Friday, March 20, 2015


This week was not my favorite so I am glad to see it come to a close.  That said, it did go by pretty fast which is good!

The high of my week was going to book club last night.  We've got a great group of ladies in our book club and I love that we actually discuss the book (as well as other things going on in our lives of course).  Last night we discussed "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" which was a very interesting and well-written book.  

The low of my week was attending my good friend's dad's funeral.  My heart just hurts for my friend. Her dad was only 61 and he declined so rapidly that she didn't get to adjust to the idea of him being gone (not that there is ever enough time to adjust to that).  I hate that so many of my friends have lost parents in the last couple of years. 

A book I am reading is The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.  It's about the medical treatment of a Hmong child and the culture clash between her parents and the American medical doctors.  We have a very large Hmong population here in the Twin Cities and I'm going to an exhibit at a local museum about the history of the Hmong population so I thought it was a good time to read this book.

A podcast episode I loved was the TED Radio Hour podcast on communication entitled "spoken and unspoken."  I especially loved the last segment of the show which was about the connection between our body language and how our bodies take up space (how 'big' or 'small' we make ourselves) and how confident we feel.

For my workouts, I completed a run and barre class on Monday, an upper body strength training workout on Tuesday, a run club hill workout on Wednesday, a full body shred workout on Thursday, and tonight I will go to a barre class after work.  I usually take Fridays off but I am fitting a barre class in this week as I'm trying my hardest to use up my 10 barre classes before the groupon expires on April 7th!

The best money I spent was on a 6-week triathlon swim class that starts in late May.  I'm doing my first tri this summer and while I'm a fairly strong swimmer, swimming is my weakest sport of the 3 so I figure it will be helpful to take this class.

My plans this weekend include going to barre class tonight and then making dinner with Phil. Tomorrow I'm going to run with my club and hit up a yoga class at the barre studio and then the rest of the day is unplanned (yea!).  I'm planning to make this honey sesame chicken recipe and we'll probably watch college basketball (hello March Madness). So far my only plans on Sunday are to go to the Minnesota History Center to check out the Hmong exhibit.

What was the best money you spent this week?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. I have a super busy weekend planned. Tonight a friend and I are going for dinner and drinks and to see Cabaret put on by our community theater group. Tomorrow is Maple Syrup day at Isla's preschool so we are doing a pancake breakfast and then taking part in maple syrup activities. At night the husband and I are going out to dinner with my parents to a local Italian place that is closing (due to retirement) so we want to get the good food one last time and then we are kid free for the evening and are going out for drinks with friends. Sunday will be all cleaning/shopping/laundry. But it's spring now!!!!

  2. You are workin' it for your barre classes! And I'm so sorry for your friend's loss - glad you could be there for her. :(

    The best money I spent this week was on last minute things for packing our hospital bags. They are almost finished being packed - my goal is for us to only have to grab a couple of things (pillow for Ben, phone chargers, etc.) when I go into labor so we're not running around to try and collect toiletries as well - that's all set to go already between extras and travel sizes.

    Not too much on the agenda this weekend - probably some organizing around the house and trip to Carter's (we have an outlet here) with my cousin. I'm definitely still in "prep" mode so I'm hoping by the end of the weekend to feel done with that so I can just read and soak up the rest of this time - we'll see how it goes!

  3. Nice, I never got into Barre but it's definitely a good workout! Awesome that you're doing a tri this summer- the swim is my favorite part of the event!

  4. Best money I spent this week was probably on the shirley temple & apps I treated myself (and one of my mom's friends to) last night.

    My heart hurts for your friend; I know that pain all too well, the suddenness, etc. If there's anything I can do for you or for her, just let me know. <3

  5. I loved the Henrietta Lacks book. Fascinating.

    Best money I spent this week is yet to be spent -- but tonight I'm going to Southern Exposure to make a moss basket and I know I'll do something dangerous in their wonderful gift shop! And that starts a weekend of mostly relaxing, tidying up, and hopefully cleaning up the yard! Spring is here!

