Friday, August 7, 2015


Happy Friday!  I had another busy week that has left me feeling pretty tuckered out so I am very glad that it's the weekend!  Here's how my week shaped up!

The high of my week was going out to dinner with another couple.  They treated us to dinner as a thank you to Phil for mowing their lawn/watching their house while they were in Europe for 2 weeks.  It was fun to catch up with them and hear all about their trip - which included some time in Paris! 

The low of my week was more sleep issues...  This is getting beyond old.  I do not know how it is possible to be so exhausted but sleep so poorly.  One night I got a whopping 2 hours of sleep.  Here's hoping things start to improve soon as I'm really struggling with the sleep deprivation.

A book I am reading is The Three Weissmanns of Westport.  It was recommended to me as a book that would count toward the "retelling of a classic" reader harder challenge category as it's a play on the story of "Sense and Sensibility," which I have not read but might read to fulfill the "written before 1850" category.

A recipe I made was Cajun Chicken Pasta which turned out pretty well.  I left the cream cheese out as I didn't feel like buying any (I never eat cream cheese) and I also skipped the mushrooms since Phil doesn't like them (boo!), but it still tasted pretty good!

For my workouts, I ran with my club on Monday, swam with Phil on Tuesday, and ran with my club on Wednesday.  I didn't feel great yesterday so took an extra rest day and today will also be a rest day but tomorrow I will run 18 mile and on Sunday I will do my last long bike ride before the triathlon, which is next Sunday!

The best podcast I listened to was the "Fighting Cancer" episode of TED Radio Hour. It was interesting and encouraging to hear about the progress being made towards fighting this awful disease. 

The best money I spent was on the registration fee for a trail run that I will do with Amber when I visit her next month!  And the best part is that it was only $22 - if only more races were that cheap!

My plans this weekend include happy hour with a former co-worker tonight followed by a night in with Phil, running with my club tomorrow morning, going to Music Man with Phil's mom tomorrow night (which I am really excited about) and not much else besides that although I know I'll still fill my time!

Have you made any new recipes lately?  What was the high of your week?


  1. That recipe looks delicious. Plus I have cream cheese that I need to use up! I actually have not made anything this week, aside from a couscous salad and some beans. I have been living off bread and hummus and potatoes for dinner and freezer meals (mostly chili) for lunch. It's pathetic. But work has been crazy and I have been unmotivated to do much else besides the daily grind.

    That's so exciting that you are going to do a trail race with Amber. I feel like it's such a good way to see the local area and feel a bit of the runner vibe, which I love! We still have some shorter ones that are around 20 - 30 dollars, which is nice, although the longer ones are around 60 - 100 dollars...which is still cheaper than a road marathon!!

  2. Insomnia is the worst, I don't know how you're keeping up with your training! I'm sure you've tried everything but if you haven't tried valerian root, maybe give it a go. It's helped me through bouts of insomnia.

  3. I love cream cheese, so I wouldn't be able to skip it in pasta, but good to know it still tasted good! As for workouts, I've been so lame this week. Just 1, maybe 2 runs. I need to lube up my bike, and I need to get in the darn lake. Tomorrow I'm debating on doing a local 5k, I kind of want a buddy to run with me, so we will see if I decide to do it solo or not.

  4. That pasta dish looks really good! I haven't made a descent meal this week because of all the mowing I am doing by myself now, so get back in the house around 8:30 at night and just throw something together! Last night I made cod and fresh green beans and fresh potato for Paul, and that was the best of my efforts! I love the little garden produce shop in Battle Lake and can't wait to go there this weekend!
    I really feel for you on the sleep problem! Your Dad is having trouble sleeping this week, too, and we can only guess that it is related to getting his cast off and experiencing a bit more discomfort now that he can bend his foot, but he doesn't think the pain is what is bothering him. For him to lay awake for 2 - 3 hours during the night is RARE! Hope you get yours resolved soon!

  5. I love the play/musical, the Music Man! I'm going to a play with my dad tomorrow night, with all Cole Porter music. Should be fun :)

    New recipe... um. Sadly, no. Although I have started meal planning again which makes me feel a bit more normal.

    Have fun this weekend!

  6. I made the most random recipe last weekend that I've been eating for lunches this week. It was a turkey/kale/mushrooms casserole. I had some kale and mushrooms that I really needed to use up and did some googling and came up with that recipe! It's been ok, nice to have something already made for my lunches all week that's for sure.

    So looking forward to your visit!! It's so soon!!

  7. That's so exciting that you're going to see Amber soon!! You girls are going to have so much fun :-) The dish you made looks yummy - I'd be sad about leaving out the mushrooms too. I loooooooove mushrooms; the more the merrier.

    I have made some new recipes lately - the one last night was pretty strange :-)

  8. Ah, I wish I could teleport myself to hang out with you and Amber in Kamloops!
    Also I wish I could solve all your sleep issues and my own. This week I've been up in the 4 oclock hour every morning and not falling back to sleep at all. So stupid. I used to think all my sleep problems were stress related but I really have nothing to actually stress about right now, so now I think they are hormonal. But really, what the heck.

  9. Sounds like a great week and fun weekend to enjoy. I heard that Ted thing on cancer, too. VERY interesting.

  10. We have been so bad about meals lately. So dang out and we dont have air. So no new recipes beyond different ways to flavor our zuchinni from the garden. High of my week.. hmmm finding out we get our own hotel rooms when I go to Chicago for a week for work??

  11. I'm so sorry to hear that your sleep hasn't improved and is still causing you problems :( I really hope that it gets sorted and get some good quality sleep very soon! I didn't made any new recipes this week but Kane did and I was treated to a yummy spaghetti with a creamy wine and mushroom sauce.

  12. I love cream cheese but it's encouraging to hear that it was just as delicious without the extra loads of fat!
