Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend Review

This past weekend was delightful.  I had enough going on to keep me from getting bored and enough down time to leave me feeling relaxed at the end of the weekend.  I need more weekends with this kind of balance!

On Friday night Phil and I met up with a group of his high school friends to celebrate a friend's birthday.  We went to a Mexican restaurant that we actually went to on our second date so it was fun to reminisce about that. And I randomly ran into my cousin's girlfriend who I hadn't seen since Julia Child night so that was fun!!

On Saturday morning I was up at at 'em early as I ran with my club at 7 am.  We ran 11 miles along one of my favorite paths in Minneapolis (Minnehaha Parkway).  I ran with 3 girls that I hadn't seen in a long time and we had so much fun catching up so the miles flew by.  Admittedly, I was ready to be done when the Garmin hit 11 miles, though!  My pace was around 9:15 which I am happy with since this run was supposed to be at a more relaxed, conversational pace.  After our run, a local running store hosted a discounted shopping event for us, so I scored some new shoes!  I'm not crazy about the color but the other alternative was bright orange which I was not a fan of!  Plus they gave me an extra discount as it wasn't their newest model (which I was more than fine with as it's the same model I'm running in).

On Saturday afternoon, I met up with Phil and his mom for lunch.  We went to this awesome Caribbean place that has THE BEST curry.  We discovered it thanks to Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.  It was fun to catch up with Phil's mom over lunch.  She's a retired English teacher and avid reader so we always have lots to talk about since we share a love of reading.  After lunch, I headed back home, and did laundry. I felt extra tired so I tried and failed to nap.  My body just won't let me nap no matter how tired I am.  So instead I read a good chunk of a book I started that day.  I've read a lot of heavier stuff lately so I needed a lighter book like this! Props to Jeanie for recommending it!

On Saturday night I went to mass and then Phil came over. We ate the chicken tikka masala that I had made that day (which turned out SO good) and we watched the movie Foxcatcher.  I did not really care for the movie.  I thought it was slow moving. Steve Carrell did a great job but the film sort of fell flat for me.  My judgment of the movie is likely colored by the fact that I was so tired that I struggled to stay awake.

Sunday was all about relaxing.  It was great to slowly wake up, enjoy some coffee and breakfast and do some more reading.  It was a beautiful day so I walked to the grocery store to get groceries.  After that, I hit up a class at Core Power Yoga at noon and then spent a couple of hours getting stuff done around the house.  It was a beautiful day so I headed out on a long bike ride in the afternoon.  I followed the Mississippi for quite awhile - I love biking along water!

And then I cut across to check out the Minnehaha Falls.  The falls looked pretty cool with the remnants of winter around them!

The 16 mile bike ride flew by and I was contently tired at the end.  The rest of the day was all about relaxing as I was pretty pooped after a tough yoga class and a long bike ride!

How was your weekend?  Has it been unusually nice where you live?  I'm loving the weather we've had lately!


  1. Well there you go; that was just the weekend you were looking for! I love that it was a good mix of social, responsible and active things! And I can't believe how nice your weather is right now!

    I had a very similar weekend. Friday was a friend's birthday dinner at my brother's house, where we just hung out, cooked, ate, and drank some wine (and may have had a mini dance party). Saturday I got up early and went for a run and it was such a beautiful clear was lovely. Then I got some errands done and spent the rest of the day relaxing. Sunday I went for a hike with a friend, went for a run and got some errands done and ended up staying up until almost 11 (I couldn't sleep) reading a really good book! I will be going to sleep early tonight!

  2. You DID have a good mix of doing and down time this weekend!

    I feel like my weekend was go-go-go, but I haven't had one of those in awhile and I suspect this will be the last one for awhile as well. Lots of errands, lots of baby prep (his nursery is SO close to being done), maternity pictures, brunch with friends - I emailed my manager last night saying I'd be in late this morning because I knew I'd need extra sleep. Definitely glad I made that call!

    Here's to a speedy week so it can be the weekend again!

  3. This weekend was non-stop busy! Visited Melissa in the hospital on Friday for about two hours, held the baby and then finally home after that. Saturday: errands in the morning: USPS, Bed Bath & Beyond for bridal shower presents, great time with Amber & Bill for lunch (and Ted Drewe's!), then home to get ready for the night out for the bachelorette party, took Melissa their dog (we had been watching her), then the bachelorette party which I didn't get home from until midnight! Sunday: bridal shower(fun!), date with dad & D at Barnes and Noble after the shower, then home to cook the side I took to dinner with friends. I was WIPED by the end of last night. WIPED.

