Monday, July 29, 2019

"Cleaning" and "Greening" Up Our Act

Since becoming a mom, I've thought way more "clean living" which, for me, means paying attention to ingredient lists and minimizing our exposure to chemicals. It's kind of sad that it took having a child to make better, cleaner decisions for myself but so it goes! Besides wanting to limit the chemicals that Paul is exposed to, I also feel like making these changes may, to some extent, reduce my chances of getting cancer. Sadly, I know so many women who have gotten aggressive forms of breast cancer in their 30s. It's hard to know why exactly younger women are getting cancer but I do think/wonder if the chemicals in the products we use are a contributing factor.

I thought I'd share the changes we've made in case anyone else is looking to go cleaner and greener. I'm not trying to scare anyone into changing up their products. Who knows if these changes will make a difference at all! But I figure if they can reduce the odds of us getting cancer and reduce the chemicals in Paul's environment, it's worth it! Besides reducing our exposure to chemicals, we are also trying to live more greenly and use less plastics!

1. Gladware/tupperware - My first step was replacing my plastic containers with glass pyrex containers. I recycled all my containers that weren't BPA-free. I probably had 30+ containers and out of all of them, only 2 were BPA-free. Eeks. We generate and eat a lot of leftovers in our house so it wasn't cheap to replace everything. This would have been a good Christmas present idea but I didn't want to hold off until December!

2. Sunscreen - There are two kinds of sunscreen - chemical and physical. Chemical sunscreen is absorbed into your skin, absorbs UV rays, converts the rays into heat, and releases them from your body. Physical sunscreen sits on top of the skin and reflects the sun's rays. I used to use chemical sunscreen but I have made the switch to physical. I've always used physical sunscreen on Paul as that is what is recommended for children. Paul uses Babyganics and I usually just use his sunscreen instead of buying something different for myself. I like this one because it's a bit thinner and easier to apply. The downside of physical sunscreen is that it's thicker, can be harder to apply and can give your skin a white appearance. Bottom line, any sunscreen - chemical or physical - is better than no sunscreen but I've opted to go the physical sunscreen route.

3. Plastic bags - I'm really trying to reduce our use of plastic, so I purchased reusable silicon bags. We still have some plastic baggies but as we run out of them, I'm not replacing them.

4. Skincare - After looking at the ratings of some of the make-up and skincare products I've been using on the Environmental Working Group's skin deep website, I wasn't happy with how some of my products were rated. So I am gradually making the switch over to Beautycounter. So far I am using their Counter Control cleansing line, which is for acne-prone skin. I'm really happy with it so far. I'm also using their tinted moisturizer as foundation and I've been really happy with it. As I run out of make-up products, I'm going to switch over to all Beautycounter products, but it's going to be a work in progress because it's expensive! But their products are so clean so I know it's best for my body and worth the investment.

5. Switch to natural deodorant After reading about the potential harms of using deodorant with aluminum as an ingredient I made the switch to natural deodorant. I use the Schmidt’s brand, which you can buy at places like Target and I have been happy with it. It kind of had a paste-like consistency but I got used to it quickly and it has worked in the recent heat and humidity!
We still have room for improvement, though. Here are a couple of things I need to figure out:

1. Eliminate our use of plastic wraps/press and seal wraps. I don't use these all that often but it would be nice to have a reusable option. I found this article about plastic wrap replacements so will go with something on that list.

2. Stop using the plastic bags in the produce section at the grocery store. Phil does our grocery shopping so I just need to get him on board with that change as it will require bringing bags to the grocery store. He's a "green" guy, though, so I think I can get him to make this change.

3. Bring our own bags to the grocery store. This is another thing that's going to fall on Phil's shoulders. I need to buy more reusable bags before we can do this. We mostly use paper bags at the grocery store as we then use those paper bags for our compost (Minneapolis has a 'organics recycling' program). But we do occasionally use plastic bags, especially when I go to Target during the week, and I'd like to stop doing that!

Have you made any cleaner or greener changes recently?


