Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hip Surgery Update: Post-Op Follow Up #2

It's been awhile since I've given an update on how things are going with my hip.  I had my second follow-up appointment with my hip surgeon yesterday so I thought I'd post a brief update in case anyone is wondering how things are going. T

I had low expectations going into this appointment as I saw my PT about 2 weeks ago and she told me I wasn't going to get cleared to return to running. It's been about 4.5 months since my hip surgery and I was expecting to be able to return to running around the 3 month mark, so it's been a bit frustrating. However, my PT has told me that everyone recovers differently from this surgery. My return to running has been a bit more prolonged as I've had to take a more gradual approach to the protocol provided by the surgeon as my hip flexor tends to want to act up if she adds too many exercises too soon. It also did not help that I was sick with what turned out to be walking pneumonia for 6 weeks and unable to do much activity during that time.

When I saw the surgeon yesterday, he said he's really happy with my range of motion. He said to focus on how I feel each month compared to the last month and that I should be noticing an improvement each month, which has definitely been the case for me.

So at this point, I'll keep doing my PT exercises and I can do other activities, like biking and spin classes, the elliptical and low impact classes like body pump. I'm getting closer to eliminating the imbalance of strength between my left and right hip/glute area, but I've got some more work to do. I feel a bit down about the fact that I am not able to run yet as September and October are my absolute favorite running months since the weather is perfect for running. However, come November/December, we will be moving into the part of the year when it's not all that fun to run due to colder temperatures. So even if I was able to run, this is the season when I'd start to shift my focus to other activities.

So right now, I'm trying to be patient and focus on what I can do.  But it's been a challenge as I feel like everywhere I look, I see people running.  There's something about not being able to do something that makes you see everyone else doing it. But I know this is the season for me to focus on building up my core strength so I can safely return to running when the time is right.

All that said, I know that having the surgery was the right decision for me. Before I had surgery, it hurt to walk short distances and now I can walk for long distances without pain.  I can see the benefits of the surgery and I know that in the grand scheme of things, the time I've had to take off from running is small.  It just feels soooooo long right now.


  1. I think all in all, your report was great! It is frustrating that it takes so long to recover but by spring this will all be behind you and you will hopefully be back to running like before, and maybe even better! Keep on healing!

  2. I know it's so frustrating that it takes so long to get back to running!!! I think you are doing amazing!!! I know being able to go to spin, body pump and use the elliptical helps some but it's not the same!

  3. Recovery from surgery always takes longer than we want it to. Good on you for being patient with the process. Eventually you will get a full recovery. I tell people one year after they started something, "aren't you glad you started this a year ago instead of waiting more?" and a year from now you will be glad that you were patient.

  4. Glad to hear you are making progress even if it is so frustrating to not be back where you want to be! I feel like if people are willing to make time and take the effort to work out, they should be able to, no injuries!

  5. ((()) I have had near constant pain for 2 plus years now. I feel like I probably should investigate it further than the exercises my PA gave me. I have a hip issue now too. Have debating going to a chiropractor for an adjustment first. Did you ever try that?

  6. It will get better. The fact that you're doing body pump is a big component. I was listening to a Runner's Connect podcast with guest Pete Magill, and he talked about retraining your nervous system by doing different demanding activities. My big breakthrough with hip #1 (the worse one) was going to Peru and climbing mountains. I used different muscles and got all tired out and suddenly - my pelvis and hips were stronger. That decreased the pain and got me back really running. Keep up the strength and next year you will be amazed at the difference (and yes - you did the right thing to have surgery. Who wants a life where they can't even WALK without pain?).

  7. It is so hard to be unable to do the activities you want - especially running! I so feel for you and can't wait to hear of the day you are back at it! I'm glad you're at least able to do spin class. I don't know about you, but for me -- that is the closest endorphin release to running. I could go for a 40 mile bike ride and still feel "meh" - but 45 min on a spin bike and I feel happy! It's so weird!

    I'm glad you're feeling less pain! I had no idea you were hurting that much pre-surgery :'(...or maybe it just feels so long ago as so much has happened! I'm so glad it's almost completely behind you!

  8. Yeah, I can see how that would be so frustrating to see people running everywhere, knowing that you can't. But, your patience will pay off, and you'll be able to enjoy the fall running next year :-)

  9. I know how frustrating it is to feel limited -- and especially after everything else that hit this summer on top of it. But she is right to look back on where you were and where you are. And to take it one day at a time. It'll pay off!

  10. It definitely sounds frustrating that you aren't where you thought you would be in terms of being back to running, etc. What about thinking about the long term picture? Meaning you will be able to run come the spring and beyond then. Plus, as you said you are no longer having pain while walking, so running will feel (maybe a little hard at first!) better after this :)

  11. I'm glad you are recovering well and able to get back to some activities you love like biking and body pump. I hope that you continue to feel better each month and next year you will be ready to rock the fall running!! Overall it's SO good that you no longer have pain while doing simple things like walking so I'm glad this surgery ended up being the right decision for you in the long run!

  12. I totally understand that you're bumped that you can't run yet, but overall it seems like your recovery is going pretty well... fingers crossed you'll be cleared soon!