    It has been beautiful here, so beautiful that we turned the heat off yesterday morning since it's a high of 80 here today!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend! Beautiful falls.

  5. I feel like this is something you have mentioned before, but it is so hard to find running shoes that aren't super bright these days! I like the ones you got and even better that they were at a discounted rate and a model that you know and like. Once I find a shoe that I like, I don't stray too far from it for a long time!

  6. What an awesome weekend! It does sound pretty perfect. Love the mix of being social, relaxing and reading and also being active. Those really are the very best weekends!

    We have had an unseasonably warm winter in general. It's honestly felt like spring here since the beginning of February. We really need some rain though, we had a crazy wind storm on Saturday afternoon and it's so so dusty here right now that all the dust flying around was pretty gross!

  7. What a perfect weekend for you! I love that it's nice enough outside in Minneapolis for bike riding. That must have felt wonderful!

    We've been near record highs in Florida this past week. It was in the mid-80s on Saturday and Sunday. I took Dutch on a walk outside in sweatpants and it definitely is NOT sweatpants weather anymore! Ha.

  8. This past weekend was "awesome"! The weather was beyond perfect for me and the sunshine felt so wonderful! It doesn't take much to make a northerner happy after a cold winter! I raked the beach at the lake yesterday and even burned the leaves and branches as they were so dry! How remarkable is that?
    Your weekend sounded really great! I didn't get any reading done as I also babysat for 3 of the grands so it was busy!

  9. Sounds like your weekend was the perfect mix of socializing and relaxing / spending time on/for yourself!

    Our weekend was a bunch of missed connections that turned into fun last-minute plans. Friday afternoon, Gavin was supposed to have a playdate, but his friend got sick. So, we went to the park, where probably half his preschool class turned up. Great post-school date! Saturday, we were supposed to hang out with friends, but their kids got sick. So, we wound up going to a bar with a couple other friends (and all our kids) for a St. Patrick's Day lunch and then met my niece's and one of their mom's at the park! Sunday, we did a bunch of paperwork (taxes, bills, ugh!) and then went to the burbs to hang out with Sweets' parents. Good times.

  10. Yay for new shoes! I'd rather have that color than orange as well. I've been in a major reading rut lately. I just can't get into anything I pick up! It was cold and rainy all weekend but I'm thankful it was rain and not snow! SO ready for spring!

  11. How cool! That's a lot of fun. It was so nice and warm in Savannah too, I really wanted to run but couldn't. It's good that you get along well with Phil's mom too, that has to make him feel very comfortable. I was really glad that Kelley and my mom got along all week.

  12. Just pinned the Chicken Tikka Masala! Can't wait to make some time to try that recipe out.

    I thought Foxcatcher was slow but also so good! I didn't read up on it and it took me so by surprise!

  13. Nicely done on the long run! What are you training for now? The weather here was pretty nice, but super duper windy on Saturday afternoon! We did get some snow last night, but the sun is shining now so hopefully it doesn't stick around too long

  14. Oh, of course, a relaxed, conversational 11 mile-run with a 9:15 pace... no biggie! ;)
    (No worries, I am just jealous as I am trying to push myself to run more than 3 miles at a <10 pace.... it's all practice, right? Tell me it is so!!).

    Definitely sounds like a nice weekend with lots of good food, friends, workouts and conversations :)

  15. I had a good weekend. Read a book on Saturday and cleaned the house. Sunday we went to our local gardens to buy our annual pass and do their butterfly exhibit. Then we went out for lunch and then I was lazy again.

  16. Wow! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend! Good for you! Active, good time, and good food!! Love it!

    Chicken Tiki Masala is one of my favorite dishes ever.

    Did you ever get your Mizunos from zulily? My order got cancelled! I was so pissed. Which reminds me, I still need to order new shoes ;). Especially since I ran in rainy Ohio this weekend, so they are nice and muddy ;)

  17. You remind me that I need to get out and bike - it has finally been nicer out here! We had weeks of rain, gray skies, fog, and wind.

  18. Love, love, love tikka masala. One of my favorites. And glad ou started Paris Letters -- very light but such fun! Hope you enjoy it!

  19. It was super nice here, until the last couple of days when we got a bunch of snow :-(

    Wow - you'd definitely have a lot to talk about with Phil's mom with the amount that you read! That's wonderful!

    I love curry. We were going to have stir fry for dinner, but I just read something about Thai food, and now curry, and I'm now craving those instead. Uh oh! Haha!

  20. I've been MIA and I'm catching up on your post. You know I love your shoes :) those are totally my colors!!!! I need new shoes!!! So glad that you had the chance to catch up with Phil's mom! Sounds like a fantastic weekend!