  1. You cloth diaper - that’s a huge investment in a greener lifestyle!

    Connecticut passed a tax that will charge for plastic bags at stores. I’m excited for that. Every little bit helps. We’ve switched to glass storage, reusable baggies, and the physical sunscreen as well. I switched to cloth wipes when Owen was born, mainly because he has such sensitive skin, but it has been nice to not have that added garbage each week.

    I’d really love to eliminate fruit and veggie pouches for both kids but they are just sooo much more convenient for on the go. I should buy some reusable pouches and move from the glass jars for outings. At least the glass would be recyclable.

    I’m always looking for new ways to be green! I’ve been thinking about a menstrual cup but haven’t tried one yet. That intimidates me far more than cloth diapers did for some reason!

  2. Do you ever shop at Aldi? I LOVE their reusable bags and bring them to other stores if Im shopping there. They are large and sturdy!

  3. I've had a post like this brewing in my head, but you are well ahead of me in terms of green living!

    I've switched to reusable bags over plastic bags when shopping. I don't even use any sort of plastic bag for produce - as long as it doesn't need to be contained, I just let it be free in my cart. I definitely need to switch over to glass over plastic containers, though. That will be a slow work in progress!

    I've given up paper towels and single-use wipes as well as plastic baggies, although I do still have some freezer bags that I use. Once my supply runs out, I won't be getting more. But I do need to buy some reusable baggies. Currently, I just use plastic containers.

    I haven't even considered my makeup, though, and I should think about that. It's just so costly! Easily three or four times the cost of what I'm using now, but there's a reason for that, I know. Something to think about!

  4. We use babyganics too. I also got thinksport? this year. Isla's face is so white in all of our outdoor photos this summer because of it hahaha. We just throw produce into the cart. I suppose the only thing we don't is green beans but we tend to grow our own so it's only in the early season that we do that. We recycle way more than we ever have before because it is so easy in our township. We need to get more reusable bags for grocery shopping, that is my next step.

  5. We do most of these: glass containers, zinc sunscreen, no produce bags, reusable grocery bags. I don't have reusable baggies or plastic wrap; instead, I save all my old bread bags and use them over again.
    As far as beauty goes...right now I'm just using ivory soap!

  6. I switched out my plastic containers for glass years ago, and I suppose I have always been using "physical" sunscreen, without realizing that's what it is. I always felt weird about rubbing chemicals on my skin, having them absorb, and then heating them up, so I buy natural stuff from the health food store. It is sometimes more difficult to apply, and does make me look really white, depending on the brand.

    For cleaning we use "Green" products, and also a lot of vinegar/water. We re-use grocery store plastic bags, and recycle a lot. We need to switch up our Zip-Lock and plastic wrap situation.

    I also use an all natural deodorant.

  7. Well done! I haven't got rid of my old plastic storage -- I've passed some on to others who do lots of leftovers and kept some for that reason. But for my daily I have these great bowls (Queen is the company; I got them on Amazon) that DO have a plastic lid but they are really pretty. I store leftovers in them and also can use them on the table for soup or berries. I'm trying not to buy plastic bags and rinse the ones I have. And like you, don't get plastic ones at the produce section unless absolutely necessary. Some of your other tips are excellent too!

  8. It is never too late to make conscious, environmentally friendly choices and sometimes it takes a while to make the switch.... good for you though. I am working on a lot of the same changes that you mentioned !

  9. I am doing a lot of these things as well. We bought a whole bunch of glass containers several years ago and they are still going strong! I do still use plastic occasionally, but I won't purchase any more plastic containers ever again. I also switched to natural deoderant about a year ago. I've had to get used to being a bit sweatier and sometimes stinkier but I know it's worth it. We also are using the physical sunscreen this year. It's a bit annoying to apply, but I know it's better for us in the long run. Trying to eliminate more plastic products, I will have to check out the silicone bags you linked. Also trying to slowly switch my skincare and make up to beauty counter, but man is it ever expensive!! I know it's worth it though.

  10. That above comment "Unknown" is me! Didn't realize I wasn't signed in!
