Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Time for a Change

I've been growing my hair out for over 2 years now and while it was fun to have the length for awhile, lately it just felt heavy and listless.  So I decided I was due for a big change. When I got to my hair appointment, I was surprised when my hair girl measured my hair and said that I had enough to donate to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program which is a program that uses donated hair to create wigs for women battling breast cancer. 

A couple of snips later and I had 8" inches to donate to the program...

 And I walked out of my appointment looking like this!

I am really happy with how my haircut turned out.  It feels so much more fresh and healthy and I'm glad that it's still long enough to pull back into a ponytail for work outs!  I felt like a new woman walking out of the salon!

I've been through a lot of change over the last several years and a lot of that change felt 'out of my control/forced on me' so it was nice to make a change that was completely my idea.  :)

When is the last time you made a big change to your hair do?  Have you ever donated hair to a program like Pantene's?  This is the 3rd time I have donated my hair!


  1. Super cute! I measured mine before I cut it recently to ensure that I could still ponytail it - otherwise I'd be miserable come summer.
    The shorter length looks really full and bouncy - and it's a nice shape for your face.

  2. I love it! It looks so cute! And I'm sure it feels amazing, too.

    I've donated my hair once before and I'm currently in the process of growing my hair out to donate it again. It's long enough to donate, but would be too short for me if I cut it off now. But probably sometime later this year!

  3. Lisa, it is fabulous! Cute, springy, bouncy, shiny, happy, healthy hair -- and even better because someone will be able to benefit from your "leftovers." Alas, no donation -- my hair is too short. But if it was long I think I would definitely do that.

  4. I think that is just awesome that yours was long enough to donate! And your new "bob" looks great!
    I have always had short hair my entire life!

  5. Yay!!! A month ago I made my 3rd donation to Beautiful Lengths as well. I love long hair, but my mom thinks I look best in a bob, so now I'll grow it out again and usually takes about 2 years due to different cuts and styles as it grows, but I like the donation process.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look! So gorgeous :) (Also, I think we wore the same style shirt yesterday; I wore a white one with navy polka dots!)

    I've never donated because everyone once in a while I dye my hair and I've been told that I can't donate dyed hair. I should probably check to see if that's still the case as I'm growing my hair out right now (goal is to have it as long as it was when I got married, I miss my long hair!).

  7. Your haircut looks fantastic! I don't think I've seen it this short, ever -- and if so, it's certainly been a long time! And, that's SO AWESOME you were able to donate your hair to make a wig for someone who needs it! I'm not sure I've ever grown my hair out that long before getting sick of it and chopping it off. ha.

  8. Hi Lisa! I have recently discovered your blog and I am hooked! Your hair looks fantastic and the look is very fresh. Much love from Greece!

  9. How cute! The new cut is so adorable. Good call. And it's good that you get to donate to such a nice cause too!

  10. Love the new cut! I donated my hair last April. :) I don't think my hair grew out quite as long because the end result was much shorter on me.

  11. It looks fabulous! I've donated mine once, but it took a while as I had to grow out my highlights. I'd definitely do it again though!

  12. That's almost the same haircut I just got! My hair wasn't quite as long as yours, but it was just getting super damaged - I was wearing it up all the time and basically gave up on it. SO much better now.

  13. Wow LOVE IT! I was reading your monthly recap and noticed how long your hair had gotten! I bet it feels so healthy and nice to chop all that off! I am the least gutsy person when it comes to my hair. I cut it a little below my shoulders this winter and that was a huge change for me haha, and I already can't wait until my longer hair is back!

  14. I love it!!! Gorgeous!!! I've donated mine in the past. One of the first things I did after I left last year was chop off my hair. My only requirement is it still has to be able to go back in a ponytail.

  15. I love it! That length is totally "in" right now!! It looks super cute on you :-)

  16. That cut really looks so so great on you, I love how it curls around your face. I was hesitant about my shorter hair at first when I got it chopped but now I LOVE it!!

  17. Love love love! I'm thinking about making a change this summer to where it's shorter (but can still be pulled back), because my hair gets so thick and long! I donated my hair once to Locks of Love but it took awhile for me to grow it (and again, so thick and HEAVY) that I haven't done it since. Seriously LOVE the new look!

  18. Cute! I always seem to chop mine off every fall. Right now I could totally go for a trim but I need to decide if I want a trim or a color because my friend is getting married next month and I'm in the wedding and my hair CANNOT be any shorter than it is now because apparently my hair decided to stop growing ha.

  19. You look absolutely fabulous, Lisa! That cut looks SO good on you! Beautiful!!!

    I was just writing in my "5 year memory book" you got me last night, and saw that last year on this date I cut my hair. Which means it's been exactly 1 year since I've stepped into a salon. Yikes! Lol

  20. You look awesome! And I love that you could donate it!! Amazing.

  21. That cut looks great on you! I cut my hair about a month ago and donated it to Locks of Love. I am not really a huge fan of myself with short hair but I needed a change and I needed 10 - 12 inches, so I lopped it all off!
