Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekend Review

It was a cold weekend here but I made the best of it.  Here's how I kept warm and busy this weekend!

On Friday night we stayed in and made this Mediterranean shrimp skillet and a Greek salad.  We had made the skillet before and I think last time it was a little better but I can't figure out what I did differently, aside from using penne pasta instead of spaghetti. Nonetheless, it was still a good, easy meal to make.

After dinner we watched a movie called The Good Lie.  It is NOT a light movie as it's about the lives of 4 Sudanese refugees that immigrate to the U.S.  It was sad and eye-opening but we felt the movie was well done. 

On Saturday morning I begrudgingly left my warm bed to head out for a run with my club.  I needed to get 8 miles in and thought maybe it wouldn't be too bad since it was 18F degrees outside (which is warmer than it's been lately).  Except the wind was blowing, so it felt like 7F, and the paths had a thin layer of snow which meant I didn't really feel like I had a firm footing.  That really messes with your stride and made the run feel even longer.

The views along the run were beautiful...  

but honestly I was just ready for this run to be done when I was about 3 miles into it.  This just goes to show that even people that LOVE running don't love every run.
I know there are people who enjoy/tolerate winter running but it's just so hard for me.  It's definitely better than running on the dreadmill but it's tough to get myself motivated to get out there when it's cold!  Yesterday was actually a "warmer" day for us compared to other days so I am sure some Minnesotans would read this and think, "you are a wimp" but like I've said before, I feel like I am more sensitive to the cold!

But hey, on a day like Saturday, you don't have to worry about your water getting warm.  It was cold enough that the cap of my water bottle froze during my run.  You can see the layer of ice in this photo.

After run club, I rushed home, got ready in record time (like 15-20 minutes) and headed to brunch with some college girlfriend.  We failed to take a picture together but this brunch was SO MUCH FUN.  One friend was visiting from South Dakota that I hadn't seen in nearly 4 years, which is crazy.  The 4 of us sat there and gabbed for two hours straight and could have kept talking if we didn't have to go about our days after that. I wish we could all see each other more often but luckily we'll all see each other again in May when we gather for a friend's baby shower.

On Saturday afternoon, I got to do a quick FaceTime with Leigh so I could "meet" Miss Amelia.  She is so cute, I wish I lived close so I could meet her in person and hold her! 

And then I did a video chat with Amber.  I'm so thankful for FaceTime and google hangouts!

On Saturday evening Phil and I went to a fast casual Greek place for dinner and then watched a movie together.  I should say he watched it - I was asleep on and off during it as I had woken up at 4 that morning and couldn't fall back asleep so I was dragging by 9 pm.

Saturday was a somewhat mild day weather-wise but Sunday wasn't.

I try not to complain about the weather but oh my God, weather like yesterday is just awful.  I'm thankful that I have a warm home and didn't have to be outdoors but yowza, those temperatures are just brutal.  It was a good to day to stay in and get stuff done because there is no way I was going to be out and about in that cold weather, aside from going to the grocery store.

I got a workout in on Sunday morning and then Sunday afternoon was all about what I call "adulting" which means things like grocery shopping, laundry, ironing, and meal prep.  Between my birthday weekend and our trip to Santa Barbara, we've been eating out more often and indulging a bit so this coming week is all about clean eating.  I spent a good chunk of time on Sunday roasting and shredding chicken, cutting up vegetables for salads and making this tomato vinaigrette which turned out great!  Even if you don't like tomatoes it's worth trying as the tomato flavor is very subtle.  Salads can get boring for me fast so I need lots of toppings and an interesting salad dressing. 

I capped off my afternoon by attending a virtual google hang-out baby shower for Becky!  She's expecting a baby boy in April and we are all so happy for her! It was awesome that we all got to 'see' each other since an in-person shower isn't possible with how scattered we are!

Sunday evening was all about relaxing which is what I needed.  I have definitely found that I need Sunday evenings to just relax and read so that I can enter the week feeling rested!

How was your weekend?


  1. It sounds like you had a fun weekend! I am proud of you for getting out for a run -- even if 18 is warmer than normal, it's still pretty darn cold!

    I have been battling a cold this week, but it was so nice out that I could not stay inside, so I went for a run and it was great. It was much slower than my normal pace, but it was such a clear day that you could see all the way across the bay, so it was totally worth it!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! It's really hard to not complain about the weather when it's that cold.. it's just so miserable haha I want summer! Yesterday afternoon was sunny and 36 degrees, and it felt like a heatwave! My mood was instantly boosted.. I totally had forgotten what sun/above freezing temps felt like.

  3. Ugh. Our district has been closed goign on the third day now for temps in the -20s to -30s. It warmed up Saturday to 32 and it was sunny and I felt like I didn't need a coat!! That shrimp dish looks amazing.

