of years which were filled with ups and downs.

My family has made so many memories over the years, especially at my parents' lake home.  


My dad and Evelyn

Andrew and Matthew

Girls getaway 2013
Abby and I

James and I


My mom and I cheersing with coffees before leaving Charlotte
Kolin & I

Evelyn and I wearing stripes on the 4th of July
 I'm looking forward to seeing my parents, grandma, 2 of my siblings, 4 nephews, and 1 niece tomorrow!  We'll be thinking of the family members that can't be with us!

Happy Thanksgiving to those who will be celebrating tomorrow, and have a wonderful weekend! 


  1. I love your family, soooo many cute kids :) happy thanksgiving!

  2. I seriously can't get over how big all the kids are now! I remember when so many of them were born!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too my friend!

  3. Can't wait to share some turkey with you and some of the family! Drive safely!

  4. Awww the photos of your family (and you!) are so cute! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend.

  5. I knew that one would be in there! What a wonderful family you have. Indeed, you are blessed.

  6. Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. It's so nice when you're family members are your friends, and you genuinely enjoy being around them. Our families are both like that, and they are our favourite people to be around. Happy Thanksgiving to you today!! I hope it is wonderful!!

  8. Wow, the kids are getting big! It seems like Anna was just born yesterday...

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are enjoying your family time!

  9. Gaaahhh I haven't read blogs in so long so I went back and read Oct/Nov! Sounds like so many amazing things have been falling into place and I always love your countdown to Thanksgiving. Lots of wonderful things to be thankful for. Loved the polka dot stitch fix sweater and totally agree about sending those dresses back! Did you find a different dress for the wedding? How exciting to get to go to Jamaica :) Hope you've been well lady!

  10. This is a great post!! Great pictures to sum up the greatness of family time. Miss you guys! So glad you are back in Minnesota again - bet it's especially surreal during the holiday!

    I am so grateful for you! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!!

  11. I think it's awesome how close your family is and how big it is!! I kind of wish I had a bigger family sometimes. I don't get to spend nearly as much time with ALL my family as I would like since we are so spread out but I was really thankful to see all of my aunts, uncles and first cousins on my mom's side of the family at my family reunion this past summer.

    So glad your close to your family again!

  12. So many wonderful memories!!! I would be so lost without my family! It's crazy how fast time goes and how big all the kids are getting!
