Friday, September 25, 2015

Looking Forward: The October Edition

It's been a long time since I did a Looking Forward post - since February, actually!  I didn't intentionally plan for October to be full of so many awesome things but I'm glad it worked out that way as sometimes I get a little down after a marathon.  Like many big life events, after it is behind me I sometimes think - now what?  But my packed calendar in October will hopefully offset some of the post-marathon blues as I'll have lots to look forward to! Here are the fun things that October will feature!

On October 2nd, Phil and I will celebrate 3 years of being in each others' lives.  When people ask how long we have been together, it's a tricky question to answer because of the gap when I was in Charlotte.  But we remained in touch during the time so I'm still considering this our anniversary!  We have other plans that will prevent us from celebrating that evening but we are planning to do a belated celebration the following Friday.

The first weekend of October, I will run my 4th marathon, which will be a "golden" marathon as I'm running it on the 4th.  John is flying in to run it with me.  I'm really excited to catch up with him in person and show him around the city I love.  John and his wife, who live in Raleigh, hosted me for a weekend when I lived in Charlotte so I am looking forward to returning the favor by hosting him. I'm not sure what all we will do as I will need to make sure we aren't on our feet too much but Phil, John and I will definitely be going to a Twins game on Friday night.

The second weekend of October we will have our 7th annual Julia Child Night!  We are having the event earlier than we normally would as it was the only free weekend for my aunt, brother and I during the months of October and November!  This year we are doing something different and will take a break from French recipes.  Instead, Julia Child is going to be traveling to the New Orleans area. My aunt and uncle visited there on their way back from Florida this winter and got all kinds of inspiration!  We've got a great menu planned and I am really excited for the event!

The third weekend of October, I will head to Miami for my girls trip with my mom, sisters, and sister-in-law.  I am so glad that we are keeping the tradition of going somewhere every other year alive!  I've only been to Miami once and it was for work so I barely saw any of the area.  I'm so excited to check it out and spend lots of quality time with the women in my family.

The third weekend of October, Phil and I will head to Boston to visit a couple that moved out there recently.  I've never been to Boston so I am so excited to check it out. Plus it will be great to catch up with our friends.  We haven't seen them since their going away party in May and we miss them so much!  While we are out in Boston, we'll be meeting up with Kelly and her husband and son, too.

Last, but not least, in late October, my good friend Courtney is due.  They did not find out the sex of the baby so I am especially excited to find out what they are having and what name they have chosen!  Courtney and her husband live about 10 minutes away from Phil so I envision lots of visits after the baby is born so I can get my baby holding fix!

So there you have it!  A VERY full month of exciting things!  The month is bound to leave me a bit exhausted by the end, but it should be a happy kind of exhausted!  And so far, November is fairly quiet and I intend to keep it that way.

What are you looking forward to this fall?


  1. Lots going on for you in October! Hope you enjoy some New Orleans food at Julia Child night. That's a great idea.

  2. Lots going on for you in October! Hope you enjoy some New Orleans food at Julia Child night. That's a great idea.

  3. Holy plans Batman! Your October is going to be awesome - and I love that we share our anniversary month! Ben and I will have been married for EIGHT years on the 6th. (Whaaaat?)

    "Julia Child is going to be traveling to the New Orleans area." OMG love this so hard - this explains why one of those dishes you made was a little spicy! Can't wait to see pictures!

    No big plans for us in October - I'm looking forward to enjoying fall and maybe some less crazy big things happening; like if we could NOT spend money on a huge adult purchase that month it would be GREAT!

  4. Well, October will fly by in a flash with all your plans! I am really excited about Julia Child's night and our trip to Miami!
    I love the month of October so hope the weather is pleasant for everyone. We have to pack everything in that we can before the cold weather hits!
    I didn't know John was flying in to run the marathon with you, but that is cool! I know you will show him the best of the twin cities! Have a great time!

  5. That is a great month! Wow!!

    That is fun that your friend John is flying out for your marathon! Always nice to have a good friend to do a race with. :)

    I'm so excited for our Miami trip!!! Going to be so fun!

    I think I need to do a "looking forward post" myself...I've got a good month in October too!

  6. Your October is going to be fabulous! Three years -- three cheers! And the trips and golden marathon and guests are all terrific.

    I think nothing any of have lined up could top your fabulous month!

  7. Three years together!! That's wonderful!! You two got together pretty close to when Christopher and I did - we're about 3.5 years together. I love when couples don't find out the sex of the child ... I would never want to know ahead of time. I think it's a great surprise for the day of the birth!!

  8. Oooh, a New Orleans-style Julia Child night sounds fantastic! I can't wait for that recap. :)

    I can't believe October marks 3 years for you and Phil! Time flies.

  9. October is SO exciting for you! When we were chatting about all the excitment when you were visiting I don't think I quite realized it was one weekend right after the other. What a month you have ahead of you! It's good the marathon is first so you don't have to have all those busy weekends leading up to the marathon.

    Enjoy today as you will be going flat out for the next four weeks!!

  10. Wow, you do have a LOT happening in October! I am very excited for you to visit :)

    I have a few things to look forward to in October too. We are going away with Eric's family the first weekend, and then I have some college friends visiting the second weekend. I wish I could rally myself because right now I just feel so tired I want to look forward to a weekend of nothing ha ha. I blame work!

  11. So many fun things and trips it sounds like a very full and fun October!

    I'm going on a trip with friends to run a relay race that should be good fun, and I'm looking forward to relaxing in the pool afterwards!

    Good luck for your marathon!

  12. BUSY!!! Happy 3 years - that is so special!

  13. Wooahh so many fun things to look forward to in October! YAY Boston, you're going to love it :)

  14. What a great combo! Julia Child + New Orleans! I love both styles of cooking, so I don't think you can go wrong there! I can't believe that it is already "that time of year" again. I feel like you JUST had your Julia Child night...

    What a crazy month it will be! That was my August; it was FULL of travel every weekend! October is only semi busy for me with a trip to see my parents the first weekend, a race the second weekend, probably (maybe?) a down weekend after that, and then my cousin's wedding and my friend's 40th Bday/Halloween! So...a "down" month!

  15. I'm excited for the OSU game I'm going tow ith my dad next weekend. I'm excited for my job to calm down! September was a month of turmoil and CRAZY there and it is done and while there is still crazy and change in the air, MY JOB should not be as crazy and turmoil filled this month. And living vicariously through my child. I love hearing her talk about her day and we've started reading chapter books before bed and it's just so exciting.

  16. Happy anniversary to you and Phil! (It's my birthday so now I will always remember it. HA!)
