Monday, January 27, 2020

Weekend Highlights

This past weekend was tiring. Paul was up for the day at 5:30am and took short naps which is a brutal combination! It's easy to look at the weekend and think, ugggghhhh. But when I take a step back and force myself to see the good, there were a lot of good moments, like the following!

- We Facetimed with my parents on Saturday morning. We've gotten into the habit of doing this every week - it's nice to 'see' them weekly since we don't see them in person as often as we'd like. Paul has a short attention span for phone calls but he makes some cameos while I catch up with my parents. He gets especially excited to see my dad and yells "papa papa papa" as soon as he sees my mom. He knows those 2 come as a set!

- Our swimming lesson on Saturday morning was really fun. He's so much more comfortable with the water now. His favorite thing to do is sit on the edge and jump into my arms at the end of the parents singing"humpty dumpty." He does this with his bath toys at home, too.

- During nap time on Saturday, I brought lunch to a friend who had a baby in early December. I wasn't able to hold the baby as I have yet another cold - ugh. But it was still fun to see my friend and meet her baby. She has a son that is 3 days older than Paul. It was nice to catch up with her without our boys around as it's harder to talk while keeping an eye on 2 energetic toddlers.

- We stored most of Paul's Christmas gifts away so we could pull them out when we needed something new to distract him... and boy did I need something new and novel on Saturday afternoon. So I pulled out the duplo legos he got from his cousin Evie. He must play with them at school because he immediately starting saying "legos" over and over again! Now this is a toy that mom and dad can enjoy, too! I made the heart below. The legos came with instruction cards on how to make things like helicopters, hearts, ducks, fish, etc. Paul had fun playing with the things I put together for him, and put together some things on his own.

 - On Saturday night, Paul made some progress with Oscar and was able to give her a few pets. She's becoming more comfortable about Paul, but he still needs to work on being more calm and quiet around her. Hopefully they'll be good friends some day!

 - After our early morning on Sunday, I could not wait to get out of the house with Paul. It was in the 20s, so mild enough for a long 45 minute walk. He was not a fan of wearing winter clothes but it was worth it once we got to the duck hangout at the creek by our house!! There is a section of the creek where the decks tends to congregate. I've been waiting for nice weather so I could take duck-obsessed Paul. There were probably over 100 ducks in this stretch of the creek. Paul did NOT want to go home!

- After Paul's (short) nap on Sunday, we went over to our friend's house for a 2nd birthday party. There were so many kids there so Paul had a good time playing with them and checking out some new toys. He really seemed to like this play mop! It's funny how things adults kind of hate like mops and vacuums are fun for toddlers.

There were a lot of yawns and groans over early wake-ups and short naps and some defiant "smile at you while I'm doing something I've been told not to do" but there were also lots of good parts to the weekend.

Did you have a good weekend? What were some highlights?


  1. We had a fun and busy weekend! Also, that Melissa and Doug cleaning set is awesome. I highly recommend it. I had an enthusiastic cleaner at my house for a good year with that toy! And the kids that come over always want to play too! It's actually stored in Adeline's closet for her! Friday we had our nieces 7th bday party, Saturday night Anthony and I went to his company's after holiday holiday drinks/dinner, and Sunday we had our friends daughters 7th bday party. We also booked an Airbnb for spring break just north east of here on Lake Huron so I'm excited!

  2. It sounds like a terrific weekend. That's a good idea with the toys. And I love your Lego heart! Seems like a perfect time. I took down more Christmas and we went to see Little Women, which I highly recommend!

  3. I had some jet lag on Saturday night, but I made it to church which felt good.

  4. When you put it that way it really does sound like a great weekend! Good plan to look at the more positive aspects of it!

    Olivia got some legos for Christmas too but she really doesn't seem interested in them at all. She does like building towers with blocks though.

  5. I love how little ones love to clean and vacuum! All you kids and other grandchildren loved our cleaning toys - still have the vacuum! I guess we'll have to get that out for Paul when he comes next time.
    Despite the early morning wake-ups and short naps, sounds like a great weekend! You'll have to start giving him bedtime snacks to see if that helps him sleep later? Just a thought!

  6. I love the idea of putting away Christmas toys to bring out for weekends like these, when you're cooped up and need something fun to entertain Paul with! Legos are always a hit, it seems. :)

    I like this positive outlook. It can sometimes be so easy to look at the negative sides of the weekend, but even with the negative aspects, you had a good weekend!

    Highlights of my weekend were some nice long naps, visiting an Italian market with a friend, and getting baby snuggles during my writing date on Sunday!

  7. Lisa, I came over from your comment on Jeanie's post about books. I was so happy to read about your preference for physical books so your child is seeing you and your husband reading, and that wouldn't come across if you were reading an electronic book. And now this, a great way of handling toys. Some great tips for parents here!

  8. I love that you have these weekly Skype sessions with your parents... even though Paul might have a short attention span right now, it keeps them connected to his grandparents.
    This is how my sister made sure that I am "present' in my niece's and nephew's lives, even while being 6000 miles away!

  9. We have that mop at home. It was part of a cleaning set with various brooms. It was a 2nd birthday gift and a year later he’ll still play with something from the set almost daily.

  10. That is so smart to put away most of the Christmas gifts and bring them out later. All my nieces and nephews have waaaaay too much stuff.

    We had some really nice winter weather too, and the geese seemed to come back early this year. I am looking forward to a beautiful Spring ... let's just hope we can get out and enjoy it.
