Monday, September 19, 2016

Weekend Recap

Whew, I had quite the full but fun weekend! There wasn't a whole lot of relaxing, but given how much I'd laid on the couch resting over the last 1.5 months when I was sick, it was good to have a go go go weekend for a change! Here's how I filled the weekend.

On Friday night, we started off the weekend with the not-so-fun chore of bringing Oscar for her vet appointment. She is a nice kitty and loves Phil and me, but she is not a fan of strangers. The vet was fast and efficient, though, so we were out of there quickly. She got a clean bill of health but the vet did say she's 1-2 pounds over weight so we'll have to start giving her a certain amount of food every day to keep her at her current weight. After the vet appointment, we had some leftover chili and then walked up to a local malt shop for dessert, which was delicious! Shortly after we got home from our dessert outing, 4 friends came over for a 6-person game of hand and foot, which is our favorite game! It was a late night as we didn't finish the game until 11:45 pm (I'm usually in bed by 10 on Fridays since I'm so tired at the end of the week!). My team lost but we had a good time.

On Saturday morning I slept in! I have not been sleeping well when I was sick so I needed a night like that! After getting some stuff done around the house, I headed to body pump at the Y. It felt AMAZING to return to working out! Body pump is one of my favorite classes and I was so happy to make it through class with minimal coughing and no pain in my hip, aside from when we got into child's pose at the end of class (pretty sure yoga is a thing of the past for me - my PT and surgeon are not fans of it for people with hip issues).

All smiles after a great strength training workout!
Saturday afternoon was all about being productive. I cleaned house (with Phil's help), did laundry, made this delicious oatmeal recipe to enjoy for breakfast this week, and threw together this crockpot recipe to enjoy for dinner. I was on my feet until 4:15 when I finally laid down to relax for a bit before going to church. Oscar promptly jumped up on my chest for some cuddles.

On Saturday evening, I went to church, we ate the crockpot Thai Stew, and then we walked up to our church's fall festival to check out the festivities. We finished off the night by watching an episode of "Bloodline" on Netflix, which is a new show we started watching upon the recommendation of my sister-in-law Emily (thanks for the rec, Em! We are really enjoying it!)

On Sunday morning I woke up WAAAAAY earlier than I needed to be awake,which was frustrating as I was up earlier than I get up for work! It gave me a chance to cozy up on the couch with my latest read and coffee, though.

My friend picked me up for the Minneapolis Bike Tour around 7:30 and we headed downtown. It was a GORGEOUS morning for a long bike ride! It was so fun to be back on my bike. My hip felt great and I didn't cough much so I was able to do the 25 mile route, which took us just over 2 hours. It was great to spend the morning with great friends on the beautiful parkways of Minneapolis!

Pre-ride selfie!

The beautiful view of the Might Mississippi at the end of our ride
After the ride, 2 of us biked over to Red Cow in the North Loop neighborhood of Minneapolis. There was no wait and we snagged a table outdoors which was a pleasant surprise as we were expecting an obnoxious wait! We sat there for about 2 hours, eating, chatting and enjoying some champagne! Afterwards my friend gave me a ride home which I really appreciated as my legs were totally done.

I got home, showered and rested for a bit and then headed to my friend's son's 3rd birthday party. The theme of the party was Wild Rumpus, which comes from the book, Where the Wild Things Are. It was so fun to see some of my college friends and their kiddos!

On Sunday night, I video chatted with my good friend Kyla. We hadn't caught up in so long so had lots to talk about! After our chat, I watched some of the Vikings game with Phil and we chatted about our days (he had spent Sunday at his mom's). Then it was off to bed for me as I was EXHAUSTED.

So not the most relaxing weekend but it was great to be more active and spend time with Phil and several different groups of friends! And the weather could not have been better as it was sunny, warm and beautiful!

How did you spend your weekend? What's the weather like in your neck of the woods? It was 82F and sunny yesterday so was a gorgeous day!


  1. Sounds like such a great weekend! I love how Oscar pounced as soon as you sat down! Jack does that when we've been at home but busy and haven't been paying him attention, when we sit down he thinks if he sits on us he can keep us from moving :)

    So glad you were able to enjoy a good body pump and bike ride!!! I know it feels good to be active again!!! Thankful to hear you had a great weekend!!! Our weather here was beautiful too!!! It's still in the upper 80's-90ish and I love it!!!

  2. A good strength training session makes everything else feel better. So glad you're feeling up for a hard workout again! Bye bye sick-ick.

  3. Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Glad you still had some time to relax with your cat. :)

  4. Sounds like you had a busy, but fun weekend :) That's awesome that you were able to go back to body pump. How are you feeling today? Sore at all? Does Phil go to church with you or do you normally go alone?

  5. Hi Lisa, I am SO happy to hear the weekend was a good one and best of all no hip pain and limited coughing. Three cheers -- looks like you are well on the road to recovery -- close to the finish line, I think!

    Love the photo with Oscar. Envious of the "I'll jump up on you!" mode -- treasure that one. Not every cat does it, including on Lizzie I know!

  6. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! How fun! Oscar is so dang cute!

    Sounds like your hip is holding up great! I love Body Pump too. My gym does a combo class or 30 min body pump and 30 cx-works (which is a resistance band/core class) -- so good!!

    Love how much stuff you have going on in your neighborhood that you can walk to! That's awesome!

    Our weekend is what I'm about to blog about! :)

  7. I am so pleased you were able to "get back on the saddle" and exercise again! I know it made you feel great, too! Last weekend was beautiful and I know there aren't going to be many of them so to enjoy them when you can is a must!
    Poor Oscar - dieting is such a drudge!
    Thanks for posting the recipes! I LOVE reading recipes even if I don't try them!

  8. So glad you were able to exercise again! I totally feel your Sunday morning pain, I hate when I wake up early and don't need to! Glad you at least slept in on Saturday though! Hope you continue to feel great with no more coughing this week!

  9. My surgeon cautioned against any hip-opening yoga. I still do some runner's yoga, but I am very cautious.

  10. That sounds like such a great weekend, if a very very busy one! So happy you were able to have an active weekend again and hopefully this is the start of many active weekends to come for you now that you're mostly healed from surgery and have kicked that dang cough to the curb finally.

  11. So glad your weekend was filled with fun activities and that you were able to be active again (gym and bike tour!). You must be thrilled!! :)

    I spent the weekend in Vegas reuniting with an old friend from Australia. It was a blast.

  12. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend :-) The weather here is definitely starting to get cooler, very fall-like. I stayed home all weekend, which was so nice.
