Friday, December 7, 2018


Yay, Friday! I"m off with Paul today so it's a 3-day weekend for me. Woo hoo!

The high of my week was working from home while spending the day with Paul on Wednesday. The financial markets were closed as it was a National Day of Mourning for the loss of President Bush. Since it was going to be a quiet day I opted to work from home. We had the option to take the day off so I figured it was ok to work + hang out with Paul. I would never try to work from home and watch Paul at the same time because I can't be totally focused on work while watching him but it felt like the right decision on Wednesday. Not having to get up early to pump + get ready is the best!

My cute co-worker in his Christmas jammies!
The low of my week was some tough nights with lots of wake-up. We are starting to sleep train now that Paul got a clean bill of health at his 9-month appointment. It's going to be a little brutal initially but I know it will be worth it in the long run for all of us. We all need more uninterrupted sleep!

A book I'm reading is The Animators. It's been on my to-read list for awhile and I bumped it up the list when I saw that Stephany really liked it. One of the characters is really unlikable but I think she's starting to redeem herself (I struggle with unlikable characters). A book I'm reading to Paul is the Little Blue Truck Christmas book. There's a tree at the end with blinking lights which he loves!!!

He loves the bright lights!
When I read to him, he looks up occasionally and smiles at me which melts my heart!
A recipe I made was Lemon Pepper Chicken with Artichoke Salsa and Roasted Asparagus. I've made this several times and it's so good. The artichoke salsa really makes the meal. I forgot to take a picture but it was super delicious!

The best money I spent was on a mocha yesterday morning. I treat myself to a latte or mocha on Fridays so I had one yesterday since it was my "Friday."

My plans this weekend include going to my Julia Child aunt and uncle's for lunch today with Paul. Tomorrow we are going out to my MIL's house for lunch and then Phil and I will go to his company's holiday party in the evening. We hired the sitter we used in September. She's so great with Paul. He'll probably only be awake for an hour before going to bed but at least he'll be hanging out with someone that is excited to play with him! She works in an infant room at a daycare so is the perfect babysitter! On Sunday we are getting together with some of Phil's high school friends for a 'meet the baby' brunch as one of his friends had a baby in October.

What was the high of your weekend? What are your weekend plans?


  1. I didn't have any highs this week, but we do plan to attend a wedding reception tomorrow evening for a gal who lived in our apartment building. Then we will head to the lake and Paul will launch the fish house on the lake, hopefully, so that is his highlight of the week! I plan to start some baking and finish my cards. Next week will be a shopping for Christmas week and hopefully wrapping and then some more baking. Christmas is coming fast!

  2. Hooray for a three-day weekend AND for having a day at home with Paul this week!

    I hope you enjoy The Animators. It's one of those books that I've continued to think about, even though I read it early in 2018. One of the main characters is VERY unlikeable in the beginning, but stick with it! It's worth it.

    The high of my week was winning employee of the month at my work! It was totally unexpected, but the CEO of my company had such kind words to say about me AND it means I get the coveted parking spot in the executive garage, so I'm stoked. :)

  3. I really want to try that Lemon Chicken recipe but the other 2 in my family will revolt! Maybe someday I can do just the lemon chicken and the asapragus part since they all like that. I have been treating myself to a coffee on Thursday's after I volunteer at Isla's school. I keep trying out the Biggby seasonal drinks. And then I hit up the library.

  4. Hooray for an easy work at home day! Will you have Julia Child night soon? (I can't remember when that usually happens).

  5. I wondered if you would have to work on Wednesday. Glad you could do it from home! (The Little Blue Truck books are so cute!)

    High of the week -- getting a lot of decorating done! Anticipating? Rick's return home from Vegas tonight, dinner with friends tomorrow and taking a gourmet cooking class on Sunday!

  6. Our weekend is full of social engagements. We started early with a Christmas come-and-go party at a former coworker's house. Last night we had my work Christmas party, and tonight we're going out for a friend's birthday. Tomorrow we'll be getting groceries, and relaxing, as well as addressing Christmas cards, and making lists for the baking I plan to do.

  7. The picture of Paul looking up at you while reading is so so sweet! I love it!! Olivia is still hit or miss with books, but she is definitely starting to have her favourites. And now before bed I put two books in front of her and let her pick which one we read - so that is fun! No idea if she's actually picking one she "prefers" or if it's random, but it's a fun thing to do! haha
