Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Happiness Project: January

As I mentioned in my goal post earlier this week, this year I set fewer 'big' goals and decided to use Gretchen Rubin's book, The Happiness Project. Each month I'll set a focus for the month and try to develop habits around that focus that I can carry out throughout the year.  Gretchen picks an area of focus for each month in her book. Some months I'll use her focus, some months I will come up with my own.

Gretchen's focus for January was to "boost energy" by doing things such as going to sleep earlier, exercising better, organizing their house, tackling a nagging task, and acting more energetic.  I felt like that was TOO MUCH for me to focus on for a month so I decided that my January focus will be organization. It makes sense to make organization a focus for January as the first month of the year seems like the perfect time to tackle some organization projects.  Plus it's usually an awful month, weather-wise, so it's a good time to work on indoor projects. A friend at work had recommended that I join Apartment Therapy's "January Cure" so I'll be using the daily prompts they send out to organize our house for the new year.

At the end of the month, I'll share what I accomplished and set my focus for the next month. I'm excited to see what all I get done this month!  I'm traveling quite a bit this month (I'm currently on my first of 3 January work trips right now!!), so I might have a hard time doing all the daily prompts from the January Cure but I'll do what I can!

Do you have any goals or intentions for January?


  1. Organization is a great focus for January! I know that last year you did a big purge, so you may not have as much to get rid of, but I always go through all of my things each January and I try to rid myself of all unneeded things. In addition, this is when I go through my fridge, freezer and cupboards as well and finally chuck that old bottle of salad dressing or can of spam. It feels good and it's productive!! I plan to do it again this year as well as actually buying a few more choice pieces for my wardrobe etc, as I have started to get a bit scruffy on the work pants front!! I've done so well with tossing stuff but haven't really replaced a lot of things yet!

  2. It sounds exciting and beneficial, too. I'll expect some good tips because if you saw my office or the basement right now you would begin tearing your hair out!

  3. i don't have a singular focus for one month but am attempting to do the 1 second a day video for 2017, clean 15 minutes a day, eat one measly serving of veggies a day, and hydrate!

  4. I am definitely trying to go to bed earlier this year. I am really trying to emphasize rest and relaxation in the early part of this year and trying really hard to get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night - though this first week back at work it's been more like 7.5.. Can't wait to follow along as you tackle the goals in this book!

  5. This is exactly what I have planned for January too!!! With the 2 move this year - not having a garage - we are in need of some serious organization.

    I also have to get licensed in 10 more states (in addition to the 3 big licenses I already head) -- which requires tons of fees, fingerprinting, CEU hours. So I just need to get a system down!!

    I need your spreadsheet making skills ;) I'm pretty good at excel because I use it so much at work - but I bet not as savvy as my smart sister is!! :)

  6. I'm going to my parents house this weekend with the plan of going through (and throwing out) so much stuff! Its the perfect cold weather project!

  7. I'm usually pretty organized thanks to our storage situation (it's nonexistant), but I did have one organization project to complete - clean my sock drawer out. I know you probably can't relate to this AT ALL, but I really never wear socks, except when running. It's just not cold enough. So I pitched a bunch of socks and now have an almost empty drawer!

  8. Ooh, organization tasks are my FAVORITE! I recently did some organizing in my apartment and I felt so much lighter afterwards. I wish you luck in your January project!

  9. I love organizing! Haha, that probably sounds really nerdy.

    Christopher and I are limiting our spending a lot in January. Our goal is to save a lot of money this month. We're not spending anything extra this month, besides our typical monthly expenses (bills, groceries), and are trying to eat things up around the house. We have a full freezer, so we'll get to work on that. We won't eat at restaurants, except when we're in Saskatoon to see my mom, or if we have a gift card to use.

  10. Since Chinese New Year is earlier this year (end of January), definitely cleaning house is at the top of the mind for this month. We've redone our desk area, so it's way more organized. :) But we still have that guest room that is acting as storage room. Might not clear that out till a lot later. I started a Twitter project - reflecting each day on the good and using a hashtag for it. Hoping to keep it up for the year. :)
