Monday, January 13, 2020

First Normal Weekend of 2020!

This past weekend was the first normal weekend of 2020. Woo hoo! We had some fun holiday weekends but it was really nice to have a normal family weekend! Here is how our weekend shaped up.

On Friday afternoon when I picked Paul up, I learned that he had fallen and hit his head on the corner of a bookshelf. Yikes, it looked bad, but I'm glad it didn't require stitches! It doesn't seem to bother him, but it looks so nasty.

He had an early morning on Friday (he was up before 5am!) so bedtime could not come fast enough! There was a lot of whining and crying... But he was in a better mood after I put him in jammies. He played well with this helicopter from my parents. It's from the "Green Toys" line which is my FAVORITE brand toys. I've mentioned that line before but it bears rementioning. These toys are made from recycled plastic. They have minimal (recyclable) packaging and there are very few pieces. The helicopter came with one other piece (a pilot bear) besides the helicopter.

Paul had leftover pasta for dinner and Phil and I had yummy shrimp tacos with a mango salsa. Yum!

After Paul went to bed, Phil and I watched a couple episodes of the new season of The Crown (it's so good!) and did a financial review. It wasn't our most fun financial review to be quite honest... Our finances are in good shape but this conversation was more contentious since Phil usually spends so little and we've had a lot of expenses recently. But oh well - we aired our grievances and will move on.

Paul was up around 6:15 on Saturday morning, which was much better than the previous day! After breakfast, he brought me this stack of books to read (it took several trips to bring them all to me!). Sometimes he wants to read the same book over and over so I was happy to read a variety of books!

After a marathon reading session, he played with his "Green Toys" farm set, and then we headed to swimming lessons.

He did super well at swimming lessons. It was probably the best lesson we've ever had. He will do things like jump off the lily pad (while holding onto my hand and the teacher's hand), jump off the side of the pool (from a sitting position) into my arms, etc. If this keeps up, I'm thinking we'll advance to a new level in the spring.

On Saturday afternoon, we went over to a friend's house for a play date. My friend Courtney (wife of one of Phil's best men) has a 4 year old and a little boy who is 5 weeks older than Paul. She invited another mom with 2 girls close to her boys age over, too. Paul took a short nap so we got there early and got some extra time with Gus and Leo before the girls arrived.

enjoying some snacks!
The younger girl, Georgie, that came over is in Paul's class and she is Paul's favorite friend in his class. He actually named one of his blond "little people" Georgie and he talks about her quite a bit. It was cute to see them interact together!

On Saturday night I made a new-to-us recipe for Turkey Tamale Pie (shared on Modern Mrs. Darcy's blog this fall). It turned out really well! Next time, I'll hold off on adding the cheese until the crust has broiled as the cheese got a little too dark. But it was really delicious and I'll be enjoying leftovers this week at work!

After dinner/bath time/bedtime for Paul, we settled in on the couch and watched a couple more episodes of The Crown. We are going to finish the series pretty quickly at this rate!

On Sunday morning Paul was up around 6:20. I came down with a cold around bedtime on Saturday night so I was feeling extra tired! We cuddled on the couch together and read some books while I chugged coffee. Ha. He's double-fisting in the picture below as he insisted on having his milk and agua.

Around 9am I asked Phil if would hang out with Paul while I went for a walk/run. It was too cold to go outside with Paul (10F, 1F with the windchill) but I wanted some fresh air. It felt really good to get outside! I probably ran about 1.5 miles of my 4 mile route.

I was wishing Paul had been with me because there were so many ducks on the creek I ran by!

The rest of the day was spent laying low. Paul spent a good amount of time playing in the basement. He has a train table and a basketball hoop down there. He likes to play down there when I workout, but will go down there on his own sometimes, too. It's nice to have more space for his toys!

I ended up taking a 2 hour nap when Paul went down for a nap. He only napped for about an hour but Phil hung out with him and let me sleep since I wasn't feeling well.

The rest of the day was spent hanging around the house and watching some football!

We capped off the weekend with one more episode of The Crown and I headed to bed early! It was a really good weekend, aside from coming down with a pesky cold!

How was your weekend? 


  1. This looks like a really good weekend. YOUR weekend, with the obligations you chose to have. I love that. Glad the cut isn't too bad but probably scary when you first say him!

  2. It looks like you had a fun weekend! I remember running in Iowa during the winter in the sub zero temperatures and it is a whole new world. I bet your lungs were burning! It is still nice to get out and about, no matter what. I love Paul's little armchair! My cousins used to have one of those where they would get up in the morning and go sit in their chair and drink their milk and they loved it! In fact, my cousin just had a baby and now his daughter does the same thing.

    My weekend was full of pretty much the same: running, studying and sleeping (barely). I sometimes feel like it's just one week after the other with the same thing over and over. However, I did get a few little things done that I needed to do (Costco trip, updating my Christmas address list, housework etc.) So it was productive, even if it was a bit repetitive!

  3. I, too, came down with a pesky cold, but not a real bad one. It's the first one I've had in several years, so won't complain. It looks like you had a quiet weekend after all the Holiday activities! We also enjoyed some down time and I got all the Christmas decorations put away and cleaned house so that felt really good!
    I hope Paul's booboo heals quickly and doesn't scar, but it shouldn't be much of one and will eventually fade away. He sure is a book-loving little boy!

  4. I got a big gash in my head over the weekend too! If only that left me as cute and sympathetic as Paul...

  5. Sounds like a great weekend! I am glad you got some rest and hopefully it was enough to kick that cold. Ugh, being sick is the worst. I am enjoying the return to "normal" weekends as well though I'd really appreciate the weather warming up so we could get some outdoor time in! Olivia got so many bumps and gashes on her head when she was around that age too! It was around that age that she fell off my moms deck and completely scraped the whole side of her face up!

  6. Oh, that little bump on his head! I hated when toddlers would get bumps and bruises when I worked in daycare - it was inevitable because they still aren't exactly steady on their feet but so sad! I'm glad it's not bugging him.

    I love the picture where Phil's in the background with Oscar on his chest! She's doing exactly what Lila likes to do - get right in my face, haha. She won't let me pick her up, but she will invade my personal space when she deems it okay. Cats!

    I'm glad you were able to get outside for a run! It must have felt so good.

  7. Kids will always bump their heads LOL I remember my sister sending me photos of my nephew with bumps over and over when he was younger LOL it's the rite of passage of toddlerhood. ;)

  8. Glad to hear he didn't need stitches. He is such a happy little guy <3
