Monday, October 9, 2017

Weekend Highlights

This past weekend was a busy one, but a fun one! It went by far faster than I would have liked but that's the way weekends always seem to go. Here are some of the highlights from my weekend.

On Friday night we had a fun night out with a friend and her boyfriend. We hit up 3 different breweries and enjoyed delicious tacos at our favorite local Mexican place!

On Saturday morning we looked at another potential home. It wasn't the right house for us but I feel like every time we look at a house with our realtor, it gives her a better idea of what we are looking for in a home. We are definitely being picky, but this next home is going to be a long-term home for us so we would rather hold out for the right house. Plus we can make our current home work for at least another year if need be.

On Saturday afternoon my nephews came over for an overnight stay! It was my brother and his wife's anniversary so I offered to have them stay the night with us so they could have a date night. In the afternoon, I prepped the homemade mac n' cheese (I used this recipe).

Ooey gooey cheesy goodness!
It gets covered with toasted buttery bread crumbs before you bake it. Phil popped it in the oven for me while I went to church with the boys. We really liked it! My younger nephew did not care for the bread crumbs so if you are making it for kids, I would maybe leave the bread crumbs off or just put them on one side.

We served the mac n' cheese with brats from our farm share.

I can't get over how fast these 2 are growing up. They are 9 and 12 and are so much fun to have around. They REALLY like Phil so he definitely got the bulk of their attention.

After dinner we went to DQ for dessert and then rented "Wonder Woman" from a Redbox.

On Sunday morning, while the boys were sleeping, I snuck out to the Farmer's Market for some breakfast pastries. My favorite GF baker was at the market so I got a cinnamon roll for myself and an assortment of pastries for Phil and the boys.

My delicious warmed up cinnamon roll
I managed to get back home before my nephews woke up. They slept until about 9:45! I am so envious of their ability to sleep in that late! We met their parents for lunch at an Indian buffet, which was so delicious. I forgot to take a picture of my plate but it was soooo good.

When I got back to our house, I spent the rest of Sunday afternoon reading and napping. I am really enjoying our October book club book but it's a sad/heavy read, especially as a parent-to-be.

I had slept well the night before but I was so exhausted that I ended up taking a 2 hour nap. It is so not like me to take long afternoon naps but I'm listening to my body. Growing a human is apparently exhausting.

Later in the day I met my friend at a prenatal yoga class. Prenatal yoga is so different from the typical yoga classes I've taken in the past but I really enjoy the classes, especially the stretches that are meant to prepare your body for child birth.

Phil got home from his mom's around 7:30 pm. We caught up on our days and then I headed up to bed at 9. I was afraid I would have trouble falling asleep after taking a long nap but I was struggling to keep my eyes open when I was reading so I gave up and turned off the lights at 9:30.

How was your weekend?


  1. Awe, a perfect weekend! Love the pictures of the boys and that mac & cheese looks so good! It's good you could just scrape the bread crumbs away so Matt could still eat it, which I'm sure he did!
    We had a great Saturday working outside in the afternoon, and it was so warm that we were sweating up a storm! I am looking forward to the grass to stop growing like it has as I want to clean windows instead of mowing in my off-time! But it has been a beautiful fall for colors so won't complain too much.
    I will have to save that recipe. I see there are ones you can make in your instant pot so wonder how they would be? I roasted a chicken in mine yesterday. It was delicious but the skin doesn't get crispy, but I always remove it anyway.

  2. Oh, I was late with my last comment ... you had already seen your nephews :-) That sounds like a really nice time, and the mac and cheese looks incredible!

    Our weekend has been really good. We went to Saskatoon for two nights to see my mom, and then since it's Thanksgiving weekend we have today off, and are heading to Christopher's parents' house for dinner this evening :-)

  3. Awww they are so cute! I can definitely see the family resemblance ;)

  4. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! That’s fun that your nephews came over for the night. I’m jealous of the home made Mac n cheese- it’s my favourite comfort meal

  5. Fun!! I didn't grow up with breadcrumbs on my mac and cheese either, but now I think its really good! I went to denver for a quick visit and loved catching up with my friends who moved out there.

  6. Ha, growing a human really is exhausting!

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend! I love that your nephews slept over- I'm sure their parents really appreciated that. AND, I can't believe they slept til 9:45! I was thinking how did she get to the farmers market before they woke up? And then you said 9:45! I was thinking of the time my boys wake up lol.

  7. Sounds like a busy weekend! Did you get Monday off? I didn't, but it was a pretty slow day with no FI Markets open! My auntie used to make Mac n Cheese with chips or crackers as the topping and it was less than the amount of breadcrumbs I see in your photo. Maybe that was the issue for your nephew, that it was hard to get to the "good stuff!" Or maybe he just doesn't like the toppings or the different texture; I am sure you know the reason!

    My weekend was busy! I worked late and had a doctor's appointment on Friday, went for a 4 am run and then to a friends memorial on Saturday (4 hours away), drove back on Sunday and helped a friend with some legal paperwork and babysitting on Sunday evening! I wasn't really home at all! I feel like I need a vacation from my weekend!

  8. LOL - I first read "We served the mac n' cheese with brats" as "we served the mac n' cheese to the brats" and thought you were referring to your nephews as brats. ;) Had to reread it!

    I can't believe how big your nephews are. It's crazy how fast they grow.

    My weekend was good - had a date on Friday night, a coffee date with a friend and spent some time with my mom on Saturday, and my cousin's daughter's birthday party on Sunday. It was nice to see the fam! :)

  9. That mac n' cheese looks SOOOOO good! Your weekend sounds pretty much perfect! Love weekends like that that are a mix of social time, family time and relaxing time. I have been on the waitlist for that book at my library forever, I hope I get it soon.

    Growing a human is exhausting! You are smart to listen to your body right now.

  10. It sounds like a terrific weekend, Lisa. I want mac and cheese and brats at your house! Sounds fabulous. How fun to be with your nephews but I bet they can wear a girl out!

    Happy week! Hope the flares stay gone.

  11. So fun!!! I'm glad y'all had such a great weekend! Your nephews look so much like your side of the family, I think, I love that you were able to have them for an overnight visit! Right about now a nap sounds wonderful!!!

  12. I can't believe how big your nephews have gotten! I swear they were just like 5 and 7! It sounds like you had a super tasty weekend. Honestly, I had to look back at my calendar to see what I did this weekend. How sad is that?! I worked at the running store on Saturday and on Sunday, I went with some girlfriends on a wine limo tour for my friend Danielle's bachelorette party. It was a lot of fun and we visited 3 wineries I hadn't been to before just 40 minutes outside of Eugene. The area was beautiful.

  13. I am super behind on your blog so catching up! Looks like a great weekend and awesome quality time with the boys.

    Glad you are doing that prenatal yoga! Such a fun thing to do to mak pregnancy a little less sucky (so I've heard lol!)

  14. Oh, that sounds so fun that you were hosting your nephews... I wish I could "babysit" my niece and nephew more often (or ever!). Sigh.
