Friday, September 7, 2018


The high of my week was playing with Paul during the hour we get with him before he goes to bed. One night Phil was using a laser pointing to play with Oscar. She was darting all over the place. Paul was watching her and giggling - it was the sweetest moment!

The low of my week was some bad nights of sleep. Paul has been getting up 3-4 times/night lately. We think he's teething so are wondering if it's related to that? Who knows. Here's hoping he goes back to waking up 1-2 times a night soon. I've kind of given up on him sleeping through the night anytime soon.

The book I am reading is The Dinner List. This was my August Book of the Month Club selection. It has a fun premise - on the protagonist's 30th birthday she walks into a restaurant for a birthday dinner to find the 5 people, living or dead, that she had told a friend she would want to have dinner with. I think it's going to be a light, easy read. It's making me think about who my 5 people would be!

A recipe I made was One Skillet Cashew Chicken Stir Fry. This is one of favorite stir fry recipes. I make it about once a month. It has a yummy peanut butter sauce. I add some crushed red pepper to the sauce to give it a little bit of heat.

The best money I spent was on my niece's birthday present. I bought her a set of Amelia Bedelia books. I loved these books when I was a little girl so am hoping that she loves them, too!

My plans this weekend include a family wedding tomorrow and a post-wedding family get together on Sunday for the Vikings game. We are hiring our first babysitter for the wedding tomorrow. It's a sitter our friends have used. Plus she works in the infant room of a daycare so she's as qualified as can be! I'm a little sad to miss out on time with Paul but I know the wedding will be lots of fun!

Bonus Paul Pics!

He loves grabbing (and chewing on) his feet!

Passed out in the stroller while we waited to see the urologist (he has to get his kidneys checked every couple of 3-4 months as one is measuring a bit large).

What was the high of your week?


  1. Words of advice from a 2nd time mom with a terribly sleeper the first time around: Check out Taking Cara Babies on Instagram. She shares the BEST tips/advice for improving sleep for baby (and therefore the whole family!). Her courses are also incredible but her tips alone are worth a look. I'm such a better mom and wife because I get a good night's sleep and I WISH I had her as a resources the first time around!!

  2. He is just too cute! He looks so big! That recipe looks yummy, I will have to try it. My high was that Isla enjoys 2nd grade and all seems well. I volunteered today at the book fair and had a blast too!

  3. Gosh, Paul is just the cutest little baby! Every time I see his little face, I just smile so big!

    I'm sorry this week has been rough on the sleeping front. I don't know how working moms do it, honestly! I'd be a mess.

    The high of my week was having a GREAT therapy session today! I really liked the therapist and feel like we clicked. Makes me so super happy!

  4. Love those photos of your sweet boy! I've tried writing a post on the five (or seven or however many) I'd like to have dinner with more than once but the people keep changing! Great premise for a book.

    High of my week -- lip chemo is done! Yay! All gone. So he says. (However, still painful in the area for another two weeks or so...)

  5. from what I hear teething will certainly set a sleep schedule back, great gift choice for your niece! my high was having an understanding boss when I asked for some flex time on Friday afternoon (not something I like asking for).

  6. I loved those books as a kid too!!

    I hope you have a great time at the wedding today :-) I love weddings!

  7. I think he has the sweetest smiles this side of heaven! It was so much fun to see him yesterday and hold him for awhile. He sure has grown since the last time I saw him! I hope his sleep pattern improves as it is so hard to be sleep deprived when working full time!

  8. Ugh. I think if I ever had kids, the no sleep phase would slowly but surely kill me. I hope you get through this in one piece.

  9. I'm so late commenting on this so I don't remember the high of that week... that might have been the week we went away?! Ha. Anyways, I loved those books too as a kid, what a great gift for your niece!! And that stirfry looks sooooo good. Adding it to the list for this week as I have all of those ingredients on hand.
