Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Currently: The October Edition

As I expected, October has been a blur.  It's been filled with mostly fun things but I added some work travel onto the tail end of the month which is making for an even more hectic month!  I just wish that time would slow the heck down!  Here's what's currently happening in my world. 

Reading:  Between Shades of Gray.  Don't let that title deter you - it's nothing like the 50 Shades of Gray books (which I refuse to read). This book is set during WWII but it tells a different side of the story as it focuses on the Russians treatment of the Lithuanians during the war.  It's very sad, which is to be expected given the subject matter, but I am enjoying it (as much as you can say you 'enjoy' a sad/heavy book).

Loving: the beautiful fall weather we continue to have!  It was in the 65-75 degree range on Monday and Tuesday which is so abnormal for this time of year but so wonderful!

Thinking:  about registering for the Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota in June of 2016.  When I finished Twin Cities, I really thought it might be my last marathon...  but I'm not feeling happy with my time and really want to try one more time for a sub-4 hour marathon.  I am holding off on registering for now, though, as I don't want to make a rash decision.

Frustrated: by the blisters I've been getting lately.  I got 3 really bad ones during the marathon and on Monday I wore heels for the first time in months and got another blister close to the area where one of my worst ones from the marathon was.  Le sigh.   

Feeling:  a little overwhelmed by my schedule right now.  I am super excited for our trip to Boston but I had to tag some work travel onto that trip.  So the next week looks like this:  Minneapolis>Boston>Newark>Chicago>Minneapolis.  I'm home for the Halloween weekend, then I go to Mississippi for 1.5 days for more work meetings, come home for 2 days and go to Philadelphia/New Jersey for Alli's wedding (which I am super excited about, of course!). I guess I just have to embrace the craziness of my travel schedule and hope that things quiet down in mid- to late-November!

Anticipating:  our trip to Boston this weekend!  I can't wait to explore a new city and re-connect with friends!  And I'm really excited to see Kelly and her family and introduce Phil to them!

Watching: the news in the morning and that is about it.  I feel like I am rarely home these days since my schedule has me all over the place!

Sad:  that I haven't really had a chance to enjoy fall in Minnesota as I've been so dang busy this month!  The leaves all changed while we were in Miami and now they are starting to drop. I wish the leaf changing season was longer!!

Working: on getting back on track with my exercise routine. Between recovering from the marathon and having a busy travel schedule, I have not been working out as much as I would like to!  And that needs to change stat!!

Grateful: that a surgery that my dad had on Monday went really well.  We thought he might have to have his ankle replacement hardware removed due to an infection but it turned out that he had a hematoma/several blood clots instead so the outlook for recovery is much better! I'm also grateful that my nephew did not need surgery on his arm and instead could be put into a permanent cast.  The poor kid broke BOTH of his arms at a football game the weekend of Julia Child.  I feel so bad for him but we are all relieved that he won't need surgery!  It has been a volatile month for my family in terms of health problems!

Listening: to all the podcasts.  As usual.

Wishing: that the beautiful fall weather would stick around for many months!

What are you reading, wishing for, and grateful for these days?


  1. Haha, me too with all the podcasts! I updated my phone and now my podcast app is confusing me but I'm hoping I get used to it soon.

    Can't wait to see you this weekend!

  2. Have fun in Boston! I love that city. My grandma used to take me to the "Buck a Book" bookstore when I was a kid and we would spend hours there and then we would go for a clam chowder afterwards. It is a great city and you are going to love it!

    TWO broken arms!? In the photo of Julia Child night, I only saw one. What a bummer, although luckily kids heal fast! He also seems like a cheerful kid and hopefully won't let it get him down! As far as the leaves falling, to me it's like snow; they are beautiful to look at, but once you have to start raking/shoveling, it becomes a lot less fun! I have a maple tree in my front yard that is going to provide me with a lot of exercise this Fall.

    I am reading The Dinner, which I am not super excited about, but am about 70% done so I will probably finish. I am wishing for more time in a day! There never is enough. Yesterday I worked, worked out, went to the library, came home and ate and then passed out around 8 pm... I just need more time!!

  3. Have a blast in boston!! I was all certain I'd sign up for grandma's full or the half with 5k, but I didn't have a great race at twin cities, so I pulled back. Triathlons just might be the thing I like best.

