Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hip Update

Happy Thursday, everyone! For me it's a Friday as we fly to San Francisco today for our quick weekend getaway.

Several of you have asked for updates on my hip so I thought I'd provide an update before leaving for vacation. I had my appointment with the surgeon yesterday and after discussing my MRI, x-rays and doing a physical examination of my range of motion and such, we decided that surgery is the best course of action for me. This surgeon is very well-known for doing arthroscopic hip surgeries. People travel to Minnesota to see him and he's done over 4,000 surgeries similar to what I need. I know I am in good hands, which is very reassuring. During the surgery, he will fix the labrel tear, shave the bone growth off the ball joint of my hip, and also shave some of the hip socket so the hip will move more smoothly. I'll be on crutches for 2-3 weeks and it'll take about 3 months for me to fully recover.

My surgery is scheduled for Monday, May 9th. It's sooner than I thought my surgery would be but it was the only opening in May so I'm making it work. I'm glad that I can get it over with soon so that it's not hanging over me and I can be on the path to recovery very soon. However, it's definitely going to make for a stressful couple of weeks. I was planning to move to Phil's on May 20th so have pushed my move date up to May 6th (2 weeks from tomorrow!!!!) so I can move and settle in before my surgery. 

The move is coinciding with a busy travel season for me, which makes things extra stressful. We leave today for San Francisco, then on Monday I fly from SF to New Jersey for a work trip and come home on Wednesday night. Then the following week I go back to New Jersey Tuesday-Thursday for work, get in late Thursday night, and move the following day.  This means I have 5 full days at home before my move! I have other things to do like get a CT scan (needed for the surgery), schedule a pre-op physical, and do a lot of move-related errands, so things are going to be a bit harried for me over the next several weeks. 

I had a feeling that a) I would need surgery and b) it would require changing my move date, which is why I've been aggressively moving things over to Phil's over the last week. That said, I feel a little bit frazzled and panicky about everything that needs to happen over the next several weeks but I guess that will distract me from worrying about the surgery.  And luckily I have Phil to lean on right now. I'm also reminding myself that this move will be different and I won't be 100% unpacked and settled right away because it's different when you are merging lives instead of moving into an empty space. It will take time to settle and make changes and that is OK. We are going to be in this house for a long time so there's no reason to rush the settlement period (even though it will drive me a little batty to have things disorganized!).   

In the midst of all of this, I am having some "why me?" questions and feelings, which is to be expected, I suppose. I'm also beyond tired of people making comments like, "maybe this wouldn't happen if you didn't run so much." Comments like that are very upsetting because I have been very smart about how much I run and the bone growth that caused the labrel tear is something that was completely out of my control. I did not do anything to cause or deserve this injury. I'm trying to remind myself that people often don't think before speaking or they do not consider the impact of their words. But it's still hard to deal with comments like that. 

Considering how busy I'll be over the next several weeks, I'm going to take a brief blogging break so I can focus on moving, settling into a new home and preparing for surgery!  I'm sure I'll check back in after my move and surgery is behind me! Send me good, healing thoughts on May 9th! Oh and if anyone reading this has had this surgery or knows of someone that had this surgery, drop me a note at lisasyarns at gmail - I'd love to hear any words of advice and/or encouragement, or more detail on what to expect!


  1. Talk about a few whirlwind weeks! I wish we lived closer so I could give you a hand, but will do what we can on the 7th when we come to the cities.
    Have a relaxing trip and rid your mind of any concerns for these few days! It will all work out in the long run, just take it one day at a time.
    I know you will feel so much better when this surgery is over and the healing has taken place. Love you!

  2. It's hard to be that crazy busy and trying to navigate everything to prepare for surgery. I'm sorry about the comments about running. This is something that has happened, not because of anything you have done, but because it's just something that has happened. I'm so sorry I know it's really difficult to have to field that kind of comments. You're right the settling in period takes time and you have a wonderful perspective about it. I'm thankful for you that surgery is this soon that you can get it behind you and get moving again! I'm thinking about you and praying!!!

