Monday, March 25, 2019

Our Long Weekend

Our 3-day weekend became a 4-day weekend as Paul got the stomach flu during the night on Wednesday night. Ugh. This is his 3rd stomach bug since late December. Hopefully it's the last one for quite awhile! Puking babies are the worst because they give you absolutely NO warning that they are going to puke. :/

Thursday was a rough day but he was much better when he woke up on Friday morning.

We had his conference that morning. It was interesting to hear more about his days at school. We learned that he repeats animal sounds at school. He does not do this at home! The only negative thing they had to say was that he's a terrible napper, which we already knew. Most days he takes 2 20-minute naps, if that. Most kids sleep 45-60 minutes/nap! He's not a great sleeper at home either so it's not too surprising that he doesn't sleep well in a room with 11 other babies...

Friday was a beautiful day so we went for a long 1.5 hour walk around a local lake. It felt so good to get some fresh air! After our walk and his afternoon nap, we hung out on the couch and read books. He's still very into reading!

When Phil got home from work we went to another couple's house for a little play date and dinner. We hadn't seen them for months as we had to cancel several play dates in February and March because Paul was sick. It was fun to catch up with them!

On Saturday morning, Paul had his first swimming lesson! We had been on a waiting list and luckily a spot opened up. It was his first time in a swimming pool and he was understandably a bit uncomfortable and extra clingy. We'll have weekly lessons for 3 months so he'll have lots of time to get used to the pool. We are taking lessons at a place called Foss which is known for being great with kids. I was really happy with the first lesson and hopefully Paul will enjoy them more and more as the weeks progress! Getting comfortable with the water is super important to Phil and me since my parents have a lake cabin!

After Paul's morning nap (which was shorter than I thought it would be!) we had lunch and then headed out for a family walk to a local park. It was really sunny but not quite 50 degrees but Paul still decided to take his socks off. As you can see from the photos below, he loves to cross his ankles! He's been doing this since he was a newborn.

The park is a little under a mile walk away, and the walk is mostly on dedicated walking/biking paths. We put him in the swing for the first time and he LOVED it! He just giggled and giggled. I think we'll be spending a lot of time at this park this summer. Plus there is a small wading pool that is free.

On Sunday we met up with a friend and her little guy who is 3 days older than Paul for lunch. Paul enjoyed pancakes with peanut butter.

We spent the rest of the day playing in the house and also went for another short walk. I'm trying to get out for a walk every day as the fresh air is so good for everyone! Paul practiced climbing the stairs. He think it is so fun and always has to bring a toy along with him - this time he carried his toothbrush with him. It's definitely time to get a baby gate.

I was definitely worn out by the end of the 4-day weekend. Paul had good moments during the weekend but between the stomach bug and pain from his teeth (he's getting his 1-year molars) he was not his usual happy self. I really hope we get a long healthy stretch! The weekend ended on a high note, though. Our photographer sent us the sneak peek from his 1-year photo session. Here are some of my favorites!

How was your weekend? 


  1. What great photos! Hooray for getting out on lots of walks! My weekend was alright, I tried mountain biking for the first time and walked Calhoun. it felt so good to be outside!

  2. What a cute little guy! 3 stomach bugs since December seems like a lot. Yuck! I babysit for teachers' kid in my house during the school year. I am anxious for spring so I can get the wee folk outside again.

  3. I'm glad it warmed up enough for y'all to get outside! You have such great areas for walking and running!!! The pictures from the photo shoot are amazing!!!! LOVE them all!!!! I hope that you have a long stretch of being healthy!!!!

  4. Well, apart from the hurling it all sounds pretty wonderful -- and finally, outside time that is warm enough for barefeet. Well, not mine but Paul sure seems to like it! What a smile! I love your new photos. Aren't you glad you got that package? I couldn't pick a favorite!

  5. I love the pictures of him sitting on the couch reading, but all of the pictures are great. Your photographer did an awesome job!
    I sure hope he's done with the stomach bugs - Icky!
    The fresh air feels so great!

  6. Oof... his third stomach bug in three months? Poor baby! I really hope this is the end of all the pukes.

    The picture of Paul reading melts my heart! What a sweetie!

    I'm so glad you're able to go out on walks now. Hooray for "spring"!

  7. It never ceases to amuse me how much Paul loves to read! Totally copying mom. I hope you all are in for a healthy spring. Daycare and winter are not a good combination for staying well (although on the bright side, think how fast he's building his immune system up!). I love the playful pictures your photographer captured. It seems like Paul is very cheerful, and the pictures show that off.

  8. Oh the photo of him with his little feet crossed is SO cute! Olivia does that too. She also is constantly pulling her socks off. So annoying. I really hope you get a nice long healthy stretch now! You have dealt with more than enough sickness!! I feel like we've been back into a healthy streak for the last little bit *knock on wood*

  9. Oh what a lovely weekend... sorry it ended with Paul being sick. But look at him in all the cute photos from his photo shoot. I love it.

  10. What a cutie!!

    That sucks about the stomach bugs he's been getting. With no warning, that would be super tough, and I bet it meant loads of laundry. No fun!

    That's great that he's repeating animal sounds and that he loves books so much :-)

    My weekend was great! We got some quality time with my mom, which was really nice.