  4. What a good mix of down time and doing stuff you had this weekend! And I'm glad you stayed in when you could because holy mother of cold! (Also, anyone who calls you a wimp when you run in what feels like 7 degree weather can bite me).

    My weekend was so lazy and lovely! I spent all day Saturday in bed watching Friends (no really, I only went downstairs to eat), and Sunday was similar only I was on the couch and I did do some laundry during it. But the virtual baby shower? Highlight of my weekend - it was so much fun, thanks for being there!

  5. You definitely made the best of the cold weather! Even though it was already miserable on Saturday it's great you got your run in as it was obviously even more miserable on Sunday!

    Great to 'see you' and chat with you twice this weekend!!

  6. Those temps, bbrrrrr!

    This morning on my way in it felt like -10 and I tell you, I'm so ready for some warmth. Rumor has it that it will be up to 40 degrees tomorrow and I can't wait for that. Will feel like a heat wave.

    Great seeing you yesterday :)

  7. Your shrimp dish and Greek salad look amazing! How did you make the shrimp? I'm always looking for new ways to cook it (we typically sautee in coconut oil, s&p and a little cumin). We also watched a movie this weekend (Revolutionary Road) which we rarely do. The Good Lie sounds fascinating - something we'd both enjoy. We have opposite tastes in movies 90% of the time! I'm right there with you being over this winter. I don't have an abundance of trails near me and the ones I do have don't get cleared in the winter so I've been stuck with the treadmill. I love the idea of a virtual baby shower!

  8. I can't imagine even just walking to my car in that weather. I CAN'T! Much less running in that weather.

  9. This cold weather really does suck. I'm so over it. Don't get me wrong, I actually love winter. But, I'm talking about a winter with consistent weather in the 20s and 30s, so I can get outside for my runs. I think I'm going to skip the early April half marathon, because the weather has really kept me from training the way I'd like (and getting to the gym for inside running just doesn't happen more than once a week). Boo. Glad you entertained your cold self with lots of warm chats with friends. That always makes the time better.

  10. Having no traction while running in the snow is the worst! It makes me not miss winter running at all. But great job on getting out there! And thanks again for FaceTiming with us :)

  11. Sounds like you had a fun weekend, though the running would have done me in with the cold. I'm not even good walking on this stuff! But the rest -- divine -- a little bit of everything! Fun, people, sport, movies, Phil, food, productivity and down time, too! Three cheers.

    I honestly don't remember Saturday. Homely things, I think, til Rick made pizza for dinner! And writing. Sunday, an art class and Oscars. Works for me!

  12. Sounds like you had a full weekend! That's great. Omg - that run sounds so insanely cold! I don't know how you do it!! It's kind of crazy that Saturday I ran in 80 degree weather, while you ran in 18 degrees (which felt like 7...) Unreal!

    That shrimp dish sounds awesome! As does the tomato vinaigrette. I will have to try that. I love tomatoes - and agree that I need variety in my that gets old fast!

    Our weekend was awesome! Ragnar was so much fun - and our post-Ragnar celebration was great as well! Couldn't have asked for a better "1st weekend off in a month" ;)

  13. It was 32F on Friday morning here and I just. I cannot fathom weather that is colder than that. I don't know how you do it! Especially running in that weather!

    That's so fun that you guys had a virtual baby shower for Becky! She is such a gem, and that had to have made her entire weekend. :)

    My weekend was unexpectedly wonderful! My sister-in-law had her baby (two weeks early!) and he is healthy and adorable and CHUNKY. I am so in love.

  14. NC actually had it pretty rough too, getting several inches of snow today and temps in single digits last week. You people are supposed to keep that up north! lol

  15. I loved Becky's virtual shower- whoever's idea that was is a genius :)
    I love the term "adulting"- though I really hate adulting haha.

  16. I am behind on my blog reading with your Dad's surgery and all, but that salad and shrimp meal look so good! Sounds like another great weekend except for the weather! I am so tired of the cold and I do wish we had gotten in in December & January instead of now!

  17. I am totally hooked on Greek salad lately - olives, red onions, and feta cheese just add SO much to salads. That baby is so sweet!!

  18. I can't imagine running in the snow! I have a hard enough time just walking it in or even just in cold weather. So definitely think that fact that you're able to motivate yourself for it is awesome.

    And as silly as this sounds, I can't seem to get facetime to work on my phone. :( I'm pretty sure it's because I need to update my OS, but I'm afraid if I won't actually have enough space on my phone to do so. Which basically means I'm having to survive without facetime-ing, which wouldn't be that big of a deal, except people want to be able to see the baby!
