Monday, May 23, 2016

Looking Forward

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was a gorgeous, summer-like weekend here so I soaked up as much fresh air and vitamin D as I could. I guess one upside to being laid up right now is that I did not feel guilty about sitting on the deck and reading because there really isn't anything I can be doing right now since I'm still on crutches.

Last week Caroline did a Looking Forward post and it reminded me that it has been awhile since I've done a looking forward post. Even though I'm close to being done with crutches, I'm sort of struggling a bit with not feeling defeated about the long road to my return to running/being more active so I figured that writing this post will be a good way to shift my focus to all the fun things I have to look forward to!

Today I am looking forward to going to my post-op appointment with the surgeon. I'm not looking forward to getting my stitches removed but I am looking forward to hearing more about the surgery and getting an explanation of the photos they took during surgery. The surgeon met with Phil after my surgery and tried to explain what these photos are but Phil couldn't really remember or explain to me what I am looking at so it will be nice to get an explanation from the doctor. The pictures look like they could be of the surface of the moon as I just have no idea what I'm looking at!

This weekend I am looking forward to going to a baseball game to celebrate Phil's mom's birthday. We didn't think about the fact that I'd still be on crutches when we bought the tickets so hopefully I can get to our seat ok...  I should be walking with crutches at that point, though, so hopefully I do ok. I'm also looking forward to spending the rest of the long weekend with my family at the lake! I hope the weather is decent so we can be outside.

In June I am looking forward to attending Phil's co-worker's wedding. The wedding it at a resort on an island of a lake in Wisconsin and the entire island is the resort. It sounds like there is lots to do so I am really hoping I'm mobile enough to take advantage of it. I really like Phil's co-workers as there are several that are around our age so it should be a fun little weekend getaway for us!

In July I am looking forward to spending time with my sister at the lake when they are home for a weekend. Abby and Ryan live in AZ so we don't get to see them very often which makes me treasure the times they are home even more!

In August I am looking forward to *hopefully* being cleared to return to running. I haven't ran since mid-February and miss it oh so much.

This year I am looking forward to making some changes at Phil's so it feels more like "our" place. We are planning to get some new furniture and we will paint one room. I'm anxious to get these changes done but my surgery is forcing me to be patient because now is not the time to shop for furniture/paint.

What are you looking forward to these days?


  1. Hang in there! It does get so frustrating being on crutches but you will be off soon.

  2. I am anxious to hear your report after seeing the doctor today! I hope he clears you to use crutches very soon!
    That wedding sounds like a fun one! Anything on or near the water is good!
    We are so excited to have part of the family coming this weekend and have everything almost ready to go! I wonder if you can use the kayak? Of course that will depend on the weather, too, but it is on the shore ready to be used!
    And I am super excited for all five of our children and families to be together in July! That will be the highlight of our summer!
    Take it easy and soon it will be August and you will be running like the wind!

  3. I hope you make out well at your appointment today! I am also missing running very much. I haven't run since mid-March because the nausea started soon after that and I had almost no desire to do anything active. I decided not to run during this pregnancy because I hadn't been running much over the winter so it would feel like starting from scratch, which doesn't feel to smart to do while pregnant. But now that it's so nice outside there are constantly runners out and I have to admit I am jealous! I've been talking lots of walks to get some fresh air but it's just not the same.

    This weekend I am looking forward to my parent's annual Memorial Day picnic. Next month I am looking forward to my cousin's wedding and be able to attend as a guest and not as a bride! In July I am looking forward to a weekend away in Portland, ME. This year I am looking forward to becoming a mom!

  4. I'm curious what those photos are and mean, too! Hope the stitch removal isn't too painful.

    Right now I'm looking forward to this coming weekend as my brother will be in town! After that, we have some fun things planned with the kiddos this summer and after seeing them this past weekend, it will be nice to have them here for a good amount of time.

    Apart from that, Knight has a work conference in September and I'm tagging along (working remotely/vacation time) and I am so excited for it!

    Sending you healing vibes today!

  5. I hope you have a good visit with the surgeon (I always like to know what exactly happened at the doctor's office ;)) and that your recovery continues to go well.

    That wedding at the island resort sounds exciting. I haven't been to a wedding in forever... like, possibly, since my sister's wedding (which was the same year J and I got married).

    I can't wait to see more of your new home :)

    I am looking forward to a nice anniversary weekend (and it's a long weekend for us, too) :)

  6. Surgery. The great Patience maker for the Patient. But I'm glad to hear you are healing. When I saw the photo I thought, "It's either Lisa's hip or the moon landing!"

    I know you have already thought of this but when you go to the stadium, find out in advance where the handicapper entrance is and have Phil drop you there while he parks and gets back. Those places are huge and your armpits and shoulders don't need any more stress than necessary as you heal!

  7. I'm looking forward to writing again. eventually somehow the time will appear.

  8. I can only imagine how frustrating being so immobile must be to someone like you, who loves being active and on the go! And being forced to get around on crutches - oof. No fun.

  9. Been thinking of you and your progress, friend!

    I'm looking forward to finally sitting down SF and making us get tickets to Spain. Maybe next week after his sister's visit here.

  10. Wow, that wedding sounds like it will be pretty great (especially if you're able to be more mobile by then).

  11. I hope the doctor's visit went well! I am sure you are crutching along like an old pro by now. I agree with Jeanie regarding the stadium. We often go to games with my 83 year old grandma, and we go to the handicap entrance and we take the elevator! This way you will also avoid any's actually great! It also makes it a lot easier to get out after the game.

    This weekend I am running a training run with a friend and then I am really hoping to do nothing on Monday, as I am feeling a bit of people-burn-out lately for some reason! I need to have a hermit day!

  12. That's a great list of stuff! I am looking forward to our trip to Toronto, it will be a really fun time and I'm going to really savour the time with my brother as he is heading off to Germany for 3 months from Toronto. I'm also looking forward to getting moved into our own house in FSJ and starting to finally feel settled in our new life!
