Friday, November 14, 2014

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 3

Today I am thankful for the new friends I have made this year.

Phil and I have spent a lot of time with his friends since I moved back and as a result, I have become close to the other couples - especially the girls.  I've always felt really welcome and included in this group, which is a nice feeling.  Us girls will do things on our own without the boys - like start a book club!  I now think of Phil's friends as "our" friends instead of "his" friends. 

I have become particularly close to Phil's friend's fiance, Courtney.  Hearing how much she enjoyed biking is what really pushed me to take the plunge and buy a bike this summer.  We have gone on some really fun rides this fall, ranging anywhere from 20 to 40 miles!  Biking with a buddy is WAY more fun that biking on your own.  Biking season is over, but I can't wait to see what trails we'll check out next summer/fall.

Our fall bike ride on the trails of Minneapolis
3 weeks from today (!!!) Phil and I will travel to Jamaica for Luke & Courtney's wedding and we can't wait!  Traveling with other couples that we get along with so well will make it an especially fun vacation!


  1. That's awesome that you have become friends with Phil's friends. Did you know you exceptionally good at making and maintaining friendships? Just something I have noticed :)

  2. That's great that you are getting along well with Phil's friends and their girlfriends. It is really nice when that happens! I have a couple of male friends whose girlfriends I have become close with and its fun to hang out with them and do our own thing!

    I agree with Kelly; you are really good at keeping up with and keeping track of multiple friends! I tend to let things decline over time sometimes if things get busy or hectic in life.

  3. It's really nice when couples enjoy the others' friends. I'm lucky that Rick likes mine and vice versa, though most of his are cyclists and we don't see them that often. But when we do, it's very easy. From where I sit, friends and family is what it's all about -- you are lucky indeed to realize it!

  4. That is awesome!!! Sometimes couple friends don't click, so you are very lucky. Biking buddies are really nice to have because biking solo can get very monotonous!!!

  5. It's awesome to have/make new friends! Can't wait to see pics of Jamaica. I know you're going to have a blast! =)

  6. I agree with Jeanie - friends and family is what it's all about!
    Can't wait to see photos of your trip to Jamaica - sounds like lots of fun! Bring a small cribbage board along to play on the plane! We did that when we went to Hawaii and it really made the time pass quickly!

  7. Oh this is wonderful that you're getting along so well with Phil's friends... esp. that you got a new girlfriend out of it that you can go biking with :)

  8. It's such a great feeling when you are able to make friends with your significant other's friends and not have it be awkward every time you see them :) Can you take me with you to Jamaica?

  9. It's so nice when "his friends" become "our friends". Jamaica is going to be so awesome!!! I'm excited for you guys!!!

  10. I love that you have found such a wonderful group of friends! So excited for your Jamaica trip!!!

  11. Oh, goodness, I am so excited for you to see and enjoy Jamaica... especially since you get to leave cold Minnesota for beautiful Jamaica! It's one of my favorite places. :)

  12. I am jealous of Jamaica! We went for our honeymoon/friend's wedding. It was a blast.

  13. I am so glad that you have integrated so well into Phil's group of friends and can now call them your friends! We have actually never really traveled with other couples with the exception of maybe a camping weekend or something so I think it would be really fun to go on a big trip to Jamaica with a bunch of couples you get along so well with!