  4. Three cheers for your dad! Glad surgery went well.

  5. I am so glad that surgery went well for your Dad!!! Prayer is amazing!!! I'm also so thankful your nephew didn't have to have surgery although breaking both arms is no bueno!!!!

    I understand embracing the crazy!!! I am doing this same thing! I have figured out how to start blocking time a little bit better so that I force it to slow down somewhat.

    Time is FLYING!!!! Oh my goodness is it ever!!!

    Big hugs!!!!

    PS. not surprised at all you are contemplating another marathon, wonderwoman :)

  6. Doing Grandma's sounds like a good call. I know you've got a sub-4 marathon in you. If Grandma's isn't right come back to NC and you can do it on Tobacco Road or Wrightsville Beach.

    I like how fast the leaves change, it teaches us to appreciate the moment we're in. Right now is the season that gives me the greatest appreciation for living in the south. When the leaves fall it enters a completely different part of the year. Get all zen about it.

    Have fun in Beantown!

  7. Grandma's marathon sounds amazing - I bet it's a beautiful course!! I know that feeling - after Phoenix PF Chang's, I was so disappointed in myself. I'm calling my marathon in February my "redemption race" ;) Need to redeem myself!

    Wow - you are having one crazy month of travel. I was just thinking "Lisa doesn't have to travel as much any more for her job...." - I almost spoke too soon! Yikes! Exhausting!

    I'm pleased that we are getting TONS of rain this week and cool temperatures! Today is the 1st time I've comfortably worn a sweater since last March! Yay!

    Enjoy your trip to Boston!!

  8. You are a busy, busy woman! That's fun that you are able to meet up with Kelly and her family though. Glad to hear your dad and nephew are both doing well. I didn't realize your nephew broke both arms...that stinks!

  9. Oh wow, you have such a busy few weeks ahead of you! Take care of yourself during this time. <3

    I'm glad to hear that your father is doing well, but man oh man, two broken arms for your nephew? That sounds so painful! Glad he won't need surgery.

    I am currently reading Beautiful Ruins, wishing for more sleep, and grateful for my family and friends.

  10. My goodness I hope your dad and nephew are on the mend. A June marathon sounds fun :)

    I'm reading Brooklyn by Colm Toibin, wishing that I had done more training for an imminent race and grateful that despite under training I still have the ability to finish.

  11. So much travel!!!! I hope that other than the annual Halloween party you guys always go to you have a restful weekend at home next weekend. I too am feeling burnt out mostly from work in October. In the last week alone I've traveled over 1,000 km for work and we had a big even last Saturday night and this Saturday I go to a fundraising breakfast at the mine on Saturday morning (so will leave town at 6am for that) and then have business excellence awards to go to on Saturday night so it's going to be a tad exhausting!! November should be slightly quieter at work though. One can hope anyways!

    I should do this currently post because I really have no idea what to blog about lately!

  12. I know what you mean about being overwhelmed with travel. It's all fun, but so good to settle. I went through that with trips back-to-back to Stratford, the lake and Cleveland. Now I'm home and I am thrilled!

    I'm reading "Anne Frank: A Biography" (fascinating -- more than HER story really, but that of her helpers and family and life in occupied Holland in WWII); wishing for a good test result from next week's ultrasound and grateful to finally be home!

  13. I forced myself to finish 50 shades this year because I'm so behind in my reading goal!

    Meh meh meh.

    It's raining today all day and tomorrow too. The window is open because we have a covered patio and the sound of rain is perfect with our dark living room and twinkle lights and sleeping pups. I'm grateful for this moment!

  14. Glad to hear your dad's surgery went well :-)

    I too, refuse to read 50 Shades of Grey.

    I'd love to visit Boston!! And Mississippi! There are so many states I want to see!!

  15. I'm reading The Haunting of Hill House and am surprised I like it. It's for book club and I had put it off because I wasn't psyched and I do like it! (is that considered a classic? read that next time ha) Wishing for some self-discipline, grateful for my job!

  16. AH, blisters suck! I wonder if you'll have to switch up your running shoes? That is always tough though to find a new shoe for you. I loved all the pics from your Boston trip and all the fall outfits you had on. Makes me excited for the weather to turn a bit colder here. Although, dressing up with a baby that spits up all over you seems less than appealing. ;)
