Thursday, April 23, 2015

Currently: April Edition

Where did April go?  It seems like it was just Easter - but now the end of the month is only a week away!  Crazy!  Here's what is currently going on in my world these days!

Reading:  Scaling Down:  Living Large in a Smaller Space.  I've been very intentional about purging and de-cluttering over the past year but I know that more can be done.  This book was recommended in a blog post I read months ago and my upcoming move inspired me to request a copy from the library.
Loving:  smashed avocado on toast. My favorite fast week night dinner is gluten free toast with half an avocado smashed on it and the other half cut up with scrambled eggs with salsa.  Mmmm.

Thinking:  about all the things I want to do this summer like visit state parks in the area, take a trip with Phil to the north shore of Lake Superior to do some hiking, and soak up time at the lake with my family.

Frustrated:  with the weather.  It's been cold and super windy this week and we had snow flurries on and off on Wednesday.  I know April in Minnesota is rarely nice but it's tough to go back to this cold, crappy weather after spending a week in the 70s!  Come back spring!

Feeling: like I am entering that time of year where my calendar is getting a little too full.  I have some fun things planned so I can't complain but between a full calendar, my upcoming move, and a business trip the week after my move, I feel a little bit overwhelmed when I look at my planner.

Anticipating:  my half marathon on Saturday.  I don't have a goal for it, I just want to have fun and see what kind of pace I can sustain.  Fingers crossed the windy weather moves on before race day.

Watching: Garfunkel and Oates on Netflix with Phil.  It's a very quirky show about two female singing comedians but it's very entertaining.  We are savoring the episodes as there are only 8 at this point.

Sad: that I know several people who have been laid off from their jobs in the past week. I hate hearing about people going through stressful situations like that. 

Working: on planning a running club volunteer night.  We will be volunteering at Feed My Starving Children which is an awesome organization!

Grateful:  that my body has been handling the longer runs I've been doing lately.  It gives me confidence that I will be able to run the marathon in October (I'm very paranoid that something is going to happen that will prevent me from running it).

Listening:  to Mat Kearney's album when I am in the car (which is rarely these days).  His new album is excellent!

Wishing:  that I didn't have to move.  I know I am lucky that I get to stay in the same building and rent a similar unit, but moving is such a pain. 

What are you currently anticipating, grateful for and wishing for?


  1. A wonderful bunch of things on your calendar!

    Anticipting: A fun, laid back weekend enjoying the company of our good friends. (And getting my final reports submitted for my contract job!)

    Grateful: That after years of looking for a piece of furniture to replace what I call "The Big Ugly," I finally found something -- and the dealer knocked twenty bucks off the price and took the Ugly!

    Wishing: That the weather would stop this April snow and cold and get back to the real business of spring!

  2. I can't believe there was snow this week - holy crap! Here's hoping it's a bright clear, WARM day Sunday for your race!

    Hang in there with your calendar - I'm sure once you get the move behind you, you'll be able to really enjoy and soak up the summer!

    I'm currently grateful for the fact that this little boy is healthy, even though I'm ready for him to be here - and anticipating only three more sleeps until induction - we are so ready!

  3. It sounds like you got the moving situation figured out, that's good!!! Good luck on your half on Saturday! I have been feeling uninspired lately, but with my job ending this week I see more 3-4 mile runs in my future. Layoffs aren't fun, and I was blessed to get an early warning, I can't imagine not knowing until the day it happens, good luck to those friends!

  4. That avocado meal looks great! I love them but not your Dad! I think he associates them with cilantro.:)
    I wish I lived closer so I could pop over and help you move! It is a big job getting settled and organized AGAIN!
    I, too, hope spring comes back! It was 17 degrees in Fargo this morning!

  5. The weather in Pittsburgh has been very similar to yours the last few days and I am NOT okay with it. Especially since two weeks ago during the stretch of 70-degree days we had I packed away all my winter clothing!

  6. Anticipating: May! We have a lot going on in May.

    Grateful: friends that are amazing.

    wishing: that pollen didn't exist. I enjoy spring but I don't enjoy pollen :)

  7. Good luck on the half! Can't wait to see how you do (and feel).

  8. Hopefully, the move goes smoothly! It's so frustrating to have to move when you don't want to!

    I'm anticipating my cruise (23 days!), grateful for friends who can handle my crazy :), and wishing for the next 23 days to pass by quickly!

  9. that avocado dinner! I should steal that for breakfast.

  10. If my husband ate eggs, I'd have scrambled eggs every night.

  11. I am anticipating the weekend!!! Last weekend was kind of a blur with the first aid training and our bad news on Friday. I've been feeling really really worn out this week so I'm using the weekend to refresh myself a bit.

    Wishing for a few things to fall into place for us again but also just spending a lot of time focusing on feeling grateful for the good things we do have!

    I like these currently posts but always forget to do them. I should do one soon!

  12. Snow right now is just NOT OKAY.
    Neither is having to move. Blah.
    Here's to hoping for nicer weather, quick new jobs for your friends (or family) and some down time to enjoy nicer weather :)

  13. I can't believe you guys are STILL getting snow. Crazy stuffy. Our weather isn't as great at the moment, but just grey with some showers here and there.

    Anticipating: dinner tonight with friends who have a two year old. Hope he likes lasagna! ;)

  14. I wish you didn't have to move, either. So frustrating!

    That is so nice that you're in your car so little! I actually don't mind my commute - because it's a manageable distance. My total commute is about 35-40 minutes, because I have a 10 minute walk to get to my clinic. (which I really enjoy)

    I will try to send some sunshine your way!!

    That dinner looks fantastic! I do eggs for dinner SO much! Yum. I've actually started force feeding eggs for breakfast lately, and I'm starting to like it!

  15. Found myself nodding in agreement to so many of these. I too can't believe how fast the month (and year) has gone! I too could stand to purge a little more! I too love the looks of that dinner :) But I definitely wish I could send you a bit better weather-ha and I'm totally impressed with how your race turned out. I was doing a happy dance when I saw your post with the results---so incredibly glad that you're back in the game AND kicking even more amazing booty than you were before. Incredible! And as always, totally inspiring. :)

  16. That meals sounds so good! I will need to do that on a night it's just me, J doesn't like avocados.

  17. Smashed avocado on toast is fantastic; I always sprinkle a little sea salt on it, mmmmm!

    Sorry to hear the weather still isn't too nice for you. It's been summer-like here, thankfully.

    I'm anticipating a really fun time this coming Saturday at my friend's wedding.

    I am grateful for my wonderful students this year; I've never enjoyed my job as much as I am enjoying it this year.

    I'm wishing for a couple things to come in the mail that I've been waiting FOREVER for. Frustrating!

  18. I'm intrigued by the book you're reading. I am planing to do quite some decluttering this spring.

    I hope your move goes smoothly (and quickly!).

  19. That breakfast-for-dinner-for-breakfast meal looks awesome. And even though I did read the rest of your post about the weather, friends getting laid off, your half marathon, volunteering, etc., I can't stop thinking about that yummy looking meal. Might be because it's almost lunch time and my stomach is ruling my thoughts right now. ha.