  3. I think the world wishes it could come help you pack and move! It will all work out and it will be better for your being "home" with Phil when you come home from the hospital. When you have something that requires surgery and the pain is intense == then you need to get the first slot you can. The rest will fall into place.

    I don't know much about hip surgery (yet, and I hope it stays that way!) but you know I send you good wishes for this unsettled time. I think what distresses me most if your having to deal with the running comments. The only one who should have any right to weigh in on that is your doc/surgeon. And it's clear that there's no correlation.
    This is your passion. I hope you tell them that those comments are hurtful so they know. It may be innocent or out of concern, but it is still insensitive.

    Hang tight, Lisa! And all the best.

  4. Wait, what? People say that you brought this surgery on yourself because you are a superstar runner? Pardon my french but... screw them. So rude. People can take the best care of themselves and still run into issues with health. It is NOT something that we do or bring on ourselves. Goodness. I'll get off my soap box now.

    If you need ANYTHING in the next few weeks, let me know. I know I'm far away but I'm always a text or call away. Will certainly be thinking of you, sending prayers and lots of love your way. Always here for you! <3

  5. I'm sorry about the surgery but I'm glad that you are going to get well and that you get to convalesce in your new home with your partner and hopefully lots of kitty snuggles too. I'll be sending lots of positive and healing thoughts your way :)

  6. Wow, well at least now you know what you're dealing with. May 9 will be here before you know it. The surgeon is solid so you can trust his hands, and everything will feel better soon enough. Have fun in San Fran! Tell Kyria I said hi.

  7. When it rains, it pours eh? It seems like everything always happens all at once, but I know you are pretty good at handling it, even if you are like a duck (calm on the surface, frantically paddling below). This surgery is not ideal, but at least you have an answer and can move forward. I am sure the not knowing was hard to deal with. From what I have heard about that surgery, it is a life changer. As you mentioned, Gracie did it and is running marathons again and my friend Kelly did it and she ran UTMB (100 miles) last summer. I think you are going to be happier in the long run. As for those who said that running is the cause...just ignore them. I have some comments about them that I will save for when I see you! :)

  8. I'll be thinking of you these next couple of weeks! Good luck with everything

  9. Who are these people in your life who are BLAMING you for having a hip issue? Because you don't need people like them in your life - people should only be showing support and kindness, not negativity and guilt. What the heck!

    I am really, really sorry the answer to your hip problems is surgery and that it is going to coincide with such a busy season in your life. When it rains, it pours, I guess! I'll be thinking of you on May 9th!

  10. 1. Good luck and email me any questions, gracethacker at
    2. I had my second surgery the week THE PRESIDENTS OF WALGREENS were coming to my stores, so ... I get stressful timing. I was so stressed and busy that I arrived at my surgery without my brace, and had to go back home (they were running a little late, so it was ok, but I was basically running into the OR by the time we got there).
    3. I have never for one minute regretted surgery. It was the most amazing thing ever. I went from pain level 9 to pain level 1 in a few weeks - I used to wince every step and CRY on the stairs. If you want to stay a runner, it's the right thing to do. Just know - you may not be exactly the same athlete you were before. But that's ok. You're still moving and managing your hip, and that's amazing.

  11. Wow, that is a lot going on for you, and I can see how it would be stressful.

    Also, so sorry you've had to hear comments like that regarding your hip; those aren't helpful at all.

    I hope that the next few weeks go well for you, and aren't too hectic.

  12. HOW STRESSFUL! Good luck with everything which includes: the move, the hip, the surgery, the stupid comments!

  13. Good luck! I hope it is an easy procedure for you!

  14. It's so frustrating and upsetting when people make comments like that. When someone has a heart attack or gets diagnosed with diabetes you never would hear someone say "Oh I guess that's because you eat so much" Grrrrr!! Even though I know the last few weeks have been hectic and you're feeling stressed I'm glad you're able to get the surgery over with sooner rather than later and be on the path to recovery!!

  15. I hope your surgery went well and you have a speedy recovery!

  16. Oh my goodness -- you haven't had your surgery yet. I am a week ahead and thought the 9th had passed. Well then I will alter my comment: Good luck on Monday!! I hope you recovery quickly (and in the meantime that packing/moving goes well). :-|
