Friday, April 28, 2017

National Independent Bookstore Day!

Happy Friday, everyone! I'm really happy to see the weekend arrive as this has been a rough week thanks to my RA flare.  Womp womp.

But I have something fun and positive to talk about today. Tomorrow is National Independent Bookstore Day! Now you all know how much I loooooove books and reading. And you know I'm a heavy user of the library. But I also strongly believe in supporting our independent bookstores. However, I will be the first to admit that I default to using Amazon often out of convenience (I mean, Prime is amazing - Amiright?). But I am trying to be more intentional about buying books from local bookstores because they need our money to stay in business! Can you imagine how sad a community without brick and mortar bookstores would be?
Flashback photo of my nephew Matthew gazing up at the ceiling of my favorite local bookstore, Wild Rumpus. There's so much to take in at this bookstore!
If you aren't sure about where to find a independent bookstore in your community, check out IndieBound. It's an awesome website that I visit each month as they post a list of new books that are getting rave reviews by independent booksellers. But besides providing trust-worthy book recommendations, they also are a great resource for finding independent bookstores in your neighborhood.
Flashback photo of Matthew petting one of the cats at Wild Rumps

I was raised by parents that owned a small business, so shopping local is a cause that is near and dear to my heart since my parents relied on the support of their community for their livelihood and financial well-being. As I get older, I want to pay that forward by supporting local businesses in my community.

Flashback photo of Andrew checking out the lizard that lives at Wild Rumpus
My favorite local bookstore in the Twin Cities area is Wild Rumpus, as evidenced by all the photos sprinkled in this post. I love it so much that I've brought most of my adult visitors there to check it out. I've also gone there for nearly every aunt date I've gone on with my nephews. It works out well that there is a locally-owned ice cream shop a block away. Is there anything better than a date that includes books and ice cream, no matter what your age is? So if you live in the Twin Cities or find yourself visiting this area, stop in and check it out. You won't be disappointed!

Flashback post-book shopping ice cream break photo!
Tomorrow I plan to hit up a different independent bookstore called Magers and Quinn as I have a voucher from the sale of some books that I want to use.

Happy shopping everyone!!

Do you support local bookstores? Do you have a favorite local bookstore in your community?


  1. I'm a big fan of the indie bookstore (or any brick and mortar bookstore because sometimes all any area ha are chains.) But yes, sometimes you can't beat the Amazon prices. Our local now has a "gently used" section where used books are in good condition and much better priced. They also buy back for either cash or credit so it encourages return visits and gives book clubs registered with them a discount. They work hard -- but so need to be supported.

  2. I love bookstores, too, especially the smell of books! And I love it when they have a coffee bar included so the smell of books and coffee draw me in.
    The boys are growing up so fast and I know it is harder to get them on an Auntie date these days!

  3. My favorite local bookstore is the Maple Street bookstore - right down the street - mostly because of its slogan: "Fight the stupids".

  4. ryan and I were just talking about how we haven't been to a real bookstore in so long - and just love going to them!

    You've had some great memories @ that Wild Rumpus!! So special.

    My favorite bookstore in Tucson is this place on Antigone on 4th. It is in the the "hippy" area of Tucson lol - and is just fun to walk through and check out the different books they have. Especially their "Local specials". For example, I've found an AZ themed book called "The 3 Javelinas" instead of the "The 3 Little Pigs". Fun stuff...

    I love supporting small local businesses, as well!

  5. I am kinda embarrassed to say that I don't know where the independent bookstores are in my area! I don't really buy books, so I tend to use the library or just download Kindle versions of books from Amazon. But I also think supporting indie bookstores is super important and it makes me want to find a bookstore near me to support!

  6. I'm absolutely planning to take Michael there when we are visiting in a few weeks!!!

  7. It's sad, our city doesn't have any small, local bookstores, other than used book stores, which I do support. But for new titles, we have two options: Chapters, or Coles, both of which are owned by Indigo.

  8. Love this post! We don't really have any independent book stores in our community sadly, I think it is too small for that. We only have ONE bookstore and it's a chain! I definitely love to visit bookstores when traveling though. I should try to go to Wild Rumpus this week as I missed it last time I was in Mpls!
