Friday, August 25, 2017


Hello Friday! This week went fast but I always greet the weekend with open arms! Here's a TGIF-style recap of my week.

The high of my week was visiting Phil's coworker that had a baby earlier this summer. We brought dinner over and got to cuddle with their sweet baby boy.

The low of my week was having my RA flare come back. This time it impacted my left wrist so it hurt to do anything with my left hand. This is my 3rd flare in the last month - or maybe it's the same flare that keeps resurfacing? Who knows. So I'm back on an oral course of steroids. Hopefully it does the trick. In the mean time I am taking it very easy as I'm wondering if all the hiking I did last weekend brought the flare back. 

A book I am reading is Miller's Valley by Anna Quindlen. The last time I was at the library, I browsed some of the fiction shelves and decided to check this book out as I hadn't gotten around to reading it yet. Anna Quindlen is one of my favorite authors and so far the book is really good and engaging. It's about a family that lives in a valley that consistently floods. The government is considering removing a dam and allowing it to permanently flood. So the story is about living in the family but also about the dynamics within the family. I can already tell it's going to be a fast read.

A recipe I made was Instant Pot Chicken Tikka Masala with Cauliflower and Pea. This was soooo good. Next time I will double the recipes as the leftovers were so good. If you don't have an instant pot, she indicates how you can make it on the stove top. It's been cool and fall-like here this week so I was craving something warm and comforting and this hit the spot. We ate it on top of basmati rice (which I would recommend over usual white rice as we like the texture/consistency better).

The best money I spent was food for the birthday dinner I'm hosting for Phil on Saturday night! The birthday boy requested pork tacos. I love pork tacos so am excited to have some leftovers to enjoy next week!

My plans this weekend include playing cards with another couple tonight and hosting the birthday dinner on Saturday night. I'll be busy prepping for that most of Saturday as we also need to clean our house. Sunday is going to be a shouldless day for me. August has been jam-packed and most of our September weekends are already filling up so I need a shouldless day to rest and get ready for another busy month!

What was the high of your week?  If someone was throwing a birthday dinner for you, what meal would you request?


  1. Enjoy your should-less day!! It amazes me how fast this fall is filling up, enjoy the weekend!

  2. If someone made a meal for my birthday, I think I would request ribs, or that is wht popped into my mind! I never have tackled making BBQ ribs and just love them!
    Have a fun weekend and keep that RA flare under wraps!

  3. Your weekend sounds FUN!!! Cards with friends, hosting a dinner, and a shouldless day - so much awesomeness all in one weekend!

    Sorry that the RA flare returned :-( What a bummer. I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to deal with.

    I was totally thinking of you when we went for that supper in the orchard, as I knew you'd love that it was gluten-free, and yet they were able to pull off dishes like gnocchi. We are pretty lucky in Saskatchewan to have some of the best, if not the best, farm land in the world, so we try to eat foods from local farmers as much as possible.

    The high of my week was getting a lot of time with my niece Remi this week. If someone was making me a birthday dinner, my request would depend on who was making it :-) I'd probably ask Christopher to make bee bim bop, but for people who aren't familiar with cooking Korean, I'd probably request spaghetti or lasagna, or something carby and delicious. I also really love tacos, so that is a good idea too. I am not picky; I just love food!

  4. I read Millers Valley; it was a bit strange but very real, as I know they have done this in several places in the US in the past. Where my parents live, you drive over Oroville Dam (you may have seen it in the news last winter due to flooding) and my dad tells me tales of when that was a valley! Interesting. I also talked to Amber about this, as she was in the middle of a similar situation!

    For my birthday, I want pork loin, buttery mashed potatoes, some kind of green vegetable and creme brulee. Thank you! :)

  5. Ugh, sorry about the RA flare. It just never gets easier, does it? Hopefully it goes away soon!

    The high of my week was having a fantastic annual review at work. I just celebrated four years and I've enjoyed every single minute. It's nice to work at a company where you feel valued and appreciated!

    Hm... a birthday dinner. I'd probably request chicken on the grill with potatoes! My dad used to cook that meal for me every time I went to his place and I still remember how good it tasted. I miss it! Apartment living is just NOT conducive to grilling.

  6. That instant pot recipe looks delicious! (Side note: do you use an instant pot often? Is it worth the expense?)

    Hope you're having a great weekend and enjoy your shouldless-day :)

  7. Love Anna Quindlen and Tikka masala! Yum.

    Bummer on the flare -- hope by now things have leveled off a bit.

    My ultimate birthday dinner would involve seafood. Shrimp, scallops. Everything else is just trimmings!

  8. I haven't read an Anna Quindlen book in a long time, I will have to check that one out. I always enjoy her writing!

    Pork taco's sound like an EXCELLENT birthday dinner. That's something I would request too!

  9. Ah, it's tough when things you really enjoy (like a beautiful hike) also have a negative side effect. Sorry to hear about the flare. When you're flaring are you able to work as usual most of the time?
