Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 6

Today I am thankful that I have a great mentor whom I also consider a good friend.

I feel like the last several years of my career have been a bit tumultuous and stressful.  Between having my former boss, whom I loved working for, leave the company where we worked together, going through the Charlotte relocation, searching for jobs, and securing my new position with a new company, I've been through a lot professionally.  Luckily, through it all, that boss that I loved working for has been there for me every step of the way.

We haven't worked together in over 2 years but I still talk to him on a weekly basis, sometimes more frequently depending on what is going on in our lives.  Besides being a mentor, he's also become a very good friend and confidant.  He's had the role I currently have at my new company and understands the challenges I'm facing so it's nice to talk to him and express concerns and doubts that I am having about my career.  He's a good listener and is good about seeing things very logically, and most importantly, he believes in me which is helpful as lately I've struggled to believe in myself at times.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be "when I grow up" so I'm thankful that I have a mentor that knows me well, knows my strengths, but also understands what I value.  I'm not sure what my future holds career-wise but I'm hopeful that I will find myself working with my mentor again as a team as, looking back over the last 4 years, that is when I was most happy and content.  Whether or not that happens, I'm thankful that he's in my corner. 


  1. Having someone know you that well and who helps you advocate for yourself is wonderful! So glad you all have stayed in touch!

  2. That is priceless. I think we can find people who are supportive, but they do not understand our industry and cannot really understand what we are talking about when we have issues going on. It's great to have someone who is both caring and kind, as well as knows exactly what you are going through!

    In my current job, I don't really have anyone who I can moan to, so my long run running partners are currently getting an earful!

  3. I am glad you have someone like that to turn to! I have learned that people can make a huge difference as far as my satisfaction and fulfillment at work. One bad egg can ruin the environment and make for stressful and unpleasant work days. I also hope that you are able to work with your mentor again someday. I don't know much about what you do, but I know you are hard working, dedicated and motivated and those qualities will help you get to where you want to be. Also, I am not sure what want to be "when I grow up" either! I question my career choices every day.

  4. You are so fortunate to have someone you can talk to about "work" and that he understands. Like Kyria said - PRICELESS! I can see why he is on your list of things to be thankful for!

  5. Awesome to have someone in your field that you can trust and who can help you along the way. Those are great relationships (and friends) to have.

  6. He is definitely someone to be thankful for! I am a little envious, actually. When I took this job, I kind of got stranded on this little island where I get to figure everything out all on my own. There are positives to that but it's also exhausting. And a little lonely.

  7. That's a great person to have in your life!!

  8. That's so awesome that you have someone in your life that can help guide and encourage you in relation to your career :) It makes a difference to have that support!

  9. Priceless, indeed.

    I hope there is some way the two of you can work together again professionally!

  10. Ya! So glad you have an amazing mentor in your life. So helpful as you go through all these crazy changes at work and try to figure out where you really want to be in your professional life!

  11. That is wonderful to have a mentor that you can trust. And also that he's become a friend over the years!

  12. I'm so glad you have stayed in touch with your former boss and he has been such a great mentor to you :)

  13. It is so important to have someone who believes in you who is in your corner! I'm thankful that God provided such a great mentor! You know I'm praying for you!

  14. Having a mentor is so important -- you're lucky to have found a good one.

    I've much to catch up on here -- bear with me!