  6. Best money I spent this week was on bike gear! Well, Bill spent the money, but since it's "ours" I still think it counts. :) I got some bike underwear (sorry, TMI), a bike light, a bike bag, and we bought bluetooth speakers so that we can both hear the music while biking. CAN'T WAIT for bike season! :)

    Right now I am reading The Boston Girl and I'm really enjoying it!

  7. Best money spent was on going out with girlfriends on Tuesday and lunch dates with Sugarface.

    I'm listening to the podcast episode you wrote about! Thank you!

  8. I didn't spend any money this week except for gas & groceries, but need to do a major shopping trip for the office and home tomorrow, hopefully. Fargo here I come!
    My low of the week was taking your Dad back to the hospital for a staph infection in his incision and the highlight was bringing him home!

  9. Hope you have a good barre class tonight! I'm glad you like it so much and I hope you can get more groupons for that place in the future.

    Tomorrow we have to drop our truck off at the shop and then we're spending the majority of our day cleaning out our two spare bedrooms. I will also sneak away for a yoga class. Then I have to work tomorrow night selling raffle tickets at a hockey game. Sunday I am speaking about trail running at the local run club and going for a short run with them before going to my Sunday morning bootcamp class at the Y. Sunday afternoon we have a baseball practice with the ball team we're joining this spring and then I'm chatting with you! It should be a good balance of being productive, social and relaxing I hope!

  10. Great week of workouts! I still really want to hit up barre in the next few weeks. The tri class sounds like a great idea! That should definitely help with your swimming efficiency! I know that swimming is the one thing that really keeps me from diving into triathlons. Have a great weekend!

  11. Losing a parent is always strange and never easy for anyone to deal with. We're still adjusting after losing Gene in November.

    Have fun at the barre class! And good call getting that swimming practice lined up. that's going to be straight up fun!

  12. Hi i answered these on my blog if you have time stop by. Its
    http:// i named it friday fun. Hope you have a great evening. Lovely weather to work out. Happy friday.

  13. I miss my book club! I used to do an actual "brick and mortar" one, which then morphed to an online one, which then morphed to nothing.. I just have not found any nearby that I want to join (nor have I really tried very hard)!

    I liked that episode of TED as well. There's another one which I really enjoyed, which was the one by the author of Quiet, and a few others which really struck my fancy but I can't remember the titles. I have enjoyed several of them a lot!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Tell me more about this triathlon swim class... I need to get back into the water!

  15. TGIF indeed (or, TGIS as it is now!). Hope you enjoy the weekend!

  16. Best money I spent this week... hm... probably on brownie ingredients to bake for book club last night. Always love getting in the kitchen to bake!

    I don't have too many plans this weekend - woohoo! I do hope to sneak in some time by the pool either today or tomorrow. The weather is perfect for it!

  17. Glad you at least had some good parts of your week. I just read the Immortal Life too and it's a good book, very interesting!

    I'm having a pretty low key weekend- but Max has his first "friend" bday party tonight (it's my friend from work's daughter). It's also snowing... again. So I'm really trying to stop myself from being depressed!

  18. I'm sorry about your friend's dad. That is heartbreaking - so young!!!

    That's awesome you're doing that swim class for the tri! It will help you SO MUCH. Even being a swmimmer my whole live, I got in the late on my 1st tri, and completely froze up and panicked!! But after doing masters - I felt like a pro in the water during the tri! I'm excited to see how you like it.

    You had a great week of workouts!!

  19. I am so sorry about your friend's dad. It always makes me hurt inside when I hear that someone lost a parent way too early :( I am so scared of losing my parents one day.

    Good for you for fitting in all these work outs!

  20. Wow your inspiring me to work out more. I've been so tired lately I've slacked!

  21. That is so sad about your friend's dad :-( He was so young.

    The best money I spent this week so far was booking a trip to Vegas. We're going in the summer (crazy, I know) for a friend's wedding.

  22. That's so cool that you read a book about the Hmong people and then went to see a museum exhibit about them, too.

    The best money I spent last week was buying tickets to the New York Transit Museum - well worth the money (about $30 for 3 adults and 2 kids)!
