Monday, January 6, 2020

50th Anniversary Celebration!

This past weekend we celebrated my parents' 50th wedding anniversary, which was on December 20th. I had a hard time wrapping mind around all that happened in the past decade, so it's hard to imagine 5 decades of marriage! I feel incredibly lucky and blessed to have parents that are married, in love, and enjoy spending time together. Heck, they even work together as they have ran a business together for 35+ years! It took some planning, but I am so happy that all of the siblings and grandkids could get together to celebrate with my parents. We are kind of spread out across the country so we hadn't all been together since my wedding in 2017!

My sister Abby and her husband Ryan flew in on New Years Day. I was going to pick them up at the airport, but when Phil went to get my car out of the garage, he could not get the door to open. We have quite a few maintenance issues at our house so Phil was NOT happy. Since our garage is built on a hill, there is not a side entrance so we had no way to get our cars out of the garage. So Abby and Ryan took an Uber to our house. Ryan and Phil were able to get the door open and they ended up fixing it (for now - Phil thinks it's temporary and more work will be needed).

We hung out at our house and I made dinner. On Thursday, Abby ran (she's training for a 50k trail race) and Ryan went to a local gym, and then I took them to lunch at a Pizza place owned by this past year's James Beard Award winner - Ann Kim. It was great to get some extra one-on-one time with them. 

After Paul's nap on Thursday, we hit the road for the resort in central Minnesota. We had to fit 3 people's luggage, presents and food/cooking equipment in my Camry. It was packed to the max and was like a real-life Tetris problem. But we got everything to fit! With no room to spare. I sat in the back with Paul and entertained him with lots of books and snacks.

On Thursday night, we ate at one of the restaurants at the resort. Paul made my dad's day by climbing into his lap!

Papa Paul and Toddler Paul
 Unfortunately this trip coincided with a crappy sleep regression that Paul has been going through since Christmas. He's been waking multiple times a night and has been waking for the day quite early! At home, we let him cry during the night and will sometimes leave him in the crib until 6 if he's not protesting too much. But you can't do that when you are in a house with 18 other people. So we had some early mornings (he was up around 5:30 3 mornings - he "slept in" until 6:10 the last morning). Luckily my mom is an early riser so she kept me company and kept the coffee flowing.

Reading with Nana
Reading was a big theme for the weekend - I brought quite a few books along for Paul and he got to read with his aunties and nana. I read him a lot of books, too, as it was something that would keep him quiet on those early mornings!

Friday was the busiest day for me as my sisters and I were responsible for breakfast and dinner that day. For breakfast, I made 2 egg bakes and my older sister made a baked oatmeal that was delicious! For dinner, we made tacos and all the fixings. Our meals went over very well with the family! I also fit in some sledding time with Paul before his nap on Friday. Phil arrived on Friday night (he had to work Thur/Fri) - I was very glad to see him after 2 days of solo parenting! I was in bed early on Friday between all the activity and my early morning!

On Saturday morning, we brothers made a delicious breakfast and then we had a photographer come to take professional photos. I am excited to see how they turned out. Paul did really well overall! After pictures, we opened gifts. Paul didn't unwrap any gifts as he doesn't really "get it" yet, but he was excited about what he got - especially this duplo set from his cousin Evelyn.

After the kids and grandkids had opened all their gifts, my dad surprised my mom with a 50th anniversary gift!

He got her some diamond earrings and a necklace with a stone for each of their 5 kids.

That day, we spent time playing cribbage and watching some exciting play-off games. I went to bed before the end of the Patriots game so missed the exciting finish! We were all thrilled when the Patriots lost. Sorry, Patriot fans - your team is so disliked by the rest of the country.

Even though Paul didn't sleep well, he did really well, all in all. He sat on some laps, played well with his cousins, and handled being the center of attention very well. I only brought books, some of his little people, and 2 trucks. He played so well with his toys for the 3 days we were at the resort. It confirmed my hypothesis that the fewer toys we have out, the better Paul plays.

He's putting his little people down for bedtime in this photo!

There was a lot of time spent in jammies!

Including some new jammies from my grandma Janet. She gives jammies to all of her great grandchildren every Christmas (with the help of some shopping elves!). I love the ones Paul received!

On Sunday, we packed up and were on the road by 9. I assumed Paul would stay awake in the car so I wanted to get home in time for his nap. He surprised us and slept for a good chunk of the 2+ hour ride - which meant he did not nap when we got home! But oh well - at least he was quiet on the drive! We were home in time to unpack, do laundry, get groceries, and watch the exciting Vikings victory! Phil took Abby and Ryan to the airport and went to get Oscar from his moms, so I was on my own with Paul for a good chunk of the day. I managed to fit in a workout - he played really well with the basketball hoop and train table we have in the basement so I'm feeling good about my 3 workouts/week goal after seeing how well he entertained himself!

Now it's back to work and a normal schedule. We had a lot of fun over the holidays but I am SOOOO ready for a normal schedule and normal eating!!

How was your weekend? Are you super happy to be back to normal life, too, or are you wishing you were still in holiday mode?


  1. I know it was good for Isla to be back at school today because I have not been as fun as I have been in the past on breaks. But the flu was going around like crazy so I basically did not let us out in public unless we needed to go out. She had a lot of energy the last couple of days! Adeline is going through massive growth physically. She's eating a ton more and she's gained weight and length. She's also 'talking' up a storm and grabbing and kicking and holding her head up really well so all of this has equaled 90 minute wake ups for the past 3 nights. I may die soon. Getting out of bed and moving quickly to get isla to school was not fun! Glad you had a good visit with your family!

  2. You and Paul were both troopers to get through a big visit like that! I can't imagine it's easy with a little kid in a really full house . But such a treat to see all the family - with our huge family we rarely get together in one place (I think my wedding was the last time - so almost 13 years!). And it looks like Paul really enjoyed the cousin time.

  3. Definitely still wish I was in holiday mode, but it's okay. :) Gotta take on 2020 head on.

  4. Wow -- what a wonderful time. So, three cheers for your parents! That's quite and accomplishment! And extra nice you could have that little extra time with Abby and Ryan. (Bummer about the garage, though!). That looks like a great place to have a family gathering like this. And I'm glad Paul did pretty well. I'm longing for routine and hope I get one soon. It seems rather fleeting these days.

  5. I think everyone relishes getting back to a normal routine after the Holidays, even though it is great to celebrate and see family. Having all of our family under one roof for several days was a dream come true, as I don't think that has happened for years! We are so pleased it went so well, and I didn't have to plan meals and do much work!
    Paul did amazing being in a strange house and full of people he's rarely been around! I thought the picture taking went amazing and I am so excited to see the results.
    And the best was that no one was sick, so with all the flu going around that was extra amazing! I guess being the kids hadn't been back to school helped as they may have not been exposed if they had been.
    2020 - here we come!

  6. What a lovely celebration! It must have been so great to have your whole family in one place. I have a very small nuclear family (just 7 of us!) and we all live near each other, and even then it can be hard to sync up schedules! I can't imagine 18 people spread across the US.

    I'm semi-happy to be back to my routine. I wish I had taken some PTO over the holiday season because it would have been nice to have a little more me time, but it's all good. I finally cooked myself actual food last night, which I haven't done in FOREVER and it felt so good!

  7. Did you go to Pizzeria Lola?

    I am very ready to get back to real life. A schedule feels well and makes me feel so grounded.

  8. What a fun and special celebration! I can't wait to see your family photos. And I love the photos of your dad surprising your mom with such a sweet gift. So beautiful!

  9. Oh I always love to read about your family get togethers and this one - for your parents' 50th anniversary - is extra special. Congratulations again!

  10. Paul is soooooo cut in those jammies!!! What a sweetheart <3

    50 years married - wow! That's the goal! That is so nice that you had a big celebration with family.
